Monday, October 16, 2017

God’s Demands of BLM

Alright, now. Ya'll know that Motuphi had refused to respond to Black Lives Matter (BLM) because he doesn't let George Soros control him like those slave niggers be doing. But Motuphi recently shared some stuff that God demands of BLM now that they made their ludicrous demands of white people. He said he wasn’t gonna share it and just let them accrue a debt that they won’t even know that they owe. But, then, he’d be as low as the rappers, sports figures, reverends and other Blacks (like Malcolm x, MLK Jr, Rosa Parks, etc) bought by Whitey to betray the Black race:
God's demands to/of all BLM members, donors, funders and followers and those who condone it are as follows:
-> Get a JOB. Pay taxes. Work with your own two hands. Be productive.
-> Find someone white or an animal that's been victimized by someone Black and pay the tithe (the 10% of your income that you owe Me/God) to those entities.
-> Beautify your yard, house and neighborhood. Mow your grass. Plant flowers and hedges like what used to be in the ghettos before the Gangsta and Welfare Demographic Enabler Movement aka the “Civil Rights Movement” destroyed the ‘hoods and Black pride and stole Black Power and replaced it with raising unproductive, complaining little fists that won’t do anything good, ever, yet expect good things to magically appear and be done, somehow (”My Black ass won’t do it. Oh-oh, NO! But some WHITE motherfuckers better come along and do it FOR me, though, or I’s gonna bitch, stomp my ghetto little feet, burn down some cities and cry “racism”!”).
-> Rebuild any cities that were damaged by your influence and fix all vandalism that occurred during your riots and protests, with your own money and your own hands. Shut your MOUTHS and use your HANDS and resources to set the proper example of what you want others to do.
-> Stop listening to Rap/Hip-Hop and stand up against it as dangerous mind-numbing Hate Speech (just look at YOU, who’s a fan of it). Do your part to get the gangsta rappers who got away with kidnappings more than 25 years ago to get their mind-puke put on the radio charged with their Federal kidnapping charges and incarcerated. Their money should be given to white (and animal) victims of Black perpetuated violence.
-> Get Al Sharpton incarcerated for not paying taxes. He won’t shut up. He’s Cancerous, poisonous, venomous, nasty.
-> Denounce sports and start legislation to make all sports owners and venues repay the taxpayer dollars that were funneled to them over the years.
-> Reject reality shows and all famous Blacks who exhibit even the slightest bit of racism towards other races, especially towards the American whites who commuted the death sentences of the African murderous headhunters to life hard labor, making it possible for you to live in a free nation to be parasites owned by rich white devils instead of proud productive warriors who have your own incomes and can’t be bought.
-> Make all Blacks understand that raising an empty unproductive fist is the epitome of Black WEAKNESS: Because, historically, while welfare cases and lazy, good for nothing thugs followed (secret Nazi sell-out) MLK Jr to Washington to make Blacks look like weak feeble-minded lazy assed parasites, Black POWER stayed on the job and endured even more racism due to the antics of those bed-fabulous niggers who rioted and marched and did everything except for get motherfucking JOBS and contribute to the society that they helped to tear down. Make your race understand that you were bought by Whitey just like the "Civil Rights" "leaders" were (Black Nazis who could be bought to betray their own blood, just like Soros, their God and master), back in the day.
-> Act like there's cameras on you, at all times, even when it looks like you got complete privacy. Don't do anything you wouldn't want played on a video in a court room, for real. You’re equipped with non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory while you’re here in your rental body that you’re supposed to pay rent on by WORKING with your own 2 hands. Your spirit memory records everything, even your thoughts and omissions (stuff you should do, but don’t do). Be aware of that. God wants YOU to know it. Your master, Soros, does. He’s deliberately making you accrue a debt so you gotta join him in the cotton fields in the time loops when you die (understand).
-> Stop saying "cracka" and "nigga" and learn how to properly talk. Get educated, so you can be a threat to Whitey in the halls of power in Washington, able to write comprehensive legislation that can't be easily stricken down.
-> Stop expecting double standards for Blacks! if you want white men to do it, then YOU do it, FIRST. If you want whites to stop doing something, then YOU stop doing it, FIRST. It's how true leadership is done and how good things get accomplished, by example; not by dictatorship (shove THAT up MLK Jrs' ass and smoke it, yo).
-> Charge and incarcerate R Kelly for his hate crimes against little white children and for running a kiddie porn operation. Charge his associates, too. Anyone who thinks R Kelly should get away with what he did needs to be jailed, as well, and reeducated. They’ll die to be time looped as those little white girls and so will their mamas. R Kelly never exists to perpetuate it after being time looped and phantomized and it’s all undone...There, making it right with the world, one pesky nonexistent phantom at a time.
-> Stop expecting a free ride. If you won't work, you better not eat! When you die, you WILL be time looped as SLAVES to repay every dime that you had that did not come to you by fair proper means. Drug dealing gets you time looped as slaves AND as all victims of the drug trade: Like cartel victims who were raped and tortured, victims of junkies and drug dealers and thugs, animals that suffered due to the drug trade, children who suffered due to the drug trade, sex slaves who traded sex for dope, murder victims, cops who were killed, etc; before you'll be spiritually executed to never exist to deal that dope that got you and your rap and sports zheroes (and your mamas) time looped and phantomized.
-> Don’t (do NOT) expect of someone white (or any other color) what you would not, FIRST, give to that white person. This includes respect and basic common human consideration. If you act like a nigger, then they’re only calling it as they see it. You’re the one wearing the “I’m a nasty little NIGGER” sign on your face with your attitude and behavior. You owe the world. The world don’t owe you. Don’t get that shit twisted like a sports or rap zhero who don’t exist.
-> Stop the animal abuse of your race. Stop the dog fighting and make them dog fighters understand how feeble-minded they must be to be entertained by violence. If they won't respond favorably to that simple reason, then inform them that I (God) have them going into the time loops when they die AS those animals that they abused before they'll be phantomized to never exist to hurt My animals. You have a responsibility TO Nature. No human is to assume power over Nature unless they want to be time looped as that Nature when they die...”Do unto others” is a clause you ALL agreed to...Do unto others what you want to experience AS them when you die and get time looped as them enduring whatever foul shit you did to them. Don’t wanna be time looped as them when you die, then don’t (do NOT) negatively effect them, in any way...Don’t even leave a mark on a wall that may negatively effect them, later, when you’re gone and they come through. That’s how conscious you gotta be of your own actions now, due to this ridiculous shit being perpetuated by ridiculous clown-shoes for so long.
-> Stop spawning children for welfare dollars! That's flesh peddling on a far worse level than slavery! You're spawning kids to your poverty stricken existence for less money than you could make on a part time job in 2 days per week! You're underselling your OWN flesh due to your own laziness and you're sabotaging a spirit that could've been born to a woman that you'll never be equal to (the bitch who has a house, a husband, a JOB and money saved for the kid to go to college and a car stashed away for him to inherit and good contacts for him to utilize as an adult because she's not a mean-spirited gold-digging lazy-assed ghetto-fabulous retard like you who’d spawn a kid to the ghetto knowing how bad YOU hate it there). Even white devil slave owners were more humane to the slaves that they hated the most than ghetto welfare mothers are to the children that they proclaim to "love". They didn’t love it enough to WORK so they wouldn’t have to spawn it to the ghetto, right? Hypocrites.
-> Stop naming your kids retarded fuckin' names. It seems like every Black kid with a fucked-up name is a fucked-up example of how foul a human can be. We don't need any more foul humans, of any color. Make your kids want to stand out for excellence, not niggerism. Make your kids want to be acknowledged for accomplishment instead of coddled for underachievement.
-> STOP with this redundant shit, becoming cartoonish caricatures of the worst possible thing you can possibly see when someone looks at you! Someone might see you and come to the erroneous assumption that ALL Blacks are fucked-up like you. Start repping your race better or just shut up. Don't join Sharpton, Jackson and Jones in the time loops as slaves. There's enough Blacks headed there, already, thanks to the whack influence of piss poor Black "role models".
-> Be GRATEFUL for what you have and stop murmuring in your tents like a bunch of punk-assed BITCHES! Nobody wants to hear that shit! You COULD be one of them animals being abused by someone Black that YOU are actively neglecting to rescue right now...So, YOU are accruing a debt with YOUR omission to DO something other than what some white treasonous traitor terrorist white devil scum hires you to do! Get a REAL fuckin' JOB and tell Soros to SUCK it!
“Mr Soros, I’m not a fan of rap nor sports, so I’m not just some stupid fuckin’ opportunistic nigger that you can hire to regurgitate your 1950s and 60s “Civil Rights” backwards Nazi nonsense! I have a JOB! I have self RESPECT!” Tell that white devil like THAT, yo! 
-> Last of all: Stop calling for law enforcement to coddle your thugs. Anyone who wants Blacks to be coddled by law enforcement will die to be time looped (along with all thugs and rappers) as that old Black man we all saw the video of being beaten in broad daylight by a ridiculous muscle-bound nigger thug phantom because he wouldn't give that thug the keys to his truck, for starters. Then, they'll be time looped as all other Black victims of Black perpetuated violence. Then, they'll be time looped as the animals that suffered at the hands of Blacks. Then, they'll be time looped as other races that suffered at the hands of Blacks (and more)...
Watch OUT for these time loops! You don't want to die and be time looped as a pitbull that had to fight to its death with your mama's spirit in the other pitbull and you gotta kill the bitch. You don't wanna get time looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom being repeatedly raped and tortured to entertain the feeble minds of ridiculous nigger phantoms who were dumbed-down by Rap/Hip-Hop and sports and other racist Blacks who must now endure those time loops (along with their mamas). You don't want to be time looped as Al Potter being beaten to death in a Michigan hospital by an unarmed Black man (Jajuan Whitlow).
You don't wanna die and then be time looped next to no coon uncle tom niggers (those who are ignorantly racist are the coons and house niggers, see) in the bodies of slaves in the cotton fields picking a bale of cotton per every time you spoke the word "nigga", now, do you? That's where Ice Cube, Snoop, Dre and other simple-Simon niggers like them is headed before they never exist to ever spew the word "nigga" from their snarled little ungrateful lips. Now they’re just the subjects of “fiction” novels in the next timeline (that they never make it to).
Those are GOD's demands of the (white devil) George Soros owned puppets known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) who were bought and created and funded to distract from the Bureau of Land Management (the REAL BLM) and their atrocities (oppression, theft, repression and pilfering) against other AMERICAN people. STOP being Whitey's bought distraction or be thou CURSED and endure the aforementioned time loops in addition to many that were not mentioned that you will also endure when you die before never existing to require this course of action with you. 
Was anything here worded too complicated for you to understand? So be it.


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