We already know that we do not have to say it, but we will anyway:
All government (aHEM!) “officials” (and their nasty mamas) will be time looped as Foley when they die for thwarting Foley’s brother’s efforts to raise ransom funds privately to rescue his sibling…Good fuckin’ riddance, corrupt government nonexistent subhumans.
After those time loops, they’ll be looped as all other decapitation victims and then be eternally executed to never exist to be the treasonous murderous traitors to American freedom that they were as premonitions of existences…stupid fuckin’ nonexistent subhumans. How about ten trillion time loops as Foley for every penny they stopped Michael Foley from raising…Sounds fair…Treasonous traitors fund terrorists and then refuse to allow REAL Americans to rescue their own families from them…For that, we will time loop them and their fucked-up traitor spawning mamas as many times as God will allow it before we eternally execute their nasty asses to never exist to endanger Americans with their Muslim/Islamic infidel enabling and coddling…Nothing is lower nor less desirable for transferal to the New World than an American government “official”, and this is just one example why. Nasty fuckers participated in Foley’s murder, making them murderers…Good thing their bloodlines will not exist now.
How we’ll handle those treasonous traitors is we’ll make them behead their own nasty mamas, daughters, sons, fathers, and siblings in the time loops. It’s easy: Just stuff them in Foley and stuff the treasonous traitorous government “officials” into the Muslim/Islamic infidel who beheaded Foley….THEN, we stuff them into Foley and then they get eternally executed to never exist to commit their treason against Americans…
When America started funding alCIAda and ISIS and other Muslim/Islamic infidel organizations to destabilize other nations, all bets were off and they relinquished all authority over all Americans that they dared endanger (of whom God’s end time Elect are included).
No longer did they have the authority to say “we do not bargain nor allow negotiations with terrorists” because THEY ARE the fuckin’ terrorists and they have it locked tight in their non-tamperable, non-erase-able (non-delete-able) spirit memories!
We’re gonna buy these loops, ourselves. The “highly decorated military officer” and Obama’s Muslim/Islamic infidel terrorist asses will endure the most loops as Foley and all other victims of their terrorist organizations that they did not want any Americans to defy. Then they will not exist to fund terrorism and be treasonous traitors who enable nonexistent Muslim/Islamic infidels…Hope that military “officer” has daughters and a wife and we know he had a mother and father to time loop…Just like Obama, who got away with NOTHING on this spirit scan during which he was nothing but a premonition of his existence that he will not be allowed to be now…We know he has a wife and daughters for him to behead (and his nasty inferior mama, too).
So Obama and that “officer” will not be allowed to exist to commit their atrocities that they’ll be punished and eternally executed over. This spirit scan is a beautiful thing, and it’s foolproof.
Peep this story of Obama’s and his military officer’s subhumanism that we’re gonna make them regret a few trillion times over just as soon as we can get the planet destroyed to rescue the remnant from Obama’s subhumanism (the nasty little nonexistent Muslim/Islamic infidel):

Darren McCollester/Getty Images
American journalist James Foley was beheaded on video by ISIS in Syria after being held captive there for 21 months. Now, Foley’s brother Michael says the Obama administration was “actually an impedance” to the Foley family’s efforts to rescue James.
"U.S. policy does not allow for government negotiations with terrorist organizations or ransom payments for Americans kidnapped by them," Fox News reports, and Michael Foley said on the Megyn Kelly Show that the State Department “specifically threatened” him about raising ransom money for his brother.
"We were smart enough to look past it but it slowed us down," Michael Foley said. "We lost a lot of time."
Diane Foley, James’ mother, said they were warned over the summer by “a highly decorated military officer serving on the White House’s National Security Council staff” that they might face criminal charges if they paid the ransom.
"Three times he intimidated us with that message," Diane Foley said. "We were horrified he would say that. He just told us we would be prosecuted. We knew we had to save our son, we had to try."
- - Teresa Mull