Friday, December 6, 2013

"Acid" Response To Knock-Out Assaults (not a "game")

There’s some extreme responses to the new nigger trend of assaulting strangers on the streets and calling it a “game”…Some are doing the proper thing in response to it and hitting the streets as “decoys” with guns and deadly intent to take IDs from perps (after killing them on the street) to go kill their whack nigger parents for not raising them better (or executing their monster spawn, themselves, instead of turning their monsters loose on society). So, yeah, some “righteous kills” will be happening soon (dead niggers are no longer dangerous to the working, productive, taxpaying superior raced public)…It’s a righteous thing to kill the parent of a violent teen who assaults strangers and even GOD is behind stopping those nasty niggers where they stand, which is why all Americans with Black flesh who were not completely driven to repentance by what happened to Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom have been cursed and marked for eternal execution after they serve their time loops of judgement when they die…
Some never even missed a beat in their niggerism and lesserism as angels were looking on while collecting the spirits of Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom and Al Potter (and Autumn Pasquale, who was gang-raped before she was killed for her bike but the cursed nigger-loving American mainstream media covered it up). The angels were looking for a sign of remorse, or “equality”; but there were no Blacks there to lament what happened to Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, or Autumn Pasquale…no (head revolving) “reverends” showed up, because they’re not really “equal”, after all…They only respond to racial violence when it’s a nigger being hurt by another race (THEN you see the cursed little Sharptons and Jacksons make their opportunistic appearances and rioting in the streets over racial “injustice”)…Now the racism that Sharpton and Jackson instilled into the weak-minded and fueled has grown to epic proportions and has been magnified a trillion fold and then returned back upon all American niggers by all other races, including the angels and God and Christ and Lucifer and the fallen angels and all molecules of the cosmos, even the molecules of their own bodies.
No violent niggers graduate from this spirit scan, nor do their monster-spawning ghetto-fabulous, dope-man dick-chugging mamas: They go into time loops of judgement as all victims of the type of violence they were prone to (if it was Black on white violence, they even get looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom, standard punishment for all violent niggers who touched a superior white human in a violent fashion) and so do their mamas and the rest of their “infected” bloodlines at a modest rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH; and then they’re eternally executed to decontaminate the cosmos and all spirit memories they infiltrated with their violence (including those who had to see the news stories of the niggerism run amok).
Needless to say that all sub-species niggers who victimize a white (supreme) human and then refer to the assault as a “game” will be time looped and then eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their “infections” and erase the non-tamperable spirit memories they caused with their subhuman behavior that they got instilled with when they were molested and decided they loved that cock more than the breath of life, itself, but couldn’t tell no one so they act “raw” by assaulting the meek and those they perceive to be  weak (notice how the cowards never hit someone bigger than they are).
Between this assault shit and Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care, American niggers are just looking like so much eternally executed contaminants we had to come to Earth (this spirit scan) to identify and sift out from among us, eternally. It’s so relieving to know that they’ll be eternally executed after being time looped and therefore they don’t even exist right now to commit their offenses (time-space continuum level shit at work to rid the cosmos of the “infections” and “contaminants”).
Some people have resorted to hitting the streets with squirt vials of battery acid to defend themselves against the knock-out-ally challenged niggers. That’s justice: If a nigger’s trying to hit you, just squirt it with acid and watch it turn white and be “marked” as “dangerous” and “had to be taken down” by a supreme human. They should be killed for it and their IDs taken and their parents hunted down for the shit, but the acid counterattack is a solid consolation prize (at least they’ll be branded as the monsters that they truly are)…When they show up at the hospitals with acid burns, the police will know that they dropped the ball yet again in protecting a supreme productive taxpaying citizen (who pays their salaries) against a non-taxpaying jungle monkey piece of shit sub-species nigger that never should’ve been born and fell on Motuphi’s and Lucifer’s task queue to punish and rid the cosmos of via time loops and eternal execution.
Nigger mamas are being time looped and eternally executed at alarming rates and the stupid nigger whores are too insignificant and retarded to save themselves from it by disciplining their nigger monster monkeys or killing them, themselves, before they can sell their souls with violence. The nigger mamas didn’t understand “reaping” and “sowing”, so they don’t know what “reap what you sow” even means. They don’t understand that God said do NOT sow the seed of raising a violent monster that’ll do hurtful things to HIS other creations on HIS planet/spirit scan. “Do unto others as you want done to you” (in the time loops of judgement). So a nigger bitch who raises a violent little nigger who harms “crackers” must want to BE those “crackers” (in the time loops of judgement) that her nasty nigger monster offspring harmed or she would not have raised her nigger monster to be violent against the supreme white humans who support them by working and paying taxes so they can be “lesser” (as in NOT equal to the supreme overlord taxpayers who support them) niggers. These nigger mamas raise shit so incredibly subhuman and retarded that they’ll piss in their own drinking water and then drink it (that’s what they do every time they harm a superior to them white human who works and pays taxes so that nonproductive, non-taxpaying sub-species niggers like their nasty dope-man dick-chugging ghetto-fabulous mamas can collect welfare and raise monsters like them and get paid for it)…
If a nigger could only “see” this shit from anything other than a nigger’s infantile perspective, you’d see racial cleansing because he’d become a nigger-killing serial killer who kills subhuman niggers who refuse to work and have the audacity to hate “crackers” (who ironically support them, if THAT ain’t about a bitch).
Well, now the “game” is getting turned around on the sub-species niggers as people are arming themselves and booby-trapping themselves to be able to strike back against the niggers with deadly force…It’s the only way to deal with headhunter spawn, as the gang-bangers and Obama and those Detroit-raping niggers disguised as mayors and all of the violent “cracker” hating sub-species niggers in America have proven to be fact. The KKK were a bunch of superior raced prophets, because the headhunter spawn did everything they predicted they’d do, and worse, in every instance. They’re too infantile to feel shame (“neither can they blush”)…they truly are inferior to all humans who can “see” themselves and then evolve from lesser behavior (niggers just get worse, never better, not until you lay ‘em out in coffins, THEN they’re magically better/”cured”).
Never again will the “equality” argument be valid…From Obama on down, the American niggers have proven that they’re all just that:…inferior, subhuman, sub-species niggers who’re inferior to anything they call “cracker” from the moment that they think the thought “cracker” against a white supreme human who supports them and allows them to lay around on welfare spawning more monsters and undeserved hatred against the beautiful, supportive white overlords who work and get educations and never let their whole race disintegrate into the depths of depravity that American niggers have dived down to.
Now, all other entities accept the fact that niggers are inferior sub-species subhumans in Heaven and in Earth…The only entities that refuse to accept it are the inferior niggers, themselves…They never had a clue what “equality” is or they never would’ve wanted to be considered equal (and therefore expected to live up to the parameters of equality that none of them were prepared to live up to). They proved that they just can’t do it, that they’re inferior and a sub-species…Now, go hunt them down and make America safe for HUMANS again…Or GOD will do it (by any means necessary) and you may not like having to clean up the corpses and  the rivers of blood that’ll then hafta flow like Niagara Falls.
The knock-out game’s gonna get their nasty dope-man dick-chugging ghetto-fabulous nigger “bitch” “ho” mamas knocked the fuck out of the world…That’s beautiful.

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