This story reminds us of the ghetto-ism levels reached by a subhuman demographic that can even drive the likes of a Detroit lover like Motuphi from his own great city. “They’re not hip to the spirit scan, that they and their mamas are going to BE their victims” (yes, even the animals) in the time loops of justice before they’re eternally executed (after they die here, of course).
When Motuphi left Detroit, spawn of headhunters had all but taken over and they were raping and torturing white women and children for “sport” on a regular basis. This even resulted in the death of a beautiful young (trapped in the ghetto) child named Raven, whose body was found burned beyond recognition. He said “I’m suddenly ‘racist’ if I say anything against it. It’s so fucked-up. I can’t stand to look and there’s nothing I can do, all by myself now, to stop any of it.”

They were torturing animals and making dogs fight to their deaths. Motuphi knew of the spirit scan, that they were actually torturing, raping and murdering themselves and their own nasty, dope-man dick-chugging mamas once they arrive in the time loops to reap the harvest for the seeds they sowed on the spirit scan, but to share the knowledge prematurely would interfere with the spirit scan and they might not show their true colors…Then, if they come into creative status and power in the future, they might create a world where there’s a norm of suffering, hurt, torment and torture (which can not be allowed to happen as it did here, where all of the wrong Blacks came into influential power, like rappers and mainstream artists and sports figures who all set examples of lesserism, ghettoism, niggerism and materialism). Motuphi couldn’t share with them yet that spirit memory is in all of God’s created entities on Earth that are capable of suffering and that it’s non-tamperable and non-delete-able. He had to give them enough rope to hang themselves and allow it to play out, even if it meant watching those he cared about commit themselves to time loops of justice and eternal execution (nonexistence, due to the time-space continuum, which is what it’s for, to undo tainted creations via execution of spirit, making them as if they never existed, at all). He warned against it and stopped hanging with his clique, who he’d began to see as too monstrous and dumbed down to be trustworthy.

When they call Motuphi abandoning Detroit, remember this story of these dogs. Let’s not forget Raven or the hundreds of thousands of other white women and children whose bodies were found disposed of in rolled up carpets and dumpsters and just thrown out in alleys and parks and in the river after being made “sport” of (like these dogs who were also more precious and valuable than all of the subhuman sub-species niggers, combined, who did these horrendous atrocities AND their nasty, monster-spawning, dope-man dick-chugging, gold-digging, uneducated, non-working, “bitch” “ho” mamas).

REAL Detroiters don’t do this kind of shit is why the real Detroiters like Motuphi left Detroit. Very few real Detroiters can stomach what the Blacks have become, what they’ve done and what they’re doing in the city. It was so hard to watch the sub-species mayors run their “train” on the city, methodically taking their own turns at raping Detroit of whatever they thought they could pilfer. Not one Black lived up to the responsibility of “equality” to the white mayors of the bygone eras when Detroit was a flourishing economic giant that had much more to offer the world than just the automobiles Motown is so notorious for making readily available to the average American. The white mayors were fair to business owners. The Black mayors were like gangstas demanding more and more of their profits via “local taxes”, which drove manufacturing out of Detroit beginning with the first nigger disguised as Black mayor, who was not “equal” to anything except a retarded thug who can’t see the error of his ways.
That’s the truth of what began the downward spiral of Detroit: it can all be attributed to ghetto-level nigger greed, like what Obama is now displaying from the White House, which is negatively effecting his own tax base of his own ruling era — making him just as infantile and retarded (America is Detroit all over again, just on a larger scale and far more dangerous to the whole world, even the self-destructive white devil fools who own Obama and consequently America), which is why you never elect someone “sell-able” to such a high office (notice how Putin can not be “bought” by comparison, refusing to bow to the Muslim/Islamic regime). Obama could learn alot from studying the downfall of Detroit and accepting the cold, hard truth. The world could then benefit IF he were to rise up to actually beCOME “equal” to any white man found in his position and abolish his deranged tyrannical money scheme turned treasonous terrorist attack on the world. Of course no white man would be dumb enough to try to be a tyrannical dictator and expect to live through it, so just being in his position is a strong testament to the potential for a Black leader to be regarded as “equal” to a white person who would’ve exercised more restraint and wouldn’t have ran all thug-happy to mug some people just because he can….So maybe Obama does not possess the potential for true equality and will just have to accept the term as an “honorary” reference as in the case of 99% of Black Americans who’re not living up to the “equality” requirements but are still dumb enough to wanna be regarded as “equal”.
These are shitworm-controlled monsters, like the Black-faced Caucasianists who started those gangs in the 1960s (instead of getting educations and jobs) and then wanted to be regarded as “equal” to those that they were NOT equal to so they started a subhuman self-entitled, non-contributing to society nigger enabler movement and dubbed it the “civil rights movement” and got all kinds of lazy layabouts to be their mouthpieces and “leaders” to make it all “official”. They even had the gangstas riot and march on Washington and associated it to the good hardworking Black people who wanted no part of it because they knew that they were already equal to their working white peers no matter what a few bigoted whiteboys might think. Those decent working Blacks were killed off by that lazy headhunter spawn that went on to create “norms” out of pedophilia, rape, muggings, torture, animal torture, racial hate crimes, murders, graffiti, gang-banging, dope dealing, not working, not having an education, not being intelligent, unfounded/unwarranted racism and bigotry and all other “lesser” mentalities, like being on welfare (so go pop out babies at 13 years old and get that check started).
Now you understand the “ripple effects” time loops that the starters of the gangs (like Tookie) and “fathers” of these monstrous subhumans must endure, which is every victimization ever committed by a Black gangsta. Much like the spiritual demise of the false prophet, Mohammed, who must endure time loops of justice as every victim of every Muslim/Islamic infidel (to deny Christ is to be an infidel, ironic, but true). Muhammad, Mohammad, whatever, the false prophet came during an era when God’s Son, Jesus Christ/Joshua, warned that no prophets would be sent by God/Allah/Jehovah. This warning was issued immediately after John the Baptist was murdered by the King. Christ warned that there would NOT be another prophet until the end times, “right before the end” or “right before the great and terrible day of the Lord” and only to “prepare the way”.
Mohammad was already marked as a false prophet by GOD, Himself, long before he was born. Now, he must endure every atrocity ever committed by anyone who followed his teachings: every stoning, every bombing, every terrorist attack, every hanging, every mutilation of another creation of God/Allah due to the erroneous beliefs caused by the false teachings in the Quran (Koran, whatever, the book is all lies from shitworms that don’t even qualify as devils and only shitworm-controlled monsters believe the shit could be associated to an advanced entity such as God/Allah in any fashion, anyway). Like Mohammad (and his mama) gets to be every victim of every Muslim/Islamic, Tookie (and his mama) get to be every victim of every gang-banger, which includes dogs and other animals those subhumans caused to suffer unnecessarily…
Plus, the people who created a demand for the unnecessary suffering, meaning the subhuman sub-species who attended the dog fights and torture “shows” (where they torture the white people, usually women and children they take turns raping and torturing, and let other sub-species niggers watch for a fee) must be time looped as the victims (stars of the shows) and so will their mamas for raising them up to be so monstrous as to create a demand for the death of another of God’s creations (which they never had no right to do on a planet that is the turf of 2 supernatural entities, God and Lucifer, who share a conjoined end time agenda known as the “Tribulation” and never condoned their behavior nor granted them permission to do those things).
These are the “bad” people Obama spoke of, those who NEVER contribute to society, never work and never pay taxes (unless they blow-up/get famous as a rapper and THEN pay taxes, if that ain’t about a bitch, because they should be incarcerated or executed for refusing to be productive members of society, period, “if they won’t work don’t let ‘em eat”). Yet Obama got so mentally fucked up in his head from listening to too much subhuman-made “music” that he regards the hard-working, taxpaying American citizen who simply can not afford their “affordable” insurance right now (that’s nothing more than a brick-in-a-box due to the exorbitant deductibles that’ll make it impossible to get healthcare, anyway, especially if they’re dumping all of that cash into premiums for insurance that’s useless to them) as “bad people” because he’s such a dumbed down simpleton that he doesn’t understand the concept that those hard-working, taxpaying “bad people” are paying an exorbitant F.I.C.A. rate EVERY WEEK out of their piddly incomes (compared to his and his rich massas) which is supposed to cover them for awhile if something happens that they do get ill and need to go on SSI for awhile to recover…
The white devils who have their hands in Obama’s anus to control his movements, thoughts, perspectives, actions and legacy have Obama pegged as stupid enough to buy it (because those treasonous traitors have been pilfering the Social Security funds for decades now and need to cover their tracks with a bigger terrorist attack than the wealthy 1-percentile tax breaks of the Bush era which was bigger than 911, also of that era) and so far, he’s been proving them right by making it his legacy as “the first Black president”, which obviously means diddly-squat to that guy.
The “bad” people are the ones who don’t wanna let Americans just be free Americans and let them have some of their FICA back when they need it to recover and get back to paying taxes which pays their exorbitant salaries in Washington so they can go in and take naps while on the clock (you’re allowed to not do your job when it’s for a Congress member from now on just like they refuse to do their jobs for you and they still have to pay you, fuck them, new law stronger than everything in DC, let’s see them defy it and get God-smacked the fuck OUT!). The “bad people” are in Washington. They have names like Obama, Clinton, Bush, Kerry, Pelosi, put any name from Obama’s administration here->___________, put any name of any speaker of the House or Congress member or representative or senator or anyone else with power in D.C. who failed to fight against those tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile of the Bush era (a terrorist attack/money scam all Forbes listers participated in against the working/taxpaying Americans and got away with, if societal collapse doesn’t kill them too, that is) that destroyed the economy and the follow-up terrorist attack on the nation dubbed “ObamaCare” or the “Affordable Care Act” (which is also a money scam) here->__________.
The “Tookie Influence” has permeated generations. It destroyed Detroit, is now destroying America from within DC, and continues to destroy all hope that Blacks could be equal to whites when placed in power. Tookie gets to be those dogs, Vick’s dogs, all other dogs like them, to suffer as they did. So does his nasty, nonexistent mama. Same goes for every gangsta that followed in Tookie’s footsteps, all the way down to the thugs now in high-paying positions in the cursed (thanks to the likes of Vick, OJ and Kobe, to name a few) sports leagues in America and the gangstas turned celebrity and moguls in the entertainment and fashion industries that they have no right to be in (because they didn’t rise up through proper channels, they got there via violence and therefore all of their gain is “ill-gotten” and testament against them, due to be ripped from them and used as evidence against them on a larger scale for daring to interfere in something bigger than they can comprehend and surely bigger than they’ll ever be).
To attend a dog fight is to commit oneself to eternal execution AFTER “being” the dog during its suffering moments of life after one dies…Facts…Hidden prophecy of Daniel 9…in conjunction with Christ’s warning that Lucifer was incarcerated and his inter-dimensional pass revoked (for REASONS:) because a spirit scan was beginning from the moment he left the planet and he couldn’t be credited with interfering with the results by being able to externally motivate humans in any way.
When you see the Detroit dogs that were abused, you’re looking at their abusers and their nasty dope-man dick-chugging, gold-digging, uneducated, non-working, non-contributing to society, ghetto-fabulous, ghetto-monster spawning “bitch” “ho” mamas in the future, after they die here on the spirit scan that effectively identified them as “infected” “contaminants” that can’t be trusted with any authority from God, not even over a hamster or a gerbil, much less a dog or a cat (and never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVer over another human, who’ll they’ll most likely be inferior to but fail to realize it, like Lemaricus Cursed-Ass Davidson and his sub-species crew didn’t realize that they were inferior to Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom when they put on their torture-and-rape-some-crackers-for-sport “show” for that cursed nigger neighborhood they were in at the time).
Look at the dogs. You’re looking at Detroiters in the future, all of the weak-minded subhuman sub-species that could be entertained by such horrendous shit as watching two animals fight to their deaths…and their nasty inferior mamas…As their spirits are now cursed and their bloodlines are eliminated from the cosmos (to protect it from impurity, infection, and contamination) via time loopage and eternal execution.
This is what Motuphi did not want to be associated to any longer, why he left Hip-Hop and refused to allow himself to be referred to as a “rapper” once he left the music scene…The media will never cover the stuff that happens to the white people there…They can’t show you the bodies of the mutilated white women and kids without exposing an inferiority in the Black race problem that they know that they (the mainstream media), themselves, are responsible for participating in fostering. But Obama’s mass mugging of the taxpaying demographic via ObamaCare exposes the problem quite effectively…He doesn’t even have the capacity for shame, or embarrassment, “neither can he blush”…He obviously comes from the same stock as the sub-species who see nothing wrong with doing this kind of shit: