Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Morocco, Other Shitholes Attacked By Aliens Over Animal Abuse!


Morocco was an example of what a shithole a place could become if you let the subhuman slave class loose from their chains. Dogs were not safe in their nation. The subhumans were welfare phantoms who failed their preexistences and never graduated to the next timeline. Via phantomization, they get undone, to never get born, to never exist. They were a plague disguised as people. Since they never existed, Vini could not perpetuate sin upon them no matter what he did. Rape, murder, it was all good to perpetuate against a Moroccan.
Vini flew the craft in cloaked mode over the roach infestation known commonly as Morocco. Vini sparayed all roaches he saw and the streets of the cities with time release plasma energy to make the cities unhealthy for humans while not effecting any animals. The animals were welcome to God. The subhumans were not. Vini said "Make the world a better place, kill a Moroccan today."
The crew nodded and laughed. Vini flew over the water supply and sprayed it with ongoing toxins to exterminate the roaches disguised as humans while remaining harmless to animals. Vini cursed the place so that a nuclear holocaust, tsunamis and earthquakes would happen there. Where ever God's animals are not welcome, humans are not welcome. So it would become for all shitholes referred to as nations like Nepal, India, Africa, Dominica, Bocco, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, and the like, anywhere they have a culture of not taking proper care of the animals, so you suppose the projects and 'hoods in the ghettos, too, and the inbred white trash areas. Death becomes them.
Vini flew the craft away from Morocco the shithole into the sky, away from the toxic energy. Roaches properly sprayed, nigga. 


Innocent stray dogs in Morocco are allegedly being shot and left to die slow deaths, stabbed with or fed poison, or captured with clamps and tossed into vehicles stuffed with other terrified dogs en route to slaughter facilitiesas reported by The Daily Mail.

This heartbreaking cruelty is allegedly occurring to sanitize” the streets and create a more presentable image of the country ahead of the 2030 FIFA World Cup — a televised, international soccer tournament which Morocco is set to co-host. A looming fear is that, since the event attracts massive crowds and is viewed by millions, Morocco may kill as many as three million dogs before the start of the tournament.

Even before Morocco was selected as a co-host of the major event, shooting or poisoning by Moroccan authorities was a common method of reducing the stray dog population — with social media showing brutal massacres, including some dogs beaten to death according to National Geographic. Sadly, Moroccans have been taught to fear dogs and often view them as dangerous, which may serve to bolster authorities’ efforts of exterminating strays.

Since being chosen as a co-host, the country has reportedly accelerated the executions, despite stating that the killings were banned in August 2024.

But the shocking images, videos, and stories that continue to expose this haunting brutality cannot be ignored — and we must send a strong message that the mass killing is unacceptable.

Sign our petition demanding FIFA acknowledge this cruelty and call on Morocco’s government to end the massacre of stray dogs immediately. 



Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Aliens Attack Inbred California Township Over Murdered Puppy

 Vini flew the craft in cloaked mode over the inbred community in California. He found the low vibrational energy signature of the molested inbred who adopted a puppy and kicked it to death the next day. Vini had the subhuman beamed up and taken to the loop room. Vini set the device to time loop the spirit of the subhuman in the body of the puppy for the duration of the atrocity to be replayed 1000 times over.

About an hour later, the device powered down and the spirit of the subhuman was returned to his contact plasma energy laced body. Vini said "That was just a small taste of what you're in for. When you and your mama and everyone you're a fan of dies, you'll all be time looped as that puppy being abused by you for 40 quadrillion millennia, and then as all animals abused by other fans of those you're a fan of, and then as slaves to repay the high vibrational energy your gank ass mamas stole when they spawned yous. Then ya'll will be spiritually executed, phantomized, made to never get born, never exist to graduate to the next timeline. You failed your preexistence, but the puppy is in the next timeline already, being cared for by gods compared to you, your mama and everyone you're a fan of. You don't even exist, bitch!"

Vini had the subhuman returned to Earth. Then, he hit the local water supply with selective toxic energy that'd be harmless to the animals and flew away into the sky away from the subhuman energy. The crew was smiling.

PETITION TARGET: Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie A. Bridgett

Just one day after being adopted, an innocent puppy in Redding, California, was allegedly killed by the very person who was supposed to provide them with love and careaccording to local news.

The man accused of killing the puppy reportedly posted a chilling video to social media which appeared to show him kicking the Golden Retriever puppy’s corpse. When officers arrived on the scene, they found the tiny animal’s lifeless body on the floor in the kitchen, with no hope of revival.

The man has since been charged with one count of felony animal cruelty.

This tiny, defenseless puppy should have been cherished and protected — not subjected to senseless violence. We must send a strong message that this apparent disregard for a conscious, sensitive being’s life will not be tolerated.

Sign our petition urging the Shasta County District Attorney to prosecute this man to the fullest extent of the law — including mandating intensive psychological intervention and a lifelong ban on having animals. 


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Aliens Attack Inbred Town Over Abandoned Puppies



Vini flew the craft over inbred land Oklahoma
where there was an inbred subhuman who left a litter of newborn puppies in the dumpster like the trash she is and her mama and everyone famous who she's a fan of. 
Vini shot the bitch up with contact plasma direct energy weaponry to smite the health of her and everyone who likes her.
Then, Vini flew to the Lawton water supply and sprayed it with modified toxic energy that'd hurt the humans, but not the animals.
"There you go."
Giggles and nods from the crew. Vini flew the craft away from inbred town and the toxic subhuman energy of the place into the sky. 


PETITION TARGET: Lawton Police Department

Eleven tiny, helpless puppies — about four weeks old — were discovered in a dumpster in Lawton, Oklahoma, according to local news. They had apparently been discarded — left to die amid the trash.

The fragile pups had a pressing need for sustenance and care. They were not yet old enough to eat solid food, so it was fortunate they were rescued when they were. However, these innocent babies should never have been left in the dumpster to begin with.

If these puppies hadn’t been saved, they could have easily been crushed, suffocated, or slowly starved to death.

No information has surfaced regarding the individual(s) responsible for dumping these puppies like trash. It is crucial that they are identified to prevent future harm to animals.

Sign this petition urging the Lawton Police Department to investigate thoroughly to find whoever is responsible for abandoning these puppies. 


Amber Ciofani Sets The Record Straight




To set the record straight:
My name is Amber Ciofani and Vini offered to take me to my dad's funeral but he's not invited. So I don't wanna go.
I was gonna view him a day before the funeral, but my brother wants to be there. 
And I don't wanna see anyone who says Vini's not welcome. Dad and Vini were friends. Vini used to buy him hotdogs from 7 eleven and give him weed. Dad liked Vini and it's just not right. 


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Molested Inbred Kids In Lexington Attack Puppy - Aliens Reciprocate



Vini flew the craft in cloaked mode over Lexington looking for the inbred children who were throwing rocks at a puppy in the street. Vini thought they must have some real brother and sister inbred couples in Kentucky. Their inbred parents must've sexually abused them to cause such inhumane behavior upon an innocent animal. What more could you expect with the toxic subhuman influences of the talentless famous celebs and sports figures the pseudo Jews erected as role models. Vini found the group of inbred kids and sprayed them with contact laced plasma direct energy that'd spread like a virus on contact. Then, Vini flew to the water supply and sprayed it with energy to make the water poison to the humans who drank it, while remaining harmless to animals. Vini said "Flint subuman behavior attracts Flint subhuman reciprocity....nigga!"
Crew members giggled and nodded. Vini flew the craft away from the toxic, inbred state into the sky towards better energy.


A dog allegedly attacked by children is now getting the care and love he needs at a Kentucky shelter.

For National Love Your Pet Day on Feb. 20, Lexington Humane Society, a shelter and pet adoption agency in Kentucky, shared the story of Rudy — a dark brown pup the shelter recently took in. In an Instagram post, Lexington Humane offered Rudy's pre-rescue story as an example of "how NOT to love a pet." 

According to the post, Rudy was found "curled up in a ball in the street" being "subjected to unthinkable cruelty." Lexington Humane Society added on social media that "children were seen throwing rocks" at the dog "over and over again, as he tried to disappear into the pavement." Luckily, a bystander stopped "the horror" and brought Rudy to the adoption agency's partner, Lexington Fayette Animal Control and Care.

"Just hearing his story brought tears to our eyes... and that was before we saw his injuries," Lexington Humane wrote.

Lexington Humane's post included photos of Rudy and his injuries, including significant wounds to his mouth and leg. Despite his injuries, Rudy still appears joyful in the pictures.

Lexington Humane Society/Instagram Rudy's leg injury  

"Half of Rudy's jaw was degloved and hanging loose below his mouth," the post shared of the injuries Rudy arrived with. "Several bottom teeth were uprooted but still lodged in his detached lip. His legs were covered in puncture wounds of unknown origin." 

Lexington Humane, which took over Rudy's care from Lexington Fayette Animal Control and Care, pledged to provide Rudy with the medical care he needs to heal and asked the community for help.

"He did NOT deserve this. And we will do everything in our power to ensure he never suffers again. Rudy has been the underdog in his past, but that ends now. With your support, we will give him the medical care, love, and second chance he so desperately needs," the post continued. 

"We'll help him heal—not just physically, but emotionally—so he can finally experience the kindness and compassion he was so cruelly denied." 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Aliens Attack Shithole Countries Like Africa And Dominica For Animal Abuse


Vini flew the craft over the shithole nation known as Dominica. In Dominica, the molested grew up to abuse animals and set them on fire. The homeless dogs weren't safe. One dog is more valuable to God than a thousand animal abusing niggers. They weren't even hip.
Vini hovered over their government building in cloaked mode. Vini shot up the place with plasma direct energy to smite the health of the roaches disguised as people in their government. Then, Vini sprayed the place with time capsulated energy to smite the roaches who'd come there over the next few months. The subhumans were roaches, an infestation. They didn't exist, due to phantomization after being time looped as their victims and as slaves.
Vini found the energy signature of the subhuman fuckboy who set Benji on fire and beamed his ass up and had him taken to the loop room. Vini set the device to time loop the spirit of the fucktard in the bodies of all dogs abused and set on fire in Shithole land 100 replays per offense.
After the device powered down, the subhuman's spirit was returned to his body, Vini said to him in his own shithole language "When you die, you'll be time looped as all of those abused animals for 40 quadrillion millennia per offense and then as slaves. And then you and all like you will be spiritually executed, phantomized, to never get born, never exist, to be subhumans. So everything you ever did gets erased right along with you. It never happened."
Vini had the shithole subhuman returned to shithole land and flew to their water supply. There, Vini shot up their water supply so that it'd become poisoned to humans but not to animals.
"There you go."
Giggles and nods. Vini flew the craft away from the shithole country and into the sky away from the subhuman energy. 

Excerpt from the BLEED 33 . Read the BLEED 32 at 

Imagine how bad it's gonna get for the shithole country known as Africa. They're probably gonna have poison water soon. Praise God! Fuck Africa! All the subhuman niggers there are so inferior to other races!


Giraffes in Africa are facing a crisis — gunned down by poachers, torn apart for the illegal wildlife trade, and forced into deadly conflicts as relentless human expansion and climate change-driven drought wipe out their habitatsaccording to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Shockingly, there are just 690 West African giraffes left. Yet, giraffe body parts are being brought into the U.S. at an alarming rate.

Now, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed adding all three northern giraffe subspecies to the Endangered Species Act’s endangered list — and classifying Masai and reticulated giraffes as threatened.

If the protections are enacted, they could significantly curb wildlife trafficking and illegal hunting while increasing vital conservation funding.

These iconic animals are being driven toward extinction by human actions and deserve protection before it’s too late.



Friday, February 7, 2025

Thief gives Vincent Ciofani a bad buyers review

 A thief at a thieving ass pizza shop in Grayling, Michigan had a bad experience with Vincent Ciofani when they doubled charged his bank card (it was not a credit card, as the lying bitch states) and refused to refund the 2nd charge. So any reviews you see about bad buyers are probably from thieves about their victims or those they've targeted, as is the case here.

The above is lies from a thief after thieving from Vincent Ciofani 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

the BLEED Ongoing Shemale Vampire Diary Series Is A Must READ!



An interdimensional shemale vampire who feeds his craving for blood by drinking womens menstrual blood from their pussies. These short entries transcribed from the Diary of Vincent are hypnotizing and addicting. 
This book has it all, bestiality, rape, incest, taboo sex, alien sex, demon sex, sex with nuns, shemales being fisted by nuns, nuns being molested by cardinals and bishops, shemales from the future fucking themselves in the past, monsters, mystery, violence, mass death, revenge!

only on kindle!!


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Molested Kids In Chicago Miss Cock So Badly They Hurt A Puppy!



In Chicago, some ghetto kids who were molested by their mama's dopemen for rocks for their mamas miss that black cock in their asses and mouths so badly that a puppy wasn't safe in their neighborhood. They craved that cock so badly that they stomped the innocent puppy to death. Motuphi, a god compared to them and their parents and everyone famous who they're fans of, cursed them and their 'hood and everyone famous who they're fans of.
Now, not only is Chicago cursed, but they'll die to be time looped as the puppy and all animals hurt by other fans of those they're fans of and as slaves to repay the frequency resonance that they stole. 
Their mamas will endure the same time loops, so they get to stomp their mamas to death, repeatedly, for 40 quadrillion millennia before their phantomization, spiritual execution, to never get born, it'll be like they never existed. But Vini still writes about them in the next timeline, only they're fiction by then because they never were allowed to exist. Plasma direct energy weaponry was shot all throughout their crappy monster neighborhood. 
The gods are angry with Chicago and the famous subhumans who the subhuman monsters are fans of. If Chicago doesn't want to be cursed, the subhumans who killed the puppy will be executed in a timely fashion. Then the curse will be lifted, as soon as the little dick sucking monsters die and hit the time loops. These little motherfuckers never make it to the next timeline or the real Earth, which is protected from their kind. But the puppy is in the next timeline, being cared for by GODS comapared those subhuman monsters, their mamas and everyone famous who they're fans of, whose whack influence is responsible for this level of subhumanism. Now, the only justice is that the cock hungry punks get stomped to death in the same fashion.
Chicago is officially a shithole place now. The population there will be so cursed that they'll gladly hunt down those little cock hungry puppy killers and stomp them to death, themselves, just to save Chicago from the curses of the gods.
Vini put that bounty on the heads of the cock hungry kids, kill them or be cursed with them. Hear that, Chicago? Time for you to move to help your peoples, yo.

Peep this story from the goddess, Nina, who their mamas and Taylor Swift and the Kardashians and Jenners aren't even fit to lick her ass after shitting, they're all so gank.

PETITION TARGET: Chicago Police Department

A helpless coyote pup was brutally kicked and stomped to death, after being surrounded by three people in a Chicago neighborhood, according to local news. A neighbor reportedly saw the attack and confronted the group — but tragically, the pup had already been killed.

The coyote pup and his family had been spotted in the neighborhood occasionally over the past few months — but they hadn’t caused any problems, according to the neighbor.

“The father of the coyote was over there howling for half the night,” the witness told news about the coyote family’s response to the loss of the pup after the attack.

The terror and pain this vulnerable pup must have experienced as these larger figures towered over him, stomping on his body until he was killed, is heartbreaking.

No one has been arrested in connection with the case — but the group has been caught on camera. They are believed to be juveniles.

Sign our petition urging the Chicago Police Department to thoroughly investigate this case to find the people who horrifically killed this innocent coyote pup — and to recommend they receive intensive psychological intervention and be held accountable for their cruel actions so that no other animal — or human — suffers this type of violence.

Police are asking anyone who might have information about the suspects to submit a tip at  

Pretty fucked up, right? Chicago should be ashamed. Their mamas should be ashamed. Everyone famous who they're fans of should be ashamed and so should the Jews who made them famous with no talent or discernible talent nor any viable reason to be famous. They're all just welfare phantoms who only got born to accrue debt to God and the mechanism. Fictional monsters in Vini's books in the next timeline about how they loved cock and killed puppies craving it so badly. God has spoken. He spoke through Vini, a god like Him. This is why you don't spawn a kid for a bigger welfare check, you end of paying AFTER death and being cursed until that happens.



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