See? Motuphi’s a helluva motherfucker, yo! Always extending undeserved mercy to the unmerciful.
This is not to you if you're not rich and famous (so, go away). Comments are disabled to protect you from yourself (reciprocal curse batches). Just because I'm a GOD compared to all of them, combined, I'm feeling merciful towards them and want to ensure that what's about to happen is what they all want. The Spirit of Exposure WILL overturn every rock and shine light into every dark crevice in Hollywood if they continue... Please support this channel. You don't need a PayPal account to donate using this link https:// Thanks for your support. #RichFamous #WelfarePhantoms #Hollywood #LastChance #SettleUp #NYC #Sports

This offer must not be on the table any longer. Just checked on 10/28/2017 and the video is unlisted.