Friday, October 20, 2017

La David’s Mama Shows Trump What A Qua Is

Okay. Trump found out the hard way what a Qua is when he called the family of fallen soldier La David Johnson, didn’t he? Now, you can understand why God made those demands from BLM and all Blacks backing or condoning their niggerism and Nazism. If a bitch named her kid a stupid fuckin’ name that could sabotage his working career as an adult, then she’s too mentally inferior to spawn. Time loops and phantomization of those Quas will undo them to never spawn their stupid name having children. If those kids were going to graduate from this mechanism despite the enormous challenge of being born to a Qua, then they’ll get born to families of those who did graduate.
For future reference, to keep any more curses from swallowing up the Black race, let’s all be careful to avoid any interaction with any Quas that may act out and cause other timelines to strike ALL Blacks for allowing them to exist among us.
This means you, too, Trump! If the bitch has a stupid name or a kid with a stupid name, use a mediator and make sure the interaction is recorded. Those are opportunistic feeble-minded niggers (not Black people) that you’re dealing with in America due to allowing the hate speech (Rap/Hip-Hop) to be played on the radio instead of incarcerating the nigger phantoms who did the kidnappings. But you also abide by double standards that became evident in the 1950s and 1960s when you killed off and incarcerated all white gangstas and allowed the likes of phantom nigger Tookie and his peers to run amok being thugs and gangstas in the ‘hoods to get revenge on the Blacks who were too POWERful to join the welfare recipients and thugs marching on Washington behind the Nazi nigger MLK Jr. Sent them inferior niggers to kill off all superior Blacks in the ‘hoods who ain’t scummy niggers like them and thought you’d never get called on that shit? Stupid whitey. Now you gets to die and be time looped as those superior Blacks that were victimized by the inferior niggers you utilized before you never get born to perpetuate that shit. Duh!
How come so many Blacks are homophobic and yet act like they wouldn’t kill Malcolm x for being the stone cold faggot that HE was? How come Blacks are so feeble-minded in America? You, yourselves, should be fighting against what famous niggers are doing! They should be AFRAID to be your color and kneel during an anthem or deal drugs or refuse to work or call themselves rapping with racial epithets and hate speech. Where are the Black race cleansers? There’s MILLIONS of Blacks in America that we must cleanse our race of now...Start with the rappers and sports figures and reality show stars and work your way down until even their fans have been eradicated...It’d be just that easy...They’d get jobs, THEN, yo, the few you leave standing.
When you rise up to be equal to the whites that you hate so badly, you’ll see that whites DO cleanse their race: they kill them and incarcerate them. But Blacks make “role models” out of the same TRASH and give them huge sports and music contracts and millions of dollars...NOPE! They gonna get time looped when they die, even as SLAVES, to repay that ill-gotten gain. Then, after their spiritual executions, they’ll never get born to be inferior niggers that somehow got elevated as role models instead of being put back in the ground where they belonged.
Bottom line is this, you ridiculous ungrateful nigger qua bitches, you: When someone shows you a solid, you don’t act like an inferior little nigger and pick that person apart for their wording of it...You ridiculous nigger scum skank assed BITCH! Now get your Black ass in them time loops and PICK that goddamned COTTON and BE them sex slaves and all who had to make products for your ungrateful nigger fuckin’ ass and be spiritually executed to NEVER exist to be a fuckin’ QUA nigger whore who can’t even be trusted to name your kid properly!
Ugly nigger shit! When will there be some GOOD shit that an American nigger did? WHEN, Niggas, WHEN?! NEVER?!?!


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