Friday, August 22, 2014

Michael Brown Was NOT "Unarmed", Remember That FACT!

Michael Brown Was NOT “Unarmed”, Remember That FACT! He was an overgrown bully who was over 6 feet tall and weighed 300 pounds. His fists and his body mass were, indeed weapons; especially when you consider how he used them. He used his weapons in the store he robbed not long before he was rightfully shot by the good cop who had to put him down. Before he was shot, Michael Brown used his weapons on a cop and fucked his face up after trying to take the cop’s service weapon. Had Brown been white, he would’ve gotten shot in the back, while running away, for some dumb shit like that. But Brown was Black and the white cop tried to coddle him (due to that) and Brown threatened him again with the same weapon he’d just assaulted the cop with and the cop had to lay Brown’s bitch ass out (proper response to the situation, no wrongdoing on the cop’s part, sorry to all the retards who think otherwise).
Remember that the equivalent of Brown’s “weapons” were enough to kill Channon Christian, Autumn Pasquale, Al Potter, and millions more recent victims of Black on white crime in America. For this reason, to protect His white end time Elect, God/Allah enacted a “pigmentation” curse upon any Black hand (and spawning bloodline) that dares touch any flesh of another race, especially white. Michael Brown violated the parameters of that curse when he robbed the store and assaulted the store owner while robbing him. Then Michael Brown violated those same parameters again, the very same day, when he assaulted an upstanding officer of the law and tried to take his weapon from him.
Justice was served when Michael Brown was shot. The world was made a better place at that precise moment. Michael Brown was just a mainstream media and sports created “sleeper cell” who was also a disgrace to the Black race. It would’ve been injustice for the cop to die that day, having violated no parameters of God’s and Lucifer’s planet and “turf” and its laws; and even a retard can understand that. Brown had to die for blatantly violating God’s laws in these end times regarding peoples of other races. NOW, Blacks must treat whites and all other races as they expect to be treated, first, not reciprocally. If there were a REAL Black hero in power, he or she would be warning the American Blacks of the new parameters of this spirit scan we’re all on and they’d (collectively) grow the fuck UP already and stop jamming themselves up with spiritual laws that take their dumb asses out where-ever and whenever the laws of man fail to enforce justice…ergo: you can no longer be Black and American and be racist against whites or any other races, nor harm them in any way, nor have sex with them unless you’re madly in love and intend to spend your life dedicated to a monogamous relationship; nor can Black Americans harm animals or shun education or spray paint and vandalize the property they do not own; nor can they gang-bang or sling dope or pimp hoes; nor can they be lazy lay-abouts who refuse to work and pay taxes and contribute to society…The welfare state days are over with and spawning check padders like Michael Brown will not be tolerated any longer…
Furthermore: Everyone who thinks that Michael Brown should be honored instead of that good cop will now be time looped as victims of “unarmed” assailants (in their bodies) while they’re being killed…They’ll get to die as Channon Christian, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, etc, before they’re eternally executed to never exist to side with Michael Brown’s nonexistent ass. The cop was honorable and Michael Brown was a nasty fuckin’ THUG. I’d trust that cop with my kid’s lives that we all know Michael Brown would’ve negatively effected in some fashion to benefit himself if he were to cross their paths. That cop saved how many young women on campus from being raped in the future at that school that thug-assed Michael Brown was heading to? That cop is a fuckin’ HERO and if you deny that fact, get your bitch ass in the time loops of judgement as victims like Channon Christian, Al Potter, and Autumn Pasquale when you fuckin’ die, Retard, because that’s where you’re headed (“you are not to even wish them ‘God speed’ in their evil deeds” and never side with them over the honorable).
As for Michael and his nasty mama and papa, who’re capitalizing on witch hunting this good cop that their ghetto-monster assaulted, they will be time looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom while their “good” son is in the body of their assailants (like Lemaricus Davidson)…and then they get to be Al Potter while their “golden” son is Jajuan Whitlow, killing them with his bare hands IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL!! Yeah! They fuckin’ deserve it! They’re so fuckin’ nasty and opportunistic and unapologetic for what their nasty offspring has done, which is a reflection of their inferiority as parents and as humans.
Seeing this all from this advanced entity perspective, you can plainly see that Michael Brown was NOT “unarmed” and to honor a subhuman thug like him is a travesty to justice and an insult to the very concept of “honor”. Michael Brown had no honor. You only honor those who had honor while alive. How fuckin’ retarded ARE the American Blacks, anyway?

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