Thursday, October 12, 2017

When Christians Are A Threat - True Story - Real Life Drama

This is another story from Grayling, Michigan. In this story, a white devil Christian is poisoning some baby skunks, some homeless cats, and the pets of unsuspecting neighbors with mothballs. This “Christian” doesn’t like it that his neighbor feeds the homeless cats. The gas from the extreme amount of poison mothballs has made the content provider, his wife and their pets ill. Their pets have developed skin irritations that cause them to scratch until their fur is gone. This happens every time that that evil white devil “Christian” fucker throws those mothballs out there, which is pretty often, from what we can gather from the video.

The content provider has another video where he talks about how that same white devil Christian’s solution to the homeless cat problem is to “kill them”...Yeah. You can see why the content provider said that other timelines’ idea of a solution for the homeless animal population is to cull the human herd of people like that fucked up “Christian”.


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