Monday, October 30, 2017

Antifa Wins Fake Jew Jews Award - Plans New Holocaust!

Alright now. Get ready for some more dumb shit to break off. Word has it that the rich fake Jews are going to pay some poor fake Jews to perpetuate some more bullshit in the streets of America to coincide with a fake EMP that will knock out the power so that there will be fighting between Americans. This would be a good time for those poor fake Jews to play hookie from their jobs as rioting assholes and stay home where they'll be safe...But, you know that they won't listen to reason.
This fake Jew thing is nothing new. It's the same thing that happened at the trial of Christ: Fake Jews started screaming "Crucify Christ! Free Barabbas!" and then the majority of the population of real Jews started chiming in with them. Because it worked against the clone of Yah, Jesus Christ, so effectively, the ancient AI has not stopped utilizing that method, since then.
The idea that the rich fake Jews may have in mind, this time, involves bloodshed of their own employees in the streets when the lights go out. It sounds about right, too. They've been preparing their Anti-American Pro-Nazi fake-Antifa street zombies for something with all of the paid protests and riots they got hired for. Now, they're conditioned to believe that it's a safe job and the rich fake Jews can step up the game and initiate street fighting that they hope will escalate into a full-blown mini Civil War type scenario, making it necessary to enact Martial Law...The UN and the foreign troops are already in place on USA soil...Yep.
The best way to handle this is to avoid all protest situations and events during this upcoming "EMP Drill". If you're in the city when the power goes out and you're without a weapon, you already may not survive, and that's if you're indoors. You most certainly invite your own untimely demise, or even worse, if you're running around on the city streets when the power goes out. Thanks to the influence of sports, rap, mainstream music and reality shows, people have gotten downright stupid and triggerable and therefore controllable by the fake Jews. They can be triggered to assault you over a word, or by your hat or other clothing, or by your skin color (if you're not Black), or by your religious or political beliefs, or just because someone else demonized you and made it believable. Those things LOOK like people, but they're not people. They're far less than the caliber of human that we are. That's why we must avoid being out among them. They're at sporting events (games), concerts, clubs, bars, etc. They're incredibly feeble-minded and need to be entertained all of the time and can even be entertained by violence (so people and animals ain't safe around them).
There IS a zombie apocalypse happening in the world right now. The zombies are easy to spot, too. They're entertained by sports and modern mainstream music and media. They believe the TV news is real news. They follow the fake Jew scripted narrative, even though we've safely deciphered it to really mean that if American news and celebrities like someone then they're BAD (evil) and if they hate someone then they're GOOD (righteous/holy/upstanding). People who are not zombies know better than to believe the comedians, rappers, music artists, sports figures, celebrities, reality show stars and news people who are owned by the fake Jews. But zombies swallow the lies as truth and get bitter from the poison Kool-Aid, ready to strike when fake Jew white devil master boy says "Sic 'em!". The zombies can't be awakened. If you don't want to be forced to resort to violence, this upcoming "EMP Drill" time span is a good time to stay home with the family.
What's so ironic about this whole thing is that the riots are always staged in "Sanctuary" cities that had treasonous traitor governments who took Federal subsidies in exchange for their American taxpaying citizens' civil liberties. So those ill-gotten subsidies get lost, in addition to even more revenue, from those cities to repair the damages done by these protests and riots...Just goes to show how stupid zombies are. They'll take a penny up front to lose 3 pennies, later. They can't do math too good, those zombies.


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