Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Everyone Except Putin

There's an interesting high vibrational Rap/Hip-Hop song that seems to be talking about everyone who's rich, famous and/or powerful except for Putin (who's like a god compared to them). The song MUST be about them since they did what they usually do when Motuphi comes out with new releases online, which is: They all come out with their own music and media releases to distract from what Motuphi released (or they create fake news stories out of themselves). Then they rig it all with fake sales and stream numbers and propaganda style media bytes (like a room full of babies singing about "boobies" and glorifying cheating on their significant others, aka evidence of mass mental weakness manifested). They do this desperate maneuver every single time Motuphi releases an EP or a collection of songs, like he recently did with The Muli (a Rap/Hip-Hop act he formed with his mentally handicapped brother).

A breakdown of the lyrics in the song "Killer", which are like code, discloses the nature of their hive-minded mentality. The first verse describes their collective mindset, to a tee. They're out for the kill. They can't see anything else but their own agendas. "Got no love and no empathy. All about the kill. A killing machine"

The second verse talks about how they're doing what they're doing and to whom it's being done. "For the mass kill got alotta' disease. Death in a sneeze and hidden in the fleas." kinda speaks for itself and is simply regurgitating what's now common knowledge to the woke crowd. But "Lure all the chattle to the mass killing floor. Get the mad pipers to lead 'em thru' the door" refers to the hypnotized masses (the chattle) and the the famous celebretards (the mad pipers) who're doing the damage to the psyche of their fans and those they influence to make everything that's being done easier to accomplish.

So, (the) "Killer" actually refers to a collective of entities who all league together to perpetuate their malicious agendas upon the productive masses. The collective of entities being referenced are everyone who's rich, famous and powerful, except for (of course) Putin, who doesn't roll with any of them.

This is the new weaponization of music. It's ironic that Madonna was still in play against Motuphi after all of these years. Madonna’s music, back in the 1980s, was the first music successfully weaponized to make people physically ill (and retarded as fuck). Motuphi often told of how he had mean-spirited drinking buddies back then who figured-out that they could make him sick with certain Madonna songs once he'd ingested a few beers. They'd crank up one of the songs and giggle and laugh as Motuphi got so ill that he'd puke and roll on the ground in pain until the song ended.

Then, Cyndi Lauper had the gift of "make-a-motherfucker-ill" placed on her music, which was designed to dumb women down even further and diminish their societal status with insipid lyrical content like "Girls just wanna have fun", as if that's what all girls wanna do (it's a good thing for the world that it's a lie, or we wouldn't have professional women on the workforce today). What's saddening is that Lauper is part of this collective killer clique and one of her songs goes against what they're currently doing: If you dare to show your "True Colors" online in this era, you will be censored for it if it does not agree with and line up with the killer collective hive mindset. Only controlled hive-minded zombies are allowed to express themselves freely online now. The rest are silenced for daring to have the capacity for free thought.

This is why they (the rich, famous and powerful, except for Putin) all collaborate to keep Motuphi and the Muli in obscurity. It's history repeating itself. In the early 1990s, when Motuphi was making songs warning about the dangers of drugs and thug life, they were busy ridiculing him for that and kidnapping music programmers of radio stations to make them play the new Jew mind control creation of the era, "Gangsta Rap", which glorified all of the evil things that Motuphi was trying to warn kids about (and simultaneously kept Motuphi's content off of the airwaves). Parents of that era bailed and let this happen. Now, parents are doing the same thing, as they were programmed to do.

But don't worry: While Snoop Dumbass Dogg was rubbing elbows with famous pedophiles and rapists and obediently smiling and thumbs upping lame shit he should've been snarling at (on camera, for the world to see, mind you), Motuphi was most probably (defying Snoop's white Jew masters by) producing yet another high vibrational energy song that would be too high vibrational for Dumbass Dogg's tiny weak mind to process and get into. So we're not without hope.

"Killer" is a fuckin' HIT song that those the song refers to won't let up. They abide by this motto: "When you can't honestly defeat, cheat." That's what they've been doing against Motuphi for almost 30 years now. They can't defeat the motherfucker no other way. You owe it to yourself to check his shit out and try to free your mind of the mass hypnotization that'd have you listening to some lesser quality weaponized shit on the radio just because it's what the Jews who control (fame and fortune) shit dictate that you do. FUCK them fake assed Jews, nigga, for realz, and their little famous house nigger slaves, too! They’re STILL scared of Motuphi, even though he must be older than dirt by now, and their actions every time Motuphi comes out with a new release expose that as a FACT.


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