Thursday, August 28, 2014

No Honor In China or Michigan

People are always getting Japan and China confused with each other when they spout-off about “honor”. China does not have any honor. That nation has had horrible deranged crazed tyrannical regimes, slave labor, population “control”, and even now it creates a demand for poached Ivory. Their slave-made products are cursed and laced with negative energy and karma. They have no shame about causing elephants to be extinct for Ivory, which is not all that attractive and definitely not worth the negative energy (curses and time loops) for butchering elephants for their tusks. You cannot associate “honor” to a nation like that (next, you’ll say that there’s honor in America).
There’s no honor in America, neither. They endure the 5th woe that they subject the rest of the world to with their gangsta rap and what their stereotypically ghetto music “moguls” and “DJs” have done to mainstream music, causing all music and fans of it to be cursed until Motuphi is instated to his rightful position above all of the untalented squatters in the mainstream, who’ve long overstayed their welcome…Oh, yeah, they were NOT invited: They committed Federal crimes (kidnappings of music programmers and tortures and death threats on children) to get their mind-rape disguised as music put on the airwaves and, because the Blacks are secretly known (by all) to be inferior to the whites, they were not held accountable for their crimes, never charged with them, nor were they charged for their ongoing FCC violations they commit by trading airplay to female (aHEM!) “artists” in exchange for sex (the worst demographic to ever be in music is there now, planted by the Feds and their fav snitch, Sharpton the race-baiting subhuman)…That’s how the female artists in America get record contracts and radio airplay and that’s why those who’re doing it get to “BE” those female artists in the time loops (after their mamas are looped as them, so they can “check-it-in” from their own mamas before checking-it-in from themselves). Lucifer will get revenge for what they did to his craft and for blocking his ambassador, Motuphi, and the rest of his crew out (of his craft on his turf, if that ain’t retarded and asking for some shit to happen to ya when you get time looped after you die).
There’s especially no honor in Michigan. In Detroit, the inferior Black race kept voting by color, even though the “mayors” they voted in were simple city-raping niggers who had no business in any positions of power. They raped and pillaged Detroit to death, like the gangsta rappers did to the Rap/Hip-Hop genre, causing God and Lucifer to agree that Rap would be eternally executed to never exist along with any “rappers” who resist it, except for Vanilla Ice - who gave the genre it’s short-lived credibility that was immediately stolen with the very first beat of “gangsta rap” on the airwaves; Tupac - who was sold into slavery to thuggism with a false-flag rape case designed to get him in prison and vulnerable to getting ass-fucked so he’d sign away his morals and soul and credibility just to get out of there; Motuphi - who was Detroit’s best-kept secret and the only real rapper ever to emerge from the entire state and was thoroughly cock-blocked from his rightful fame by the likes of that little mind-molesting, animal-torturing, white devil coke-ho, Eminem; and (of course) Rex Razor - who, like Motuphi, had no clue what rap had been lowered to nor what it was really being used for (there’s a reason those white devils never shut-down those gangstas in America, because they were “plants”, put there by white devils, Caucasionists, to do their bidding in exchange for fame and fortune).
Detroit also empowered Kym Worthy to subject female prisoners and juvenile wards of the state to rapes that they could not report nor charge their rapists for, committing herself to the time loops of the rapists and their mothers as their victims. If there were any white victims, then they are committed to the additional standard Black-on-white crime and violence perp time loops as Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and the MILLIONS of white rape victims and children sold to Black dope-men who abused them, as well as all animals tortured by Blacks.
Michigan empowered the governors who raped the state in every way possible, including taking away the mental institutions from the mentally disabled. They opted to criminalize and incarcerate their mentally ill, instead (fuckin’ life rapists).
Then they have the problems like in Benzie County, where law enforcement is a joke repped by a prosecutor who cannot tell the difference between a murder charge and someone who was suicidal at the time, opting to criminalize the suicidal woman instead of getting her help…leaving the county open to REAL criminals who’re dealing dope to children and cooking up meth and leaving their poisonous meth waste everywhere: In a sense, Benzie County is making the statement that they’ll allow their communities to be victimized by dope-fiend domestic terrorists with their meth-waste bombs so they can criminalize a mentally ill woman for sensational news headlines. See how that backfires? Media hound for a prosecutor sees her chance to shine on TV, criminalizing a mentally ill woman as a “murderer”; causing the real criminals to be attracted to such an area where law enforcement can be so distracted from real crime with headline grabbing “crime” “busts”. Poor Benzie County has a joke for a prosecutor and law enforcement who cannot properly pick their battles, leaving the law abiding citizens at the mercy of the real criminals…Where’s the honor in that taxpayer dollar extortion for personal vendetta agenda?
Then the whole state had that personal persecution-of-potheads agenda set forth by their joke of an Attorney General, Bill Schuette, which caused a heroine, cocaine and meth pandemic across the state, even into the once wholesome areas in the northern regions. That personal agenda left law enforcement too strapped for funds to fight real crime and the gangstas from the cities migrated to the northern small towns and set up shop, where they remain in operation to this day (while weak-assed law enforcement goes on record on the news pounding their underdeveloped chests about their marijuana busts, the dope-men are giggling, getting their dicks sucked by 12 year old little white girls for dope, white girls they’ll then sell to other gangstas to be “hoes” in other states)…Schuette transformed law enforcement into a massive joke that only protects and serves the criminals, leaving the citizens vulnerable, while it criminalizes the law abiding for the equivalent of nuisance crimes…Find any honor there? If so, you’re retarded.
Michigan continues to be dishonorable with what it did to Vincent Ciofani and his driver’s license. Ciofani admits he committed the escape offense he was charged for when he escaped from prison in the 1980s. What’s in what he does not say about the subject is that he must not have been guilty of the offense that initially got him incarcerated. They stigmatized him just to get his street gang of little nuisance thug white boys to stop with their shit in Detroit (little car-thievin’ bitches). The fact that it stopped when he went down was rumored to be mere coincidence, because he denied being able to control other people or ever being a “leader” of any “gang”. He attributed the notoriety and “undeserved” street-cred to hanging with the wrong crowd, which made him “guilty by association”.
Ciofani lost his driver’s license when he was 18 years old due to failure to take care of his shit: He was a stupid punk kid who snubbed his nose at the court system and never showed for his court dates. He had horrible examples set for him by his male role models. A corrupt judge who wanted to abuse his power (and get time looped and eternally executed for it) referred Ciofani’s license restoration to the Driver’s License Appeal Division at that time. The DLAD should’ve done their job and took the hold off of his license when they saw he got the felony charges, to give him a fresh start when he was paroled. But they did not do that. They did not even want to acknowledge that Ciofani fulfilled their AA requirements more than twice over while he was on parole and required to attend AA. The fact that Ciofani is not incarcerated for parole violations is testament to the fact that he successfully completed the full 2 year program.
When Ciofani finally got the DLAD to give him an interview, over 20 years ago now, their mean little gay faggot interviewer took a disliking to him and disregarded Ciofani’s hardships and need for his license back. The retarded fucker denied the restoration and Ciofani went off the deep end because he stated that driving meant more to him than anything else he could do on Earth. Ciofani would occasionally attempt to reacquire his driver’s license, only to find that the DLAD was still sitting on it with a hold. Here it is, 32 years later, and Ciofani still cannot get his driver’s license back. It’s like there’s not one honorable judge or lawyer in the entire state to respond to the online pleas for help for the guy. He hasn’t gone the traditional crowd-funding routes because he doesn’t want o be a “beggar”. He’s the honorable type who’d rather barter for loans, poor retard. He’s also the type who does not drive around with a suspended license like so many scofflaws, so the license suspension is a real hardship for him…
Then, tap on how scofflaws who do drive illegally all fucked-up on dope and alcohol are laughing at Ciofani’s plight and making fun of how he refuses to break laws just to drive. It seems like there’d be someone in law enforcement or the court system who’d want to spite those scofflaws enough to grant Ciofani his license restoration so he can have the last laugh before he dies. Again, where’s any semblance of honor? Where’s all the crowd funders and do-gooders to help this guy with funding to hire an attorney? What the fuck is wrong with people?
Where was the honor in those white devils stealing Lisa Marie Ciofani’s Medical Records Storage facility idea? Those white defils in Leelanau made more than $10-million per year with an empire idea they stole from Lisa Marie Ciofani (while she was homeless) and they never even credited her or gave her a dime of her money they stole. That’s “Christians” and white devils for ya (white devils do not make good friends, they backstab, as the Ciofani’s have proven by having it happen to them repeatedly). That’s part of why Traverse and Leelanau are cursed and will remain that way…Because the lowlife white devils there just turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against God’s end time Elect. They turned their backs when the Ciofanis were homeless in Traverse City in 2008. Michael Moore’s fat ass would not even respond to their contact attempts with a fuckin’ sandwich (the fat fuck). What’s that guy think he is, God of media or something? Notice how his fat ass has to pick all of the movies for that cursed-assed film fest they have out there (like they’re not trampling the Ciofani’s blood by ignoring their ongoing plight of the lost empire to that cursed-assed area)? Lisa’s attempts to network with white devils got her idea stolen from her by cursed-assed white devils who got the very land they pillage her empire on cursed, as well as the evil region where they steal the empires of homeless people instead of networking with them to share the wealth with them.
Yeah, one must be careful when tossing the word “honor” around, because honor has become a rare and precious commodity in these end times. Lisa and Vincent Ciofani have honor, real honor that’s evident in how they live and refuse to victimize others to get ahead; while those who victimize them do not and did not possess anything even remotely resembling honor (not even the “Christians” Lisa tried to league with to build her now stolen empire). When there’s honor among American Christians again, you’ll know it because someone from that demographic will try to restore the Ciofanis of some of their losses from trying to league with them. When there’s honor in law enforcement again, they’ll go after real criminals and stop the dumb shit that’s endangering the population. When there’s honor among judges, the traffic courts, or even attorneys in Michigan; Vincent Ciofani will legally be able to drive again, because 32 years without a license for being a dumb-assed kid is plenty beyond the punishment he deserved for it, especially when you consider all that it cost him.
Honor…not important to those who do not have it instilled into them due to inferior upbringing…It’s not even available in China or America, and especially not in Michigan, and most especially not in Traverse and Leelanau and the surrounding regions where they starve, rape and pillage homeless people of their empires and dignity. Imagine the karma those freaks have coming for them…that they obviously deserve.

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