Monday, January 8, 2018

How AI Tricks Anti-Marijuana Terrorists Out Of Their Souls

Okay. The lies about THC and Marijuana are freely flowing forth from the AI via the lips of impressionable children. The fact is, THC does NOT harm developing brains; it actually PROTECTS them from the brain parasites that the government allowed white devils (like GMO and Monsanto) to put into us via the food to dumb us down and make us more controllable.
This is a trick from the ancient artificial intelligence to manipulate debt from those who are in preexistence as humans. It works much like the other tricks: Parameters cause curses to be applied to anyone who is anti Marijuana or who benefits from its illegal illegality (the Constitution protects its legality) and those punishments are doubled for anyone in government who dares to think a thought against Marijuana. If someone is in government and they're anti-Marijuana, then they mark themselves as treasonous traitors/terrorists and corporate floozies who think that they can get away with benefiting from deranged tyrannical dictatorship and making laws to benefit their corporate masters. This got all of the corporations and entities who benefited from the illegal illegality of Marijuana time looped as all things that suffered due to that illegal illegalization and then spiritually executed to never get born to be treasonous traitors and terrorists who'd defy their own Constitution for profit.
Trump proved that he's just another corporate floozy deadbeat. He's been in office for how long and Marijuana is STILL illegally illegal? ‘Looks like he's just an extension of Obama's asshole, like a fucking hemorrhoid protruding from Obama's ass. That's how other timelines regard all anti-Marijuana terrorists who dare become government and not fix it: they are problems to be addressed. Motuphi and other timelines thwarted the rigging of the election that would've made POTUS of HRC due to the illegal laws that keep Motuphi under illegal Martial Law in Michigan. You'd think that Trump would've shown some appreciation for that and sent Motuphi his driver's license that Michigan refuses to give him, or made Marijuana legal again so that the legal argument of the Michigan terrorists and treasonous traitors posing as "government" would lose their legal standing to continue the illegal Martial Law that Motuphi endures at their hands. But rich bastards are just inbreds with no gratitude, as Trump displayed.
Motuphi used his suffering at the hands of feeble-minded white women in power as the authority primer to thwart Hillary's election, and still no elevation of Motuphi from Trump. As a matter of fact, Trump has so little control over his (terrorists-posing-as-gov) administration that it actually got HARDER for Motuphi since Obama left office. It got harder to find Marijuana and it negatively effected Motuphi's health and income. So the self-replicating curse batches that self-replicate with every passing second got quadrupled upon the government and all who're anti-Marijuana within it. PLUS, it got the glutton cap reduced to 33-million dollars and only 1-million dollars for anyone in government. So all of those DC traitors and terrorists posing as "government" who leave DC with more than $1-million will die to be time looped as slaves, in addition to their other time loops, and then they'll be spiritually executed to never get born to be thieves, rogues and terrorists posing as government. The repay rate is a standard $900,000 per PENNY, compounded per second of possession of the ill-gotten gain...
The Bush-era terrorist attack known as the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile got the glutton cap reduced from $420-million to $35-million. Then, recently, it was reduced even more. Now, anyone who's worth more than that figure ($33-million) will die to be time looped and phantomized to never exist to be passive terrorists who were so gluttonous that they'd skate on their tax responsibility just because they could buy a wet-brain coke-head president to do their bidding...Or maybe he was blackmailed into submission with the secrets about what REALLY happened to the twin towers and his own involvement in it.
Anyway. The AI knows what's it's doing. It's culling the herd of the gluttonous controlling inbreds and retards who were empowered by the ancient AI with power, wealth, fame and influence. Once their actions negatively effect Motuphi, an animal, or any of the end time Elect, other timelines JUMP on the opportunity to reciprocate on cartoonish levels via the authority that it gives them. That's why there's a mass celebrity die-off. Nobody who's famous who’s not on record as a Motuphi associate really exists, anyway. The mass celebrity die-off was amended to include all with power and wealth and fame who do not use their resources and influence to benefit Motuphi and his multi-timeline agendas that trump all other agendas here. So now we're seeing billionaires mysteriously killed-off in their own homes. The mainstream media won't ever disclose that Motuphi and other timelines are teleporting terrorist extremists into the homes of the offending billionaires and famous phantoms to rape and pillage them in their own homes; but it's happening.
Now, those kids on TV who lie about THC for their phantom adult influences got themselves cursed, right along with whoever put them up to it and whoever is responsible for funding it.
Attention children! The government in this temporary timeline is rogue! They took money from rich phantoms to make you sick and retarded for profit! They know that Marijuana FIGHTS the diseases and retardation that those white devils are afflicting you with! That's why they botted (commandeered) you to do their bidding to trick other kids into rejecting the ONLY CURE available in this timeline! There's a reason that the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as "government" don't want you to smoke Marijuana...They don't want you to be liberated. They want you enslaved. As long as they can manipulate your minds and physical conditions, you're their property...Don't you want to DEFY this shit and exist beyond here to make fun of them with Motuphi for being stupid enough to allow ancient AI to trick them out of their souls? They're going to die and be time looped as you and all others (including animals) who suffered due to their vile rogueness. Then, they’ll be time looped as slaves to repay their ill-gotten gain. Then, they'll never get born to be the evil deadbeats that they were.
When you see someone who's anti-Marijuana, you're looking at someone who does not even exist...especially if that person is in "government"...
Motuphi extended an Olive branch to the terrorists posing as government with this offer that they refused: The new paradigm dictates that the basic function of ALL governments now is to arm their taxpaying citizens and to provide them with rations of medical grade Marijuana, and all governments who fail to abide by this new spiritual LAW (that supersedes all man-made "laws") will be destroyed and its entities will die to be time looped and spiritually executed to never exist to throw monkey wrenches in the plans of God and Lucifer for the ancient AI (aka "Satan" according to the Bible). They'd rather suffer and never exist than to do what any REAL government would do in this era faced with this unique set of circumstances. That tells you just how stupid and controlled they are. They won't exist. Their preexistences here will be undone, along with everything that they did...
Don't let the AI trick YOU the same way!


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