A whole bunch of nonexistent “people” watched a whole bunch of other nonexistent “people” attending a nonexistent awards show, attaching curses to themselves at cartoonish “per” rates (like per fiber of the red carpet per second the show distracted from the plights of the suffering per molecule of the suffering the show distracted from per second they suffered, and so on)…It’s a different world now: Animals are being tortured, neglected, abused and euthanized by the millions (it’s literally happening every second in America); women are being raped at alarming rates; Muslim/Islamic infidels are running amok pillaging, raping, torturing, and murdering Christians by the millions; little kids are being fucked by the millions…and yet, these self-absorbed freaks dare put on this stupid-assed “show” designed to further puff up their already over-sized egos (without any shame, mind you)…
…”and neither can they blush”…
And neither do they cry for the suffering entities whose plights they distract from…They cry tears of vanity over “awards” and undeserved accolades…Here’s a thought: Do something worthy of accolades and get awards for THAT! You got paid for the movie already, greedy bitches! Exactly how high maintenance ARE you, anyway? Self-absorbed cunts!
30 years ago, awards shows were an okay distraction. The world wasn’t quite so fucked-up. But now, there’s just too much REAL shit going on to be distracting people from…
Try being time looped as some of those animals and people those shows are distracting from…THEN you’ll “get it”.
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