Thursday, October 12, 2017

AI Bot Parents’ Kids Lack Basic Survival Skills

Yep. A kid got hit by a car in Grayling, Michigan today. We saw that coming from a mile away when we saw this video of how kids can’t even safely cross the street anymore. To be fair, those kids’ “parents” were probably fans of feeble-minded retarded little mind-pukists like Eminem, Dre, Snoop and the like, so they probably lacked basic parenting skills. They failed to make their kids understand that the world does NOT twirl around them and that affording another the basic respect due to them may save their own lives one day. Their parents were as stupid as what they were fans of, stupid fuckin’ rappers and sports figures who never should’ve been elevated to the levels that they got to...But SOMEone’s gotta do the bidding of the ancient AI, right? Might as well be them, huh?
Peep this video from the same town that that kid got hit in today. Nasty little children of a Qua can’t even cross the street! They walk right out into traffic, for REAL! Maybe that blue shit in that bitches hair done fucked with her mind, huh? See the nasty little empty-headed bitch laugh about almost getting hit by a fuckin’ car? You know she got her ass cursed into bumble-fuck for that little display of take-the-ghetto-where-ever-she-go...Sometimes, you fuck with the wrong entity and then things change for ya’, right? Ain’t that right, Ancient AI? YOU ought to know, having got your ass kicked and completely undid to never exist by Motuphi like you did. Shouldn’t have stole the man’s money and helped a bunch of rich and famous welfare phantoms deprive, starve and oppress him for years for sport. Not too intelligent for being referred to as “intelligence”...just sayin’.
Here’s the video:


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