Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Dead Hollywood Slave Spirit

What the fuck is happening in Hollywood, anyway? It's like motherfuckers are seeing ghosts and shit, right? Yeah, that could be what's going on, too.
You see, there's a dead Hollywood slave that ain't a slave...yet. But, maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves, here. Let's scroll back a bit, to give this information some context, shall we?

So far, if you've been following along, you've seen the warnings go out about the spirits of the abused animals being reanimated and loosed back into the cosmos, inter-dimensionally, to get revenge on those who abused them, those who failed to rescue them, and all who were famous who did not influence their fans to help them. Those spirits even go after the offenders' mamas. Then, when there was no acknowledgement of the coming demises from Hollywood, those spirits were armed and loosed and Hollywood's elite began to experience some weird shit...
Still, no positive reaction from Hollywood. Maybe they were incapable of it. So, then, the spirits of all HUMANS who were victimized by violence under the influence of the mainstream media and sports were reanimated and loosed into the cosmos to do the same thing: Get revenge on those who perpetuated violence against them and all who influenced them and all who empowered them to exhibit that influence and all who condoned it...and their mamas...which even includes governments who allow hate speech, like Rap/Hip-Hop, to be played on the radio during hours when kids can hear it. Then, Hollywood celebs started enduring even stranger shit...Still nothing, as if Hollywood was brain-dead or, perhaps, just too retarded to comprehend what was happening, even though devils danced on their shoulders to scream in their ears WHY the shit was happening.
Then, Motuphi decided to try a reverse tactic: How about if he takes a spirit from their demographic who's headed for the time loops and sends that spirit to recruit help for the animals and children from Hollywood? How about if that spirit is equipped with inter-dimensional weaponry that can only be fired upon those that the spirit was in league with while alive? How about if that spirit is equipped with bottomless pits full of curses that can only be poured out upon the spirit's living buddies? How about if that spirit is given the ultimatum to get results or go to the time loops and then be spiritually executed to never exist? How about if that spirit is now haunting the Hollywood celebs, accompanied by demons and devils and the spirits of others that Motuphi may have reanimated and teamed-up with it? What if THAT's what's happening, in addition to the Spirit of Exposure being sent with battalions of clones of Motuphi's spirit?
Just some food for thought. Motuphi recently taught about how he reanimated a spirit of one of their own to go haunt them until there’s favorable results...They are going crazy, too...Too bad for them that they're all like those monkeys who won't let go of the hunter's shiny object in the closed cage to get away, huh? They're very primitive and zombified in Hollywood. Maybe a GHOST will shake them awake and bring them out of the Stone Age...Otherwise, they’re clearing out, in droves...via exit or death.


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