Wednesday, January 8, 2020

In The 'Studio' With Lesa Luvlace

Some of us already know Lesa Luvlace as a beautiful prolific shemale rapper from Detroit. But many of us didn't know that Lesa Luvlace is also a gifted Jazz musician who can write mesmerizing Jazz-laced Alternative Rock ballads that'll keep your thumb on the replay button for hours at a time. So we present a prime example of that side of Lesa Luvlace with the presentation of this alternative version of the video for the Void.

The video captures the audio tracks heard in the song as they're being recorded. The primary track is the guitar/vocal of the song, which is done in her old (now sold) van parked in the garage of her Grayling hideout. That was where this song began. Look for the blonde wig inserts.

Then, there's the inserts shot in "the Lab", which reputedly doubles as her bedroom, where you see the guitars and Bass recorded. Then, there's the back-up vocalist in the hat and lipstick in the Jeep in the garage where the van was when the primary video was shot.

This release, which you can buy or stream at all popular streaming sites, was actually a video sample, at first. A video sample is something Lesa Luvlace was doing for awhile, an art-form that incorporates the found art of others. In this case, it was her own guitar/vocal video that she sampled.

You can't help but to fall in love with her as she effortlessly delivers this masterpiece. You may even find yourself daydreaming of burying your face in-between those beautiful cheeks of hers.


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