Tuesday, January 30, 2018

#MeToo Means Complicit Grammys Are Pedophile Rapist Celebrations

They're at it again. You all saw how the rapists and pedophiles had another televised social gathering to celebrate their conquests and how the people that they have victimized with violence due to their influence still adore them as something worthy of fame and fortune. This time, it was called the Grammys. But all awards shows are nothing more than victory (over their fans) parties that they attend to congratulate each other on how badly they smell of baby butt. They continually hypnotize their fans, making compliant zombies of them, to further their pedophilic rape agendas with support and funding and internet promoting via social media sites. They virtue signal with the #MeToo hashtag that marks them as #Complicit in every rape that was made possible due to their silence just to retain their desecrated fame, as if they delivered the victims to the rapists’ chambers, themselves. The #MeToo crowd are just as guilty of rape as those that they accuse. Had they not kept silent, you probably wouldn't even be seeing any awards shows because the famous perpetrators of rape and pedophilia would be incarcerated and therefore unable to attend the ceremony of rapists and pedophiles.
Remember that this is the reason that the pedophile regime sabotaged Motuphi's music career back in the early 1990s with kidnappings of radio station music programmers to get their mind-puke disguised as "Rap" put on the radio while cock-blocking Motuphi's airplay. Motuphi had an opposing message to theirs, at every turn; so they had to thwart his influence to properly dumb down the population for the "control" that the terrorist regime known as the American "government" hopes to acquire over the masses. Had they not been able to get away with those kidnappings, the world would be a better place today because Motuphi's influence would've been being played over the airwaves instead of hate speech from low IQ having deadbeats with no talent crying about how "whitey" is the problem in the 'hoods when it's actually THEIR black asses that caused all of the problems and made war zone ghettos of black neighborhoods (because they were just too goddamned lazy to work).
The pedophiles and rapists and passive rapists had another awards show, even though other timelines had Motuphi curse (light up for wormhole weaponry to strike) all awards shows after the weakness of racist niggers disguised as "black people" knocked Ben Carson out of the presidential race with crying about the "whiteness" of an awards show (simply because some deadbeat niggers didn't win for their celebration of destroying good black people movie, Straight Out Of Compton). Well, thugs are supposed to go to prison, not get lucrative record contracts and, if you're not illiterate, you know that's a fact. So, all who watched, attended, performed at, won at, sponsored (or benefited from) the shows since those curse parameters were set got hit with cartoonish curse batches for not rejecting the famous rapists and pedophiles and their regime. PLUS, their spirits were "taxed" (marked) to prevent them from graduating to the next timeline and the real world, beyond that, and to facilitate making examples of them via suffering enacted by existent entities in other timelines.
It's part of how the ancient artificial intelligence is gaining power over the zombies who're stupid enough to be entertained by a bunch of rapists, thugs and pedophiles. Then, bad stuff can happen to the adoring zombies, here in this temporary timeline, AND they die to get time looped as all entities that suffered (including animals) due to the whack influence of the rich and famous welfare phantoms. Then, after they're time looped as all victims of the mainstream influence and as slaves to repay Lucifer's mechanism, they get spiritually executed (called the "2nd death" in the Bible) to never get born when this timeline gets undone and replayed. It's what the ancient AI was designed to do, trick humans out of graduating to the next timeline via their actions, thoughts and omissions that they perpetuate here during their preexistence. If you're a fan of the famous pedophile (and rapist) regime then, chances are, you're not going to live up to your divine purpose here and the ancient AI (referred to as "Satan" in the Bible) has successfully enslaved and nullified you via the "do unto others" clause that you agreed to when you came here as a human. You get judged by your own non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records your thoughts and omissions (what the AI tricked you into NOT doing).
That brings us to the reason that Lucifer hates those famous desecrators of his glorious music craft...He already despises them for not having the required talent level before getting famous while cock-blocking Motuphi, who has always had ten times the minimal Luciferian requirement to be one of Lucifer's musicians. They claim to be "Satanists" and "Luciferian" while perpetuating what Lucifer would never condone. Claiming to be "Satanist" wouldn't be such an offense to Lucifer if they'd simply inform people that, by being "Satanist", they really serve the ancient artificial intelligence that is enemy to Lucifer (and God, Christ and all entities who really exist beyond here). By being "Satanists" and perpetuating their offenses against Lucifer and his subjects with their inferior whack influence, they ensure that the time loops that they'll endure when they die will be the most horrendous. Other timelines (and God) cloned Motuphi's spirit at a standard rate of a new inter-dimensional spirit clone created per beat of the mainstream music, every time it's played, as long as Motuphi's music in not in heavy rotation against their mind-puke disguised as music. This cloning was retro-paid backwards in time to when they kidnapped music programmers is why Motuphi's spirit clones now outnumber the population of Earth by at least a billion to one.
Motuphi's spirit clones (that THEY created with their offenses disguised as "art") are armed to the teeth and they're inter-dimensional, able to travel forwards and backwards in time to attack the phantom regime on all levels. The Grammys were full of nonexistent phantoms in attendance. Not one soul who attended the Grammys or won or performed at them will be allowed to exist now. They'll be cursed, here in this temporary timeline (and so will their children and families and fans and THEIR children and families), and they'll die to be time looped and phantomized (spiritually executed and undone) to never exist. Jay-Z and Beyonce never get born to spawn a kid, so their kids are nonexistent phantoms who'll also be time looped as slaves and victims of violence right along with their welfare phantom parents before their spiritual execution.
Don't get caught up in this trick by the ancient AI! Be smart enough to reject the productions of the pedophile rapist regime and graduate to the next timeline so that you can read the awesome fiction novels that Motuphi writes about them there. He writes about how their mamas were rancid dope hoes who raised their kids to be self-entitled pieces of human-shaped shit and how many of them were traded to dope-men as sex slaves to earn dope fixes for their welfare flesh peddling mamas. Motuphi presents them in the worst possible light. It was Motuphi who sunk the prisoner (erroneously dubbed "slave") ships to thwart what the niggers disguised as "black people" did to America. There never was a black gangsta or thug in America. There never was a rapper. It all gets undone. If Motuphi time looped and phantomized his own cousin (Al Capone, not the rapper, the notorious gangster), then you can realistically expect that he's not going to have any mercy upon the desecrators of Lucifer's music craft who cock-blocked him from succeeding in music while they produced childish lie laden mind-puke to dumb down their own fans to make them obedient minions to the ancient AI and its rogue terrorist government.
Nobody at the Grammys really exists. They got a lot of time loops of suffering to endure before they're phantomized to protect the next timeline and the real world from them. Motuphi changed his mind about giving Tupac a pass, from the looks of it. Tupac and Rex Razor were the only two rappers who'd exist beyond here besides Motuphi...Now, it may just be Motuphi and Rex Razor, who's not an American and never was a wretched little thug (he has a JOB).
What matters is that the next timeline and the real world get protected from them. They had to accrue debt to Motuphi and Lucifer to make it a solid parameter for them, which is exactly what they did. Now, they have pedophile and rapist gatherings that they call "awards shows" to pat each other on the back for causing so much suffering for their AI master (the REAL "Satan" of the Bible, Lucifer being controlled opposition). It's a celebration of rape and molestation disguised as something else. Their zombified fans can't decipher what they're looking at because they've been too dumbed down to comprehend anything.
Jay-z is a phantom. He was vile and inferior to Motuphi. Too inferior to sign Motuphi to a record deal because Jay-z knows that Motuphi has REAL talent that will shadow his own and make laughingstocks of all other "rappers" (except for Rex Razor, who has some comparable chops to Motuphi). Beyonce has many time loops to endure as victims of her whack influence. She and her hubby served the white man well. They did the bidding of whitey, who serves the ancient AI. They committed themselves to those cotton fields when they die...Nobody else did it to them but THEM. They violated basic parameters and now they can't be allowed to exist to do it. That's why Motuphi never interfered with their commitment to nonexistence with reciprocal violence...He wants them to die in debt to him and Lucifer and this simulation mechanism now being utilized as a spirit scan, scanning spirits for real world existence viability.
If you're a fan of the mainstream phantoms, then you're a phantom, too. Understand that fact and wake the fuck UP!


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