See what we mean about the whack influence of famous retards? They never had it instilled into them by their nasty-assed ghetto-fabulous whore mamas and sperm donor dog absentee “fathers” to influence others to properly care for the creations of the Top Gangsta Whose turf we are in if we are in human bodies. That’s a minimum tribute that those scrub wannabe “gangstas” failed to pay-up and now they and their skank ass mamas and papas gonna PAY when they die, being time looped as these animals they got suffering just so they could avoid work by being famous with no talent. PLUS, they gonna be time looped as slaves to repay every penny they had that they failed to work for with their own two hands at a standard rate of $900,000 per penny compounded by the second and molecule of anything that suffered due to their influence…Then, they (their spirits) are gonna be eternally executed to never graduate to the real Earth (real existence) and the restore point of this mechanism will not include them to protect the animals and humans they caused harm to…There ya’ go, GhostFace Killa, got your mama time looped, Fool, right along with you…You gonna fuck your mama while you are in Lemaricus (stupid name havin’) Davidson and while your mama is in the body of Channon Christian. Then, YOU are gonna be placed in Channon Christian while Motuphi and Lucifer take turns “purifying” you of your ignorant racism based on LIES from white devils and niggers who never told you WHY slavery started in Africa (if you don’t agree that your ancestors should have been executed for their crimes against other Blacks, then you won’t understand anything else, being so subhuman). THEN, you never exist to cause undue hurt in this simulation mechanism designed to make you expose yourself for the unequal to us scrub nigger that you really are…Get it? You in someone else’s turf, actin’ all a fool and shit, not knowin’ that you ain’t gettin’ outta’ this shit and neither is your mama for the offense of spawning you for a welfare check and then lying and blaming the white man for your plight that SHE caused you with her LAZY skanky BLACK (black black, nigga, BLACK, not white, BLACK, get this shit, fool!) BLACK ass…
No white man flesh peddled you to the ghetto for a welfare check unless your daddy was white, make yourself right and wake-up to the sell-outs! The sell-outs are the weak-minded Blacks who’re perpetuating this shit against you because they are LAZY, like their headhunter ancestors who opted (opted means they decided, fool) to rape and pillage and murder instead of working for a living. It started the slavery that has you able to be less than the white man while still lying to yourselves and calling yourselves “equal”…Do you WORK like the white man and working class Blacks do? Do you build buildings like the white man and working class Blacks do, or do you desecrate those buildings? See how you are not equal to them? Or are you too retarded, like your mamas and their rap, sports and talk show heroes that you adopted as your own?
Now, understand that those famous American niggers have Blacks all feeling angry and victimized and hurt, just like the white man paid and empowered them to do. So, you have useless niggers being spawned by useless nigger whores who’re full of undue rage and they take it out on the innocent…like this nasty little nigger did to this kitty…The kitty will exist, never be tortured by the nigger kid because his mama will never exist to spawn his negative nigger ass…The key is the negativity that the famous niggerers are programming other Blacks to…The negativity makes them act out in negative fashion and nobody like that will graduate nor even exist, even now…Understand that even this mechanism which protects the real Earth from this fucked-upedness will be restored to protect the victims…So Channon Christian never gets murdered and no famous niggers who influenced Lemaricus to his action ever exist…Same goes for every single abused, neglected and tortured animal that would not have been abused had the perps and their zero influences not been allowed to come here for scanning.
A racist nigger is a nonexistent phantom, awaiting its moment of death, time loopage and eternal execution…It never comes here and it never contaminates the real Earth, neither…This spirit scan that we’re in is flawless, nobody slips through the cracks.
This nigger kid and his mama and papa get to be tortured kitties when they die…Then they get to never exist to perpetuate those offenses, the tribute the gangstas failed to pay Motuphi for God, Christ and Lucifer (whose turf they been stinkin’ up) will be collected from even their fans and those who acted out on their influence, just like it’ll be collected from them and their “parents” when they die…Parents, by the way, do not raise their kids to be lawless scum and thugs and animal torturers. Those kids did not have parents equal to our own, who instilled far greater qualities into us than all of their famous Blacks had instilled into them, combined…The inferiority never happens. So keep playing those race cards, stupid niggers, and see how many times each of your racist asses can get time looped as this kitty…Your famous niggers are all done here. They need to go hide on another planet now, but they can’t get away…And here comes Lucifer for their asses and they’re too fuckin’ retarded to dig deep tunnels and hide their nigger asses while they still can…
Can’t wait to see this shit when all of these phantoms are no longer…God, it’s gotta be Heaven…
Peep this story of this unequal to us…We’d never contemplate doing some whack shit like this to an animal, so they are NOT our equal, nor is any phantom who “Liked” that video that got themselves, their mamas and papas and Zuckerberg and his mama time looped as yet another of his (Holocaust causing ass) victims…For being a Jew, that Zuckerberg sure does a lot of Nazi shit, doesn’t he? See how he likes the time loops when he and his whack assed mama and papa get time looped as Hitler’s victims…Yep, white devils and niggers, alike, do not exist. It’s just a simple matter of (manipulation of) time…Due to happen….soon.
Whack…Still don’t see Jada and the niggers hiding there faces in shame yet…Probably never will, because they are NOT equal to us, not in reality, just in word only…Words are so cheap compared to actions…
We don’t need to hate the nonexistent. We actually feel sorry for ‘em. They got duped into nonexistence…dumb fucks.
Americans need another stupid Black famous celeb or sports figure like they need a continent destroying catastrophe, don’t they? Americans need to pay for what they did to the animals, children and the women they raped and disenfranchised by “turning them out”.
Cosby must have been the last American famous Black MAN…Otherwise, there’d be someone famous and Black speaking out against this blatant niggerism run amok, hurting the animals and kids and women who can’t get away from it.
Strong Black men with educations and jobs should’ve been striking back against that nigger demographic back in the 1960s: They should’ve lined-up those gangstas on walls and shot their asses before they could multiply and turn the Black neighborhoods into blighted ghettos. They should’ve sterilized or executed their welfare queens who transformed their race into the weak human-shaped plague of niggerism and lesserism that it’s become. They should’ve publicly executed King Jr, X, and Parks for selling out to the white devils and daring to fill prisons with useless lazy niggers in the future (which is our now). They were not dealt with, just like your famous valueless niggers are not dealt with, even now. Imagine how bad the world would become due to that influence if it were not destroyed in a timely fashion to protect the future animals and children and women and working class.
You have been warned: The world will not be allowed to devolve any further…God determined it and you already passed the threshold. It shouldn’t be long, now, and the restore point will be in order and none of these weak freakish phantoms will exist…Not a Kanye nor Kardashian in sight, yo…Just REAL fuckin’ PEOPLE!
You know how they like to turn a woman into an undesirable partner by “turning them out”? Yeah, well the white devils successfully turned them into undesirables, on all levels, by “plaguing them out”, which is something that required Blacks to do…This is what Cosby tried to warn you about, the race plaguing.
Plagues don’t know that they’re plagues. They just run amok, negatively effecting all that they come into contact with. The white devils were counting on this and on your minds stopping with processing information when you read the first “nigger”. You gotta get past that before you can process the rest. It’s an exercise in evolution of the mind and the way it processes information. What you see as “racist” is not actually racist. Calling someone “nigger” does substantiate true racism that crosses over into actions…All people SAY shit, fools. Actions speak louder than words, which is why we had to come here as premonitions of our potential existences equipped with non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory…so we could act out and face the judgment for it. You do not have to act out negatively nor do you have to process information that way, which ultimately leads to acting out negatively (and getting you time looped and phantomed). If you’re Black and you’re not a nigger but someone calls someone a nigger who you’d call a “nigger”, yourself, then you gotta take it like that, regardless of the color of the speaker. Otherwise, you league yourself with the niggers simply because you temporarily share their color…Well the famous Blacks who perpetuate this “plaguing out” of their own race were and are what? Purple? No, they were and are BLACK, all of them. Your rappers and sports figures and Panthers and NAACP and comedians and reverends and “leaders” and “role models” are BLACK and look at the results of their influence. A whole generation of a race becoming that undesirable ghettofied ho to get used for whatever purpose thought up by the user, in this case that’d be the white devils who started buying us in the 1950s with easy to purchase Black faces. They historically uphold criminals as “role models” and “leaders” and nobody challenges this white-written “Black” “history” simply because the uplifted were Black…This was the beginning of Black weakness, when all one cares about is the skin color in the elevation. Before the 1960s, Blacks were smarter than that and they had a lot more about themselves, too.
This particular plague even lives down the buildings, yo. It’s violent and crazy and can’t be reasoned with. You cannot re-evolve them back to the level they were pre-1960s…They got all monkey-minded, like toddlers who learned to crawl and don’t give a fuck about ever learning to walk. Can’t make a plague see itself, yo. It’s just a plague, disguised as a buncha Black humans…fuck, what a mess.