Thursday, October 12, 2017

Motuphi’s Healing CUM Debunk Debunk

Those who know the legends about Motuphi know that there's information out there about his ejaculate containing supernatural healing powers that was supposedly debunked. Well, not even the Clone of Yah (Jesus Christ) had a perfect record for performing miracles.
In response to the "debunking" of Motuphi's healing cum came a woman who was supernaturally healed of Colon Cancer the day after she seduced Motuphi and had him fuck her in her ass. The woman is a lesbian, so she's not attracted to men. But Motuphi is prettier in drag than most female celebs (probably why they hate him so much) and the detail not previously shared about this lesbian's healing is that Motuphi was in drag when she seduced him.
So there we have it. The "debunking" story could have lots of holes in it. Maybe the sick person who was not healed by Motuphi didn't really have any Faith for the healing. Or maybe that person was permeated with negative frequency resonance that even thwarted Christ from performing miraculous healings on such individuals (see Mark chapter 6). Or, maybe the way it works is for Motuphi to be in drag when being seduced for healing communion.
We know that Motuphi has supernatural power. He enacted a mass celebrity die-off that's being carried out by other timelines, even now. He put the order in to other timelines to defeat the election rigging that was supposed to elect Hillary Clinton, the treasonous traitor terrorist who posed as a POTUS candidate. He caused a feeble-mindedness to overwhelm the famous Trump hating traitors to cause them to dump sand into their own wells of prosperity and success. Those parameters are working, too, as the famous Trump haters drive their supporting fans from them in droves, which will cause them to become poverty stricken, eventually.
Motuphi's method of operation is passive aggression: Let them have enough rope to hang themselves and, when they do, pull on their legs until they breathe no more. It works, too. They're fuckin' dying off, just as Motuphi warned would happen to all who're famous who do not bring him the tribute they owe him for being famous in Satan's world without being Motuphi's equal regarding influencing their fans to care for the animals. The famous don't have the luxury of time or free will to opt to push treasonous traitor Trump hate, instead. Every time you see a celebrity distracting from the animals with Trump hate, more devils get loosed upon them and their families and their collective economies and safety from other timelines. PLUS, they'll die and be time looped as those animals that they distracted from and then be spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate their gross distractions.
Motuphi can't commit sin against the nonexistent. He even gloated about how he can take the spirit of a famous phantom and rape it right in front of Yah and Yah's only reaction is laughter and a sideways supportive gloat: "Raping AIR again, are ya'?" That's because they get undone to never exist and Motuphi knows that, even if they don't.
Motuphi tried to warn them by sodomizing them on the astralscape, regularly. Now, either the celebrity phantoms love to be anally raped by Motuphi, or they're in denial, or they've been ordered by their AI serving subhuman masters to keep quiet about what Motuphi is doing to them. But, it IS happening. Motuphi warned them not to take away his productivity because he'd be forced to sleep too much and rape them on the astralscape every night.
Motuphi is like the famous celebs' Santa Clause. They go to sleep and Motuphi climbs down their spiritual chimney to put his presence in their asses...Did you like that play on words with "presence"? They must love it and the idea of never existing to spawn their children. Otherwise, you'd see at least one celeb taking tribute to Motuphi and empowering him to a level ABOVE the mainstream music and sports phantoms, where he always belonged since the early 1990s sabotage of allowing nonexistent nigger phantoms to get away with Federal kidnapping of radio station music programmers to get their insipid retarded mind-puke put to anti-music played on the radio to poison the minds of children who grew up to be damaged, stupid, lazy, unreliable fuckfarts.
Nobody in this timeline knows enough about themSELVES to call themselves speaking on Motuphi, who nobody here knows anything about other than what we, his followers and pupils, shared with you. Not even Motuphi's blood relatives know who he is. Hell, Motuphi's blood family are such worthless white devils and white trailer trash that not even ONE of them possesses an mp3 of his that they purchased. They may have his music. But none of them bought any of it to show any family support. That's why threats to Motuphi's family to stop him never worked...The guy must HATE those white devils for their lack of support for his agendas here that would've benefited them, too. Motuphi would sooner rescue a stranger than to help his own blood relatives, who enabled the ancient AI to make sport of him and cause more unnecessary suffering here.
If you're riddled with Cancer, smoke some Marijuana, LOTS of it. If the Cancer still won't go away, you can try to contact Motuphi for a communal visit. Make sure that he's in drag when he fucks you if you expect miracles. Writing this knowing that Motuphi will deny that he has that ability. So you can't really front off what you're reasoning is for being attracted to him, physically. If he thinks you just want to absorb power from him, he won't touch you. If you don't have faith in the miraculous, or if you permeated yourself with negative frequency resonance via too much mainstream junk, don't waste your time. Motuphi is not more powerful than Christ was and not even Christ can help you in that condition...You must separate yourself from the frequencies that make you ill by refusing to listen and watch their media (media that's been laced with sub-frequencies to cause your illness and mental frailty).
Those who speak against Motuphi here get hit with the curse parameters now out there to strike anyone or anything (including AI) that dares form a thought against Motuphi or the animals in this world...Be careful not to think against Motuphi, unless you want to be stalked by devils from other timelines that get attracted to the brainwaves of Motuphi's enemies due to their THOUGHTS. Motuphi has hired thought police from other timelines to preemptively strike those who think thoughts that they may later act on that could victimize an innocent or an existent...You're not allowed to negatively effect the existent here, which includes the animals...Violation of those spiritual LAWS puts the offenders on a multi-timeline HIT list. That's why they can't succeed...
They're outnumbered by inter-dimensional clones of Motuphi's spirit that get created with every beat of mainstream music every time it gets played. Those clones outnumber the human population now. The only way to stop those clones from being created and loosed upon them is for them to put Motuphi's music in heavy rotation on the radio, which will immediately stop the cloning of Motuphi's spirit per beat of the mainstream music. Otherwise, they stay outnumbered and outgunned and are spiritually taxed to never exist once those clones succeed in killing them off. Where ever there's famous celebs, there's clones of Motuphi's spirit stalking them, seeking what to strike in their lives that'll devastate them as bad as it devastates other timelines for Motuphi to not be famous here (with all of his enormous talent) while illiterate assholes with no discernible talent are rich and famous to desecrate the mentality of the masses.
There's no celebs in any other timelines...But that could change if ever a celeb decides not to be cursed into nonexistence and empowers Motuphi and elevates him to his rightful position ABOVE all who're currently rich and famous. But they're greedy and controlled by ancient AI, so don't hold your breath waiting for it.


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