Saturday, October 14, 2017

An Unlearned Lesson From The Flint Water Crisis

There's a sad ongoing lesson to be learned from the Flint water crisis about Affirmative Action placing unqualified individuals in positions that they're simply not qualified for based on their skin color. A lesson not learned from planes falling from the sky when Affirmative Action closed down Motuphi's grandfather's grinding shop in Michigan, which enabled the ancient AI to have a hack push through airplane parts that were not up to par (did not meet minimum quality control standards). That old Italian immigrant, who lost his small empire to Affirmative Action, is dead and his spirit has been reanimated to get revenge for what's been done and is being done to his family.
Planes fell from the sky, for decades, after a couple of ignorant ghetto fabulous fools got hired by Motuphi's grandfather and they didn't give a fuck about how well they did their jobs. They got their jobs from being Black, due to their skin color, when Affirmative Action kicked in. The white dudes working the same machines took years of trade training to learn how to run them. It didn't take long for the folly of Affirmative Action to rear its ugly head. Those ignorant niggers never should've been placed on a precision grinding machine without, first, doing what those white boys did - which is learn how to run the shit and THEN apply for the job, Nigga. They scrapped out over $2-million worth of precision aluminum parts in one fuckin' day! The grinding shop was a small operation. Motuphi's grandfather fell just $40,000 short of covering the losses to remain in operation...$40,000 of $2-million...So close, right? And the dude's greedy white devil wife secretly had more than that stashed away, and she let him lose that shop he worked so hard for all his life.
This crushed Motuphi's grandfather. He was never the same since. It was like ignorant illiterate niggers swooped in and just stole his shit he'd used his life to build for his family. His legacy was gone. An enemy competitor, a "hack", bought his shop on auction and acquired the contract to make the same parts. That guy didn't care as much about quality control. He also hired those ignorant ghetto niggers and his white devil ass pushed their defective parts out to be put on airplanes rather than take the bite for scrap when they fucked ‘em up...Then, well. There was a barrage of planes just falling from the sky because they were built with inferior parts...duh...duh...duh. Take the shit from the man who'll do it right and give it to one who won't...Now where does that sound familiar from? Detroit mayors? New Orleans mayor? Remember the levy that wasn't properly maintained? Ahhh. Obama...Holder...What's her face. I digress. The Flint water system was not maintained by the BLACKS who were entrusted to care for it. White scapegoats on the cover. But we'll come back to that in a minute.
A double standard that got set-up for enabling opportunistic feeble-minded Blacks was killing people. Nobody seemed to care. During this same era, Motuphi's father had went to DeHoCo over a drunk driving offense and was repeatedly gang raped by homosexual rapist thug niggers. Motuphi was the only person who would hear about this shit, for years, when his dad was beating his ass to punish him for thug behavior. This did not make Motuphi's dad racist, though. He hung-out with a member of the Funk Brothers, years later, so...there's that.
Motuphi had some enemies in the Detroit area who came under the radar of other timelines and Motuphi enabled a strike against them by loosing curses upon them. He enabled a poisoning of their water supply from the spirit realm in a crazed rant, while "purging" (that's what white people call it when they go crazy and run through they house screaming like their defense, they act civil and nice to ya', later, in public, so maybe it works). The "devils" (inter-dimensional entities from other timelines) assumed that authority they got from the rants and followed Motuphi’s enemies when they migrated to Flint. The curses were already neutralized by then because Motuphi later neutralized all of the curses that he'd enacted during that crazed rant, as he often did when he calmed down. But the other timeline entities went rogue and utilized the authority, anyway, to cause more consequences for the Affirmative Action double standard that metastasized like a Cancer. Blacks allowed the Flint water system to get in the condition it was in. Whites are being blamed for it due to political correctness. Nobody but nobody likes Snyder. But how do you blame Snyder for something that was preexisting to his term by YEARS? Huh? Because he's conveniently white? Yeah, see?
Perhaps the Flint water crisis is ongoing because the crisis of refusing to address the double standard for unaccomplished Blacks is ongoing, fucking up the entire world around it...and the water...Ever think of THAT? Scapegoat whitey all you want. We all know who's been in power over the water shit in Flint for decades and don't try to play WHITE now! Lying don't change fucking facts.
Motuphi's dead grandfather's spirit is getting revenge, too. He done told all them spirits of all them plane crash victims what got them killed: Affirmative Action, a lowering of the bar for Blacks who want a free ride. Them dead plane crash victim spirits is gettin' revenge, too.  The "tolerance" that's being taught to this generation won't be tolerated. You're all done botting humans here to be your zombified minions and avatars on your play boards. If a Black man wants to work a skilled trade, then he will do as the white man does and get the skills to do it. This timeline getting undone will undo Affirmative Action and all who wanted it and all who benefited from it. Those niggers will be time looped as their plane crash victims and then as slaves to repay their ill-gotten gain and then be spiritually executed to never get born in the replay of this timeline (that'll be undone by then). We're talking phantom shit here, again. That's what we've been addressing lately...Phantoms
Motuphi learned to be more specific with his commands, which is why he applies shit to peoples' brainwaves based specifically on their own thoughts now. So, it's a miraculous thing that could have 2 people drink from the same bottle, but the contents will be poison to the one whose brainwaves fit the parameters authorized by contract of the curse batches, while the other person will not be effected, at all. This makes having a food tester (taster?) obsolete. If the tester is not evil like the one for whom the food is being tested, then the tester will live and the tyrant will die. These are the cartoonish signs and wonders that follow Motuphi, who also suffers due to a whack double standard for Blacks.
How Motuphi suffers is there's famous Blacks in music who have no talent and no reason for being famous, but they're there simply because they're Black. While, by the same token, Motuphi is blocked from the same positions in music, even though he's more talented than all of them, combined, simply due to his perceived skin color. Ya'll ain't looked at the dude. You're so racist, all you see is white when someone is pale. Motuphi is actually olive complected, yo. He ain't white. And he’s Blacker than most of those famous Blacks who shouldn't be famous while Motuphi is being cock-blocked by their whack asses.
So, we got spirits and other timelines trying to make the mainstream stop teaching the masses wrong just so they can be controlled. These things happen due to your own choices to deny that someone be required to live up to basic responsibilities of their own existences here just because they're Black. That's gotta stop. You can't have Black grinders of airplane parts who don't, first, know how to grind. Otherwise, planes fall from the sky (fool). You can't have mayors just because they're Black. Other qualifiers must be met, yo. (Detroit) ...You can't have presidents just because they're Black because, well, Obama...You can't have Blacks who're not qualified to do shit having positions to do it just because they're Black, or you get the Flint water crisis. And blaming white people ain't getting it fixed. It's just a diversion of attention from the problem.
The mainstream wants Motuphi to be the heavy in this and they make their big show of virtue signaling for "help" for Flint. It's a humongous crock of shit and gross exploitation of the suffering of others.
If you really want to help:
Here's how to help Flint and the other cities about to experience the very same crisis, soon, due to the REAL crisis not being addressed: FIX the double standard! If they're Black and they can't do the job and there's someone else more qualified who CAN do the job, well, you know what to do..
It's time to stop giving the free rides to the free riders who refuse to even try to rise up to a common equal level to the rest of us. Don't try to call yourself a doctor if you ain't a doctor. That's ghetto shit. You gonna have Dr Dre operate on you or your mama or your baby? Is you? Fuck no! You know that magnificent zhero ain't no real doctor! But he's fool enough to call himself something that he ain't took the time and effort to really become, see? Just like his career. He ain't took the time to hone a talent, he just stole the music of others who did and he spat lame ghetto bullshit over the shit, like a common ghetto art desecrator who ain't got no business in a museum around no art they ain't gonna stay on the proper sides of the boundaries from (feel me, Jay-z and Beyonce, with your ghetto fabulous asses?). You so special, gettin' on that WIDDLE bus!


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