Sunday, August 24, 2014

Foley Martyred By Masked Cowardly Infidels

Remember the description given by God/Allah/Jehovah of what an “infidel” is:
"Anyone who says they believe in ME yet denies MY SON is an infidel and worse than an imbecile." An imbecile is an Atheist. So, someone who does not even believe God exists has a better chance of mercy from God than a Muslim/Islamic infidel.
So, the Muslims and Islamics are the infidels because they deny the deity of the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah, Jesus Christ/Joshua. They will not exist in Heaven nor the New Earth, which is just this Earth devoid of all premonitions of existence that negatively effected any existences of any of God’s other creations on HIS planet that is currently in Spirit Scan mode.
Remember that anything the Muslim/Islamic infidels do to others will be repeatedly done to them and to their parents and to Mohammad the false prophet and to all who funded them or enabled them to do their evil deeds or condoned their whack behavior in the time loops of justice (after they die) before they (their spirits) are eternally executed to never exist (even now) to be the infidels they are now. So they beheaded Muhammad AGAIN…For that one beheading, (false) prophet Mohammad will be time looped AS Foley to experience that beheading he influenced at least 1,000 times (“Do unto others as you want done to you” now add the info from the hidden prophecy of Daniel, that Mohammad did not know, to finish off that sentence properly: “in the time loops of judgement, before your spirit is made to be nonexistent”)…They rape, torture, terrorize, murder and demonize themselves and the false prophet they follow, repeatedly, every time they do one of those things to another of God’s creations.
So, if Obama and American government traitors funded ISIS in any fashion, you can rest assured that they’ll be repeatedly time looped as the victims of ISIS when they die and then they’ll be eternally executed (after serving all loops to which they’re committed) to never exist to commit those atrocities against themselves and others. So, in reality, they do not even exist. They will pay for the sins they commit here as premonitions of what they would have been, had they not committed themselves to nonexistence with their whack behavior, and then they’ll be deprived of the opportunity to exist to commit those atrocities for which they had to be punished and eternally executed (preemptive strikes from the spirit scan, now you see why Christ warned against violence and greed when everything went into “premonition” mode after Satan’s incarceration).
As for the masked cowards who commit the murders, they (and their spirits and bloodlines’ spirits) are cursed in this world and committed to time loops as all victims of all Muslim/Islamic infidels, just as Mohammad the false prophet is for starting the infidel pedophile religion they represent.
We know that Foley’s spirit has already been liberated back into the cosmos, and armed to the teeth, to get revenge upon the Muslim/Islamic infidels who martyred him and all who empowered them and armed them and all who believe like them and do not fight against them, just as the spirits of all victims of all Muslim/Islamic infidels have been loosed back into the aire` (inter-dimensional cosmos) to get revenge upon those Muslim/Islamic infidels and the monsters who empowered them and continue to control their minds with weapons grade frequencies to make them run amok like pedophilic devils, murdering everyone who refuses to join them in their infidel delusion disguised as religion.
The Muslim/Islamic infidels refuse to stop being the science experiment of the rich white devils behind the scenes who’re funding everything evil we see happening. They delude themselves, much like the Arabian prince who watches snuff films deludes himself when he denies that he’ll be repeatedly time looped as those snuff film victims when he dies (along with those who produced and everyone else who created a demand for those films).
And, for the record: There is no “flag” of Allah and if there was such a flag, it would never be entrusted to the hands of a Muslim/Islamic infidel…You can bank on that fact.

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