Targeting the dope-man dick-chugging mamas of those nasty inferior, subhuman, sub-species niggers who’re playing the “Knock-out Game” is a proper idea, as this comment is becoming ever more common in response to the niggers getting away with hate crimes in America simply because they’re inferior subhumans and shouldn’t be held accountable for their violent actions against the taxpaying white overlords who supported their asses all their lives:
I carry a legal 9mm Taurus, and I pray someone chooses me to be a contenstant in the Knockout game. Not only will I shoot and kill the perpetrator, I will shoot any other punk kid in the immediate vicinity. Then, I will pull their wallets out of their pockets, check the addresses of their ID cards, go to each home, and shoot every man, woman and child I find in their respective homes. Still want to play the knockout game kids?
If you’re white in America, the sad fact is that you must be prepared to protect yourself from a “sleeper cell” created by the zombie-slave-clones in the mainstream media (the same media who didn’t warn victims of this “game” simply because the perps were niggers) and then be vilified as “racist” for protecting yourself against a nigger who never should’ve been born (like they did Zimmerman, your only current REAL American HERO). A sad FACT in America is: if they’re Black and they listen to Kanye West, Jay-z, Li’l Wayne, 50 Cent, Dre, Snoop, Diddy, Ghostface Killa, Drake, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj, Beyonce, Chris Brown, Ice Cube, Ice T, or any other mainstream nigger rapper, then they’re programmed to be racist, lazy, materialistic, self-serving “sleeper cells” who may endanger you and your family.
Even now, the American nigger loving media is keeping lids on news stories of dangerous niggers attacking whites for sport, like the nasty cursed nigger who broke into those white peoples’ home in Mecosta county Michigan …which is alarming in that it didn’t make national headlines and because it shows that, in America, you’re just not safe from niggers ANYwhere, not even out in the boonies. So the media that’s not warning those educated, job-having, taxpaying white overlords to protect themselves have brought curses down upon their networks, their lives, their families, and their collective safety…Now, there’ll be no intervention (not even via a warning) to protect THEM and THEIR families from violence and tragedy that’s now been earmarked to head their way (they “attracted” it to themselves). God will send it back around to them and hopefully they’ll die at the hands of some niggers they wanted to protect and empower over the whites they were secretly racist against, which is proving that niggers can’t even be trusted to fairly deliver the news (they’ll engage in “cover-ups” for their inferior race that’re dangerous to all the people who DO matter).
There’ll be white people waiting for those niggers to get out of jail who only got 18 months for beating that supreme white overlord to death in Syracuse, NY. They may even get those niggers’ mamas while they’re at it, too. The judge who dropped the ball on delivering justice is now cursed and marked for time loops of judgement (as the victims he denied justice, 100,000 times per victim per offense) and then eternal execution when his Earth body dies, which’ll be soon if there’s any justice headed his way from God or an American hero willing to make a statement against racial coddling and injustice (that’d hafta be someone white, you realize). If there’s a God in Heaven, America will now become as dangerous for niggers to show their faces outside as it’s been for the white overlords they refer to as “crackers” and we’ll start seeing stories of niggers being targeted, tortured, raped and murdered for “sport” to balance out this one-sided violence that their subhuman, sub-species niggers started (what goes around comes around, jungle bunnies).
When you allow lazy, materialistic, self-absorbed, opportunistic, subhuman, sub-species, race-baiting niggers like X, King, Sharpton, and Jackson to be referred to as “civil rights (aHEM!) leaders” then this is what you get in your communities: a race of inferior savages you gotta arm yourselves against to survive…When is someone gonna make an example of one of those freaks who led that inferior race astray? It’d be so satisfying to read a news story of a Sharpton or a Jackson enduring a horrible, tragic, untimely demise at the hands of someone motivated by racial hatred…It’d be them finally reaping what they sowed because, for a little popularity and temporal power, they incited niggers to this behavior with their seeds of bigotry that even caused a riot over a non-existent crack-head nigger (cursed-ass Rodney King) and it eventually escalated to regular violent incidents like the demises of Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, and Autumn Pasquale (just some of the Black on white violence time loops victims they’ll be required to endure at a rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH, and their mamas, too, for raising them to be so inferior). God causing one of their churches full of racist, “cracker”-spewing niggers to just blow-up or fall into the Earth would be too much to ask for…We just gotta wait for the spirit scan we’re on to do its perfect work and make those niggers (and their mamas) as if they never existed via time loops of judgement and eternal execution.
Another day, another story of American nigger inferiority…Imagine how embarrassing it must be to be one attributed with being a major “influence” over them (like Jay-z)…Oh, yeah, they’d be too much like little “bugs” to be embarrassed by it, which is the whole reason their influence transformed their fans into dangerous “sleeper cells”…
NOW, anyone with an IQ over 14 points can finally understand WHY they had FCC laws, rules and regulations that made it impossible for gangsta rap to be played on the radio (which was never supposed to happen)…But the nasty little uneducated, no-job-havin’, no-tax-payin’, subhuman, sub-species niggers met with no resistance when they thugged their poor imitations of “music” onto the radio via kidnapping, rape, torture, murder and other forms of violence that the American (lack of) “law enforcement” refused to investigate, charge, or even acknowledge (like the thug nigger-loving/coddling media)…Now, they reap what they sowed, as their daughters are gang raped, tortured and executed right under their noses for no other reason than that they were “white” and convenient “prey” and the uneducated, no-job-havin’, no-tax-payin’, subhuman, sub-species niggers were “bored” and programmed to violence, niggerism and lesserism by the mainstream zombie-slave-clones they regard as mentors and “father” figures.
The American mainstream media won’t elevate a positive Black role model for niggers to emulate anymore. Obama got disqualified when he turned rogue thug and enacted a “law” that makes it legal for him to strong-arm extort all hard-working, taxpaying American “crackers” and the “uncle toms” who conformed to the whites’ productive way of living (by working instead of thugging someone else out of their shit, like Obama now does with Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care and his “sons” do with violence). Now Obama openly wears a mugger mask while holding a gun to all working-class “crackers’ ” heads and therefore sets the wrong example and can no longer be regarded as a proper role model for American niggers…Thus, the recent escalated violence against whites by niggers who fully expect to get away with it because they’re too fuckin’ inferior and retarded to comprehend that it’s WRONG…If even your president can get away with being a thievin’ nigger, what hope does America have against civil unrest? Your president is an open thug, a criminal who made it legal for him to steal money…Niggers will NEVER be regarded as anything near “equal” again after that shit and they’re too fuckin’ inferior to “get” it and send a nigger to redeem their race by demanding his head on a pike, and even that might not work now that so many “crackers” have had their lives destroyed by one nigger who never existed to stink up the white house (because he done got his entire subhuman bloodline eternally executed to protect the interests of the Entities whose “turf” he’s on).
Eventually, the “crackers” are gonna start defending themselves, even against those who cry “racism” when they do so (they’ll get smart and just shoot their mouth-pieces who dare defy re-liberation of the nation against the niggers who wanna burn it to the ground). Niggers are allowing their mainstream heroes to betray them by allowing them to program themselves into false-flag-eventing themselves into necessary Martial Law scenarios via their own collective mental weaknesses, racism and hatred. How many looking at this shit understand what the American niggers don’t? They just don’t “get it” and they never will.
Bill Cosby was the only American mainstream Black who defied what the Caucasianists were doing to American niggers (via the mainstream programming) by speaking out against the niggerism (and behavior that results from letting a bunch of stupid thug mainstream niggers dumb kids down to their levels), and then the niggers vilified him for it when they should’ve been thanking the man for his superior wisdom and regarding him as a prophet. Meanwhile, in God’s realm: This act of courage and bravery elevated Bill Cosby to eternal HERO status and all white women in America who want Black cock should show that god-among-common-niggers some gratitude for speaking up for their safety and go give him some of that white pussy (rather than reward a subhuman thug nigger with their flesh for hating on their color and wanting to victimize it like they’ve been programmed to do). Bill Cosby and his bloodline will be in Heaven and the New Earth, simply because HE “gets” it. They’ll be partaking of the forfeited wealth of the eternally executed American niggers and their mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clone influences (and their collective eternally executed bloodlines).
So, the nigger who wrote the rap song that says “Mama said knock you out” got his nasty, dope-man dick-chugging, ghetto-fabulous mama knocked the fuck out in the time loops of judgement AS every victim of the knock-out “game” at a rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, as well as himself…Then, they’ll be gone, eternally executed, made to be as if they never existed, at all, and BOOM!, suddenly that stupid song that motivated so many sub-species niggers to knock “crackers” out will never exist (it never got recorded)…
This will also happen to all of the mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clone enemies of Lucifer and Motuphi (who reps his interests, such as music—which is theirs’ not the mainstream’s, on Earth/which is their spirit scan) as part of the punishment for their negative influence: Whatever negative thing they caused with their influence is what they’ll endure (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH), from the violence they encouraged to the plight of those entities (people and animals) they caused to be ignored…So imagine Jay-z, Li’l Wayne, Eminem, Dre, 50 Cent, Snoop, Diddy, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj, Lady GaGa, Miley Cyrus, Ghostface Killa, Ice Cube, Ice T, Beyonce and the rest of those fun-house riding fools AS those euthanized animal shelter puppies and kitties they never influenced a soul to rescue or adopt or AS the victims of pedophilia they cock-blocked Motuphi from rescuing…They already have the loops of violence to endure, yet they keep adding to their after-Earth punishments like crackheads who just can’t stop sucking the pipe.
Now you see why God and Lucifer had to multiply so many clones of Motuphi’s angry avenging spirit, because just dealing with one gangsta rapper, his mama and bloodline will take trillions of years (Earth time) worth of time loops of judgement to properly punish before eternally executing.
Here’s another story about more unacceptable behavior from an inferior subhuman race that dared to suggest that they were “equal” to the white overlords they now call “crackers” and routinely victimize for attempting to liberate them from themselves. As it turns out, they were NOT “equal”. They are not now, never will be, and never have been “equal”: altho’ the decent Black folks that were killed-off by the headhunter spawn that formed those gangs in the 1960’s were damned close…Had they been “equal”, tho’, they would’ve been smart enough to see what was happening and told X to shut the fuck up, killed off all those gangsta niggers before they could multiply, told King, Sharpton and Jackson to keep their views to themselves and kept living and working and paying taxes and being productive members of society that didn’t allow their own race to become so contaminated by lesserism and niggerism spawned by lazy layabouts who were too lazy to work and wanted to divert form their own laziness by pointing at “crackers” and making all stupid niggers follow suit…a society and community that no longer exists (for the moment) because the sub-species niggers burned it down (it’ll magically reappear, tho’, as the niggers are time looped and eternally executed so that they never existed to contaminate the world and burn it down around them).
The worse thing that you can do to a subhuman, sub-species headhunting nigger is to make it WORK to earn its keep (they just wanna lay around, get fucked-up, fuck, eat, rape, steal what others worked for, and kill what’s superior to them for “sport”), which is why they can’t forget the slavery of people they would’ve killed for a cookie in a heartbeat if they were alive today (and they know it)…..”How DARE you make us WORK! Oh GOD Almighty! That’s so fuckin’ unforgivable! If you only knew! MY race don’t work! We STEAL! We HUNT! WE TAKE and regard subhuman niggers as role models who were named after their inferiorities like ‘TOOKIE’! We RAPE! We MURDER! THAT’s what WE do! But we do NOT work! We can’t forgive THAT shit! Uh-uhhh! You don’t make us WORK and get away with THAT shit!”
The descendants of decent bloodlines like Alex Haley’s (who were sold by headhunter spawn niggers who became gangstas) went on to get educations and jobs and now own businesses. They don’t riot and they’re not racist, for the most part. But the headhunter niggers got what they got by taking it from others, and the biggest culprits of this ongoing perpetuation are famous now and didn’t rise up via hard work and integrity, which devalues it for everyone else who did and does rightfully belong there due to their talent, skill and strong work ethics. This sent the wrong message to the last 2 generations of American niggers that it’s okay/acceptable to bail on all responsibility to racial equality and community (and their own selves) by refusing to get educations and jobs and refusing to be productive members of society. They don’t understand that gangsta rap was never supposed to exist and that Jay-z is not supposed to be famous because he’s supposed to be incarcerated for being a dope-dealing, gang-banging, thug nigger who refused an education and the equality that was available to him by working with his hands like the “crackers” do. They don’t understand that gangstas were never supposed to exist and that they started from lazy, stupid, selfish niggers who wanted to take from others (like Tookie, who got his bloodlines’ spirits TOOK) instead of work with their hands like all humans who’re superior to them did and do. They’re allowing the gangsta niggers (who don’t exist) to set an example for them that’s getting THEM eternally executed right along with them (and for no reward).
So the famous Blacks sold 2 generations of poor American Blacks who were their fans and made them famous. They rewarded their fans with betrayal that transformed them into “sleeper cells” the “crackers” must now exterminate if America and it’s tax base is to be salvaged…A few more months of this shit and Obama won’t have enough “crackers” to extort to make Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care work. So, either way, the niggerism is gonna hafta stop for America to survive…
You knew the day would come. It couldn’t stay nigger-Heaven, where sex and money was as easy to find as the nearest “cracker” to victimize, forever…Eventually, God, Christ, Lucifer and Motuphi (whose “turf” they’re desecrating and stinking up) were gonna hafta get involved and lay down the ultimatum: Stop the niggers or die for not tryin’…
Anyone watchin’ for solar activity? What about asteroids, meteorites and space junk? How about some good old-fashioned earthquakes or tornadoes? GOD can stop those nasty niggers if their “father”, Obama, doesn’t wanna do it…Let’s all watch. We’re ready to die if that’s what it takes: So please, God, super nova this bitch and stop those nasty non-existent niggers in their tracks!
'Knockout Game' Suspect Charged With Hate Crime (ABC News)
The Brooklyn, N.Y., man accused of assaulting an Orthodox Jew in what appears to be another case of the knockout game is being charged with a hate crime for the alleged attack.
Amrit Marajh, 28, was charged with harassment as a hate crime after he allegedly punched the 24-year-old Orthodox Jewish man Friday morning.
The unidentified victim believes he was attacked as part of the deadly “knockout” game, where an attacker aims to knock out the victim with a single sucker punch, police said.
The violent game has been linked to assault reports in at least six states, and three people have been killed in suspected knockout attacks.
The unidentified Brooklyn victim said he was walking home early Friday morning in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn when he was assaulted and heard his alleged attackers daring each other to punch him out minutes before one actually assaulted him, according to police.
He said there was no question that the game was the motive for the attack, New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly said.
"He makes a statement that he was punched in the side of the face," Kelly said. "He also makes a statement that just prior to it they were talking about the ‘Knockout Game’."
New York City police arrested four men Friday in connection with the alleged sucker-punching. Only Marajh was charged, however, and the other three were released.
In response to at least eight attacks in the past few weeks, police have stepped up patrols in several Brooklyn neighborhoods where many Jewish people, the latest New York victim among them, have been the targeted.
Two weeks ago, a 78-year-old Jewish woman in Brooklyn was punched in the face by teens while walking down her street, prompting an investigation by the NYPD Hate Crimes Taskforce and leading a New York lawmaker to call for harsher penalties for so-called knockout game players.
The woman’s daughter, who wanted to remain anonymous, told “Good Morning America” that she found the violence senseless.
"Someone wanted to inflict pain onto someone else," the woman said. "No other purpose."
Republican state Assemblyman Jim Tedisco has proposed a bill that would classify the knockout game attacks as gang assaults, and would require that youths who participate in such attacks be tried as adults, facing prison terms of up to 25 years.
"These twisted and cowardly thugs are preying on innocent bystanders and they don’t care if the victims are young, old, a man or woman," Tedisco told The Associated Press when he announced the bill. "Life isn’t a video game. These are real people whose lives are not only being put in jeopardy but in many cases destroyed."
In response to the latest attack in Brooklyn, New York City Councilman David Greenfield told ABC station WABC-TV in New York that officials should send a message of “zero tolerance.”
"That’s why I called on the NYPD and District Attorney’s Office to literally throw the book at these individuals and to charge them with many crimes, including hate crimes and gang assault, because that’s what it is," Greenfield said.
In spite of increased police crackdowns on the alleged perpetrators, the dangerous game appears to be spreading further throughout the country.
One unidentified Denver man told ABC News affiliate KMGH-TV in Denver that he was sucker-punched when leaving a bar, which would make him one of the first people in that city to be a victim of the “knockout” game.
In Washington, two people were randomly punched in separate incidents but suffered only minor injuries and did not lose consciousness, while two similar assaults in Philadelphia also have police on alert.
In September, Ralph Santiago, 46, of Hoboken, N.J., died from injuries resulting from a suspected knockout attack that sent him careering backward into a fence, where his head got lodged. Three teens — two 13-year-olds and a 14-year-old — have been charged with murder.
In late May, two teenagers admitted to fatally beating and killing a man in Syracuse, N.Y. They admitted that the attack began with the intention of knocking out the victim, Michael Daniels, with a single blow. Both teens, 16 and 13, were sentenced to 18 months in jail.
And earlier in May, Elex Murphy, now 20, was sentenced to life in prison plus 25 years in St. Louis for killing a Vietnamese immigrant as part the game in 2011.
Surveillance footage has also gone viral of another attack from 2012, in which a 50-year-old Pittsburgh, Pa., English teacher named James Addlespurger is struck and falls limply to the curb.
Experts say the violent acts appear to be driven in part by a pack mentality and peer pressure put on the perpetrators.
"These kids have effectively de-humanized others," Former FBI special agent Brad Garrett told ABC News. "They are being drastically influenced by the groups to commit the acts."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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- Com-Pee-Ta 56 minutes ago5415Nothing but a bunch of chicken chit cowards that weren’t properly taught by their parents.Expand Replies (16) Reply
- Report Abuse 3 minutes ago12Geoge Zimmerman was told he must surrender his guns in order to be a free man in America.Why are we allowing this ???One day, the President of the United States Of America is going to go to your house, he’s going to put you in handcuffs, and he’s going to put you in a dungeon along with everyone else in this country, and when you try to reach for your gun to try and protect yourself, you will remember, that guns are no longer allowed in the hands of American citizens anymore.Enjoy your fate America. You all need your throats sliced.Reply
- Tommy Boy 55 minutes ago8310If people want to act like ANIMALS, the state should treat them like ANIMALS and put them DOWN.Expand Replies (8) Reply
- footballfanatic12 26 minutes ago030To a young couple, please imagine what teens will be doing when you are old. The nation needs to put a stop to this now. Show them the consequences, and make examples out of these cowards.Reply
- Guy’s Groovy Grab Bag 4 minutes ago37I carry a legal 9mm Taurus, and I pray someone chooses me to be a contenstant in the Knockout game. Not only will I shoot and kill the perpetrator, I will shoot any other punk kid in the immediate vicinity. Then, I will pull their wallets out of their pockets, check the addresses of their ID cards, go to each home, and shoot every man, woman and child I find in their respective homes. Still want to play the knockout game kids?Reply
- I Dont Count 1 hour ago288There ought to be immediate death penalty for anyone partaking in this kind of thing. Teens or not, just shoot them. Predators grow up to be predators.Expand Replies (6) Reply
- NSASPY 56 minutes ago3117The police should have charged the others with conspiracy since they were discussing the crime before it was committed.Expand Replies (3) Reply
- Don 52 minutes ago025Pathetic media calling it a “game.” Like “ethnic cleansing” and “date rape.” If it were a white on black “game” they’d be clawing at each other to clamor all over the story. Simple: use deadly force if you catch anybody doing this if your life or the life of another is in danger of serious bodily injury or death.Reply
- Kevin Robert Brooks 39 minutes ago019Anyone doing this should be charged with attempted murder period! … This is no game this is a felony!Reply
- Tafari 50 minutes ago022Strangely, it would please me if the perpetrators were lined up and every victim got a chance to slap the #$%$ out of everyone caught in the act. This insane attack on people is obviously as deadly as using a weapon. Apply the full force of the law and get these spineless crabs back into their holes.Sadly, however, these uneducated dummies are a product of a failing society.Reply
- Human 32 minutes ago015I didn’t realize so many Jewish people were targeted. I’m wondering if these would be classified as hate crimes if they had been non-Jewish caucasian people? This a certainly a hate crime and needs to be classfied as one.