Monday, October 9, 2017

Youtube/Google Still Suiciding Themselves With Reciprocal Curses

What you see covered in this video has happened to Motuphi already, many times. As a matter of fact, none of his current videos display the actual real view counts because youtube set their bots to automatically delete the counts. So his videos may have more likes and dislikes than view counts. Youtube/Google engaged in censoring of Motuphi’s content and got themselves hit from other timelines with curse batches (in retaliation) and lost BILLIONS of dollars from ad revenue. Did Youtube/Google do the SMART thing and restore Motuphi and the others it censored? No. They got even worse. Then, youtube/Google took down a completely innocent video uploaded by Motuphi and said that it violated their terms guidelines as “hate speech”. This double standard got more curse batches thrown at Youtube/Google because you can still find Rap/Hip-Hop, Antifa and BLM (hate speech) videos all over youtube.
It’s not enough for us that Youtube/Google people will die and be time looped as all victims of the violence that they were censoring truthers from warning us about and then be time looped as SLAVES to repay their ill-gotten gain and then be spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate what required their time loopage and phantomization...We want them to suffer, here, NOW, right before our eyes, too! That’s why they got curse batched so thoroughly that they better abstain from having children, who’ll be cursed by those same curse batches, or be plagued with watching them suffer, unnecessarily.
To the people who think like the rogue fuckers at Youtube/Google we issue this simple warning: If you’re a subhuman (white devil or otherwise) who’d circumvent humanity to serve ancient artificial intelligence, then your children will be regarded by other timelines as a THREAT to humanity, just as YOU are, and they’ll be dealt heavy blows from the cosmos for what YOU did and are doing. Anything about that that you can’t understand? You seem to be illiterate, or the other warning would’ve gotten Motuphi’s (innocent) removed video put back up and all of his demonetized videos re-monetized. You seem to be illiterate, like the obedient circus monkeys that you’ve become; unable to heed simple warnings or follow basic guidelines. You must watch a lot of sports, being that stupid, huh? Well, sports gets undone, right along with you and the rappers and the TOS violators that you did leave up on Youtube for the world to see...
How you like us NOW? Don’t fuckin’ matter what you like, Bitch, ‘cause you never get born to like it. Fuck YOU!


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