Hundreds of years before Muhammad was ever born, Allah warned us that there would be no prophets sent by Him after John the Baptist until the very end of days. Allah warned that an infidel is anyone who claims to know Allah or represent Allah who then (or also) denies that Jesus Christ/Joshua is His Son (this describes the Muslims and their spirit of Anti-Christ and no other peoples on Earth). AND, Allah further warned, that end time prophet would bear the “qualifier” of knowing the secret hidden prophecy of Daniel, which Muhammad did not know.
The only prophet sent by Allah since the death of John the Baptist is Motuphi, who translated the Word of God with the hidden prophecy of Daniel.
This is all irrefutable FACT!
The only prophet sent by Allah since the death of John the Baptist is Motuphi, who translated the Word of God with the hidden prophecy of Daniel.
This is all irrefutable FACT!
Muslims are infidels. Muhammad was the first infidel.
Muhammad was more evil than Satan and so are all Muslims. Satan never denied that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of Allah. Satan knows that it is a fact that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of Allah, which makes Satan more righteous in the eyes of Allah than all Muslims, combined.
The reason that the Muslim infidel religion has grown is due to how nasty men are: Men want to have sex with children and associate it to Allah. Not even Satan is a pedophile like them.
The Muslim religion is a religion for effeminate pedophiles who cannot satisfy their women sexually. Muslim men want to control the women that they refuse to satisfy by cutting off their clits while they are children and then oppressing their women. Such treatment is how the effeminate treat their women, not real men of Allah.
There are no other infidels on Earth, only the Muslims who spit upon Allah and call Him a “liar” about His own Son and trample that blood of the sacrifice by shedding the blood of the innocent (who are not infidels like the Muslims).