Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Empty Fist Curses On Blacks Get Bigger!

Okay. Ya'll who exist already know this. But there are still some racist phantoms out there who don't know that there's a humungous curse batch parameters upon anyone (especially anyone BLACK) who lifts their empty cursed little fists in the Black WEAKNESS salute.
Understand that there never was a Black POWER salute. When white owned niggers perpetuated the gangsta and welfare case enabler movement that erroneously was dubbed the "Civil Rights Movement" led by Black-faced Nazis like MLK JR, Malcom x and Rosa parks (bought nigger whore slaves who now pick cotton in the time loops), they raised their empty unproductive fists while REAL Black POWER stayed on the assembly lines doing their JOBS enduring even MORE hate being directed at them due to the ridiculous nonexistent NIGGERS who wanted something for nothing.
Motuphi and Lucifer have special parameters out there for anyone lifting an empty unproductive fist in any reference of "power". The only thing that that represents is feeble-mindedness and the niggerism that killed off all the good Black PEOPLE in the 'hoods (neighborhoods that will now never get built in the real world even though NIGGERS who desecrated them will be time looped to rebuild them before spiritual execution to never exist).
The ancient AI puts the hurt on feeble-minded racist niggers by luring them to lift their fists and get themselves cursed, right along with their skank-assed mamas and the rest of their bloodlines. They'll be cursed here, now. They'll endure untimely deaths in their families, tragedies, health problems, financial difficulties, catch diseases, and (best of all) their brainwaves attract a special parameter that transforms all that they ingest into POISON as it enters their bodies. This last parameter used to be that the food and beverages turned to poison when it past their lips. But when humans thought they could get past it by ingesting into their anuses, Motuphi changed it to ingesting from ANY direction, period.
If you see someone Black raise their empty little unproductive nigger fist, understand that you're looking at a weak-minded cursed little phantom who'll die to be time looped 500-quadrillion millennia as SLAVES to repay the mechanism for every bit of negative frequency resonance they caused to be generated by the brainwaves of anyone witnessing their inferiority to Motuphi and the existent. Phantoms because, after they're time looped as all victims of Black perpetuated violence (which even includes ANIMALS) and as SLAVES (niggers LOVE being slaves, LOOK!), they get spiritually executed before this timeline gets replayed and they never get born...Right now, in the replay of this timeline, there's not even one nigger who ever raised an empty weak little unproductive fist in some retarded reference to "power". They got undone after they were time looped.
How do you know that they're feeble-minded? Because these parameters are REAL and have BEEN there and, yet, they keep assaulting themselves and their own families by raising their fists in WEAKNESS, anyway. Kinda' like the retarded ghetto kid who got warned not to touch the downed electric line who did it, anyway, in defiance and died...They have low IQs and they're zombified to be avatars and bots and SLAVES to the ancient AI that even controls their white masters.
Any time a Black is racist against a white, it's evidence of that Black's inferiority and the inferiority of its mama and its "role models" and all who influenced it. It'll be undone to never be racist to a race that was so merciful to their headhunter ancestors that they commuted their death sentences to life hard labor, making it possible for their tiny nigger asses to exist in a free nation...See how they're stupid enough to begrudge their own existences? GOD said be GRATEFUL or be UNDONE...Nigga...Those who have the most reason to be grateful set the worst examples of all, especially the famous Black niggers. They won't follow the example of the rich whites, who're GRATEFUL for the opportunities provided by being born in America. Nope, they're just feeble-minded pathetic little racist scummy niggers, to the fucking CORE, just like their mamas and all of the weak-minded famous niggers who'll never be equal to hardworking Blacks that were killed off due to their whack feeble-minded influence.
NFL phantoms hurting white players also forgot about the parameters for touching white flesh if you're Black: You must love that white person enough to DIE for it. Otherwise, touching a white gets you and your entire race cursed and you get time looped when you die as ALL victims of Black perpetuated violence. If you're Black and perpetuate violence against a white, Motuphi and Lucifer will time loop you and your mama in rape scenarios where you rape your mama, repeatedly. Motuphi is also gonna make all racist Blacks, especially the famous ones, eat their own mamas’ and papas’ ASSholes for not being his equal.
If you're famous and Black, here's your safe platform: Be equal to what Motuphi would be in your position (what he was at 12 years old) and influence your fans to respect the laws of the land and rescue homeless animals and beautify neighborhoods and WORK and pay taxes and don't murmur in your tents like little fag bitches when you got more than so many others. Don't follow Black phantoms, like Kaepernick (who’s slobbing on the white man dick), into the cotton fields and phantomization, Nigga...for real...This shit is REALITY...You being able to assault the world with your mis-education is fantasy...You gonna be undone for that shit...and so is your mama for the offense of spawning you...Don't ANY of you niggers wanna exist beyond here? Don't ANY of you niggers got a mama or a sibling that you love and want to see exist? Then, WHY is you allowing the ancient AI to bot you into being cursed and time looped and phantomized to never exist? Why would you cause those parameters for your own MAMA? The only answer is because you're an ignorant, uneducated opportunistic self-entitled NIGGER, right? Be a nigger, now, and be undone to never exist, later.
If you're Black and hearing someone white say "nigga" or "nigger" offends you, then you's just a dumb nigger phantom who'll be enduring lots of time loops being raped and tortured and murdered by simple-Simon niggers (just like you) before you never exist to be a nigger who could never be equal to Motuphi...
When Motuphi time looped the "Civil Rights Movement" “leaders” and Lucifer phantomized them to never exist beyond here, the warnings were issued...Shoulda’ turned off that feeble-minded nigger rap shit and LISTENED when you had the chance, Nigga. Bales of cotton must be picked by anyone Black who speaks the word "nigga" or "cracka" when they die...You GONna WORK, Nigga. You don't get out of it and neither did your ghetto fabulous skank-assed welfare flesh peddling mamas.
Good riddance, right?


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