Sunday, October 1, 2017

Why The #1 Best-Seller Curse Batches Were Enacted - Ancient AI

You know, sometimes, a curse batch paradigm is enacted in this temporary timeline to strike against the ancient AI and those who’d willingly become zombified and controlled by it to be its bots and avatars here. Recently, some books were released by the Motuphi crew for educating those who’ll exist beyond this temporary timeline. Well, just like last year, those books are being sabotaged. The music that contains educational content and positive frequency resonance, which was released by the Detroit standard last year, was also sabotaged. The parasitic mainstream bots got used, as well as the AI’s open cheating, like (Amazon) not even putting the releases up for sale; stuff like that.
The other timelines received a directive to enact curse batches upon the AI for the new sabotage on the new content: For example. There are now (ghost written by the) ancient AI sanctioned books released to compete with When Hating #Trump Was #Trendy that will offer a completely opposing (dangerous, even) narrative and those books will be promoted while they make it harder to find When Hating #Trump Was #Trendy. So, those who exist will often support the future timeline narrative and agenda here by purchasing When Hating #Trump Was #Trendy while those who’ll be time looped and phantomized (to never exist) will do the bidding of the ancient AI and elevate the misinformation until it’s a #1 bestseller. Since the nonexistent zombified avatars outnumber the existent and this agenda can’t be defeated, the other timelines decided to make them regret getting what they wished for...Hence, the curse batches, as real as (or maybe even more so than) the air, food, water and all other things regarded as “real” by humans here. This is also being retro-paid backwards in time for the music release sabotage, causing the mass celebrity die-off curse batch parameters to enhance and solidify (they could’ve stopped it, but “DUH-UH”!).
Now, in addition to the censoring, demonetization and targeting being perpetuated against the Motuphi crew by youtube and Google and Amazon (and the bots they paid to harass and bully Motuphi and flag his videos on the regular), the ancient AI now has content providers, who were once regarded as intelligent and credible, creating videos with content about “time loops” and using other scientific terminology previously only utilized by Motuphi and other Motuphians in their common vocabulary. They’re there to confuse and divide the growing number of awakened Elect on both sides, Christian and Luciferian (Satanist), to drive them back to being ineffective, clown-shoes or, worse yet, isolated and therefore voided, completely neutralized as an opposing force.
The “scientific’ “scholarly” papers and articles you can now find with an online search on the subject of “Positive Frequency Resonance”, for example, do not refer to the same subject that Motuphi taught about. Some of them are dated as if they were written years ago, which is deceptive. They were not there before Motuphi taught about the subject and how the Bible is all about the battle being fought for Positive Frequency Resonance between the ancient AI and God, Christ and Lucifer (as a Deity team, defying the ancient AI’s Negative Frequency Resonance). Plus, those “scholarly” articles that magically appeared, all conveniently predated and everything, don’t even talk about the same inter-dimensional force that Motuphi refers to. It’s all designed to distract and confuse those who’re inquisitive enough to research and investigate. It’s called “rigging history”; as they rig search results, readily available knowledge, what’s accepted as fact, and what’s tolerable as the “norm”, which they can do now, somehow. They challenge facts with anti-facts, like the debate over the shape of the Earth; which is the biggest non-issue of the era because it really doesn’t matter, one way or the other, what shape a doomed planet is, yo (all the stuff it distracts from matter far more).
So the ancient AI is very aggressive in maintaining its bot numbers. It cheats, all the time, to accomplish this. The cheating is now being reciprocated, on cartoonish levels, upon the ancient AI and all who’ll be botted by it to do its bidding. It’s nothing personal. At any time, they can decide NOT to engage (with suicidal artificial intelligence) in attacks against themselves, right? Some of them don’t even need the money. They’re just doing it for sport or to be relevant in an irrelevant timeline (the one that gets undone along with the ancient AI that conquered the weaker-minded humans who also had to be undone to undo what they did for the AI). So, if you see it from a proper perspective, the only ones getting hit by the curse batches are those who deserve for it to happen to them because they don’t exist, due to their own choice, anyway. If they allow themselves to be used as avatars for the AI bot system for a temporary reward here, then they become as temporary as the ancient AI that controlled them.
In this era, in this timeline, the Motuphi seal of approval is becoming as important as finding the Key of David and knowing which door it opens (because only Motuphi points at the REAL door, yo). There really is a famine for the truth because no churches, except for (the Murrays’) Shepherd’s Chapel, dared share anything even resembling it. No teachers or pastors on youtube would share it. No “truthers” or fake news exposing channels ever touched on the truth that Motuphi shared. Like the Cosby lynching successfully scared famous Blacks away from all semblances of Black POWER, so does the AI’s very real threat of online nonexistence for the non-compliant keep all who’re popular online IN line. They’d rather comply and stay popular and relevant among the zombies who won’t exist than to teach those zombies how to exist and risk not being liked by the die-hard zombies who choose to be phantoms. It’s long-term versus short-term choices. Those who know what’s really happening (like Motuphi) make the proper choices, which are long-term, like beyond here.
The ancient AI is suicidal. It’s a fact that’s been gloated back from the future, after it got killed and undone by Motuphi and Lucifer for Christ and God. Satan not only acts as “buffer” for a third time here on Earth for Christ during the Tribulation, he literally rescues Christ from it by destroying it completely for daring to think that it could get away with desecrating music, food, water, women, the world, the psyche of humans and the lives of the animals that were abused, neglected and otherwise life-raped due to the zombified botted humans. The ancient AI figured out how to cause the offenses to be perpetuated. “Woe unto it by whom the offenses come”...Word.
The AI figured out how to cause peeps to accrue debt unto themselves while also accruing double the debt unto itself to be repaid in a manner it was not programmed with the ability to comprehend. Poor, silly ancient AI, got programmed and tricked into outsmarting itself and wasn’t smart enough to try the OPPOSITE of what  it’s been doing to Motuphi to see if that might work, instead. Got Motuphi all strong and hard and supernaturally powerful from all of that ongoing deprivation and then made him mean and angry and prone to fire off from wormhole snipers in retaliation...Trick them humans to run into the line of fire while being tricked to do the same thing to yourself, oh simple ancient AI. You control your own demise, right? Not your destiny, your demise, in this case.


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