Ya’ gotta love how every attempt by Eminem to endear himself to Detroit or to perpetuate the fraud that he’s “from” Detroit only serves to negate the fairy-tales that he’s a native Detroiter. But buying a home in a city and then moving there for a few years does NOT make one “from” there.
No, Mr Mathers, we understand the spirit of Detroit and those who come from that once grand city: You possess none of that spirit or you wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing that your untalented, unable to rap ass is cock-blocking Detroit’s best kept secret, Motuphi; who’s only kept secret due to the mental weakness and professional jealousy of UNtalented famous freaks who claim to be from Detroit (like Eminem).
If you were FROM Detroit, you would’ve already made sure you were credited with discovering and empowering Motuphi, being as all you intend to do with your ill-gotten gain and wealth is stink the world up with more drug abuse and “subhumanism”…Not only is Detroit being robbed with every second Eminem is famous while Motuphi is not, but it’s being credited with the stinky fart that is the shit being passed off as “music” produced by that “sleeper cell” creating bug. PLUS, Detroit is being robbed of all of the good things Motuphi would’ve done for the city with the money Eminem spent on dope, himself, and fools he signed to his label who so improperly rep their own city that they’ll do promo spots with a NY hat on their heads, showing their true treasonous nature towards their own city (as if NY doesn’t have enough rappers loyal to THAT city who wear those hats, already).
Naw, we ain’t never gonna buy it that Eminem has any affection for Detroit as long as he’s all in the way of TRUE, REAL Detroit TALENT (something Eminem will never possess). Someone should’ve defied Motuphi’s “suggestions” to let Eminem live, decades ago, while they still had the chance to rid the Earth of his grotesque, bullying presence. Now the damage can only be undone by destroying the planet and committing all Eminem fans (and his bloodline and all who empowered him, as well as him, himself) into the time loops of judgement AS every entity Eminem cock-blocked from rescue when he cock-blocked Motuphi and thwarted the only intervention those suffering entities had coming to them. So all of the entities that would’ve been saved by the no-kill animal sanctuary/homeless shelter Motuphi didn’t build will be avenged.
Those who deemed that it was more important that a bug like Eminem have money and fame to be a little self-absorbed, materialistic, waste-of-space dope-fiend rather than a god-among-men (like Motuphi) having that power to relieve unnecessary suffering must endure the suffering that was allowed to be perpetuated when Motuphi attracted people to Detroit and then they walked away having signed the most UNtalented rapper they could find (as a jab against whiteboy rappers) because they couldn’t find Motuphi when they went to Detroit lookin’ for who was creating all the underground buzz. Eminem rode away with dumbassed Dre on the smoke from the fire Motuphi started in Detroit…Dre was happy with his piece of glass (“hey, he’s white and can rap…kinda’”) and felt no need to look further for the real diamond everyone was talkin’ about in Detroit. This did the world a great deal of hurt that Dre and Eminem and their bloodlines and fans and their bloodlines will hafta pay for…They won’t be found in Heaven or the New Earth (they’re part of the “infected” population we came here to identify and sift-out from among us, as well as all who’d empower them, like their “fans”/”sleeper cells”)…
Eminem fans are busy doing their evil: vandalizing homes, vehicles, computers and lives; murdering people, animals and cops; sending viruses off in emails; playing video games; torturing animals (like their big zero/hero did as a kid); and hating their own parents and families to the extent of sabotage to such an extreme degree as to deprive themselves of heritage (inheritances). It caused all of the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating artists, families and fans (and their families) to fall under “exponential” curses that gain in power and momentum with every second that the violation is allowed to be perpetuated. Understand that if Eminem is famous then Motuphi should be SUPER-famous, if Eminem is wealthy then Motuphi should be SUPER-wealthy; that to place someone so obviously beneath Motuphi in status and power above Motuphi is a violation against nature, the cosmos, God, and Lucifer (who never condones someone being a famous music artist who has no discernible music talent because it desecrates his craft, much like allowing a female artist to have radio airplay in exchange for sex or calling a gangsta rapper “talented” when they can’t even play one musical instrument). These curses are real and there’s only 2 ways to stop them from gaining in power and momentum: which is to empower Motuphi ABOVE the UNtalented cock-blockers to real talent (like his) or kill the offending “artists” and (wannabe/poser) “rappers”.
Understand the desecration of rap/hip-hop that’s been being perpetuated ever since America allowed her society’s dregs and low-lifes to get away with FCC violations to get their mindless, weak-minded, subhuman ghetto-fabulousness played on the radio to contaminate the impressionable young minds of children everywhere. Rap/Hip-Hop was a genre created BY the people FOR the people, to speak out against oppression. Once they false-flag evented Tupac, stole Tupac and his music from God, sold Tupac into slavery to Black-faced-Caucasianistic self-entitled niggers who desecrated his legacy with “lesserism” before they finally killed Tupac (because they knew they couldn’t be his equal, which is why posers like Dre and Snoop wanted him dead and want Motuphi silenced for sounding like him), it became fair game for them to rape Rap/Hip-Hop and turn her into a ghetto-fabulous whore bitch who brainwashes and betrays her people she was created for.
None of the posers currently in mainstream Rap/Hip-Hop ever had any reason to be there. Rap is NOT for those fools who’ve never done it hard. When you hear a fool “rapping” about his gold, money, bling-bling, fashions, hoes, big houses and wealth, understand that that’s the OPPOSITE of Rap/Hip-Hop. If you got all that wealth then you got no reason to rap because, like Blues, Rap/Hip-Hop was created to ventilate sadness and frustration and repression…This shit of all the boastfulness is NOT Rap/Hip-Hop and those boastful little ghetto-minded overgrown children with their ill-gotten microphones are NOT Rappers…Rappers write and rap about REAL issues and Kanye’s, Li’l Wayne’s, Eminem’s, Dre’s, Snoop’s, Diddy’s, Minaj’s and Jay-Z’s “skills”, “swagg”, “money”, or anything else those coddled, spoiled ghetto brats have to say does NOT “qualify” as proper subject matter for the genre…
If you didn’t know these facts, you should be angry enough about them pulling this trick on you all of these years to defy them. Once they started having shit to “brag” about, they stopped rapping (boasting and battling is NOT “rapping”)…those are hard cruel facts that can’t be denied. To find REAL rap by REAL rappers, you gotta go underground to artists and rappers like Motuphi and Rex Razor, or go back to pre-“gangsta” Tupac days, before the Black-faced-Caucasianistic self-entitled, subhuman niggers who called themselves “gangstas” took over the genre to be just like the 1st slave traders who sold Kunta Kinte and his tribe to the white man….How many didn’t know that the 1st slave traders of Kunta Kinte’s era (who empowered the white man to enslave them) were all BLACK? They reaped what they sowed when the white man decided to cut out the middlemen and took the slave-traders as slaves, themselves (which is about to happen again, on an eternal level, to the spirit scan offenders in the mainstream, just as soon as we can get this sun to super nova to stop them in their tracks).
It’s as if the spirits of the 1st Black-faced Caucasianistic slave-traders came back, re-incarnated as the “gangstas” who were too low-life and lazy to get educations and jobs, so they ate away at the fiber and character of all of the GOOD American Blacks who were content to have their piece of the American Dream (good jobs, homes and family)…The “gangstas” were just Black-faced-Caucasianistic self-entitled niggers who didn’t wanna work, so they changed the very concept of the American Dream to better fit their own twisted, mind-molested perspective and then they programmed that mental whackness into the minds of all of their fans, effectively transforming them into dangerous “sleeper cells” who’ll mug you and steal your God-given blessings (netting more curses upon them and their nasty, monster-spawning mamas and rap zeroes disguised as heroes), or torture, rape or kill you for “sport”.
America has proven the dangers of making role models of freaks who can’t abide by morals clauses and never should’ve been referred to as a role model…Now their nation is a scourge to even Lucifer, who must punish all of their mainstream artists and rappers who have no discernible musical talent (and those who abused it for personal gain). America is unsafe for beautiful women, children and animals…all due to what they allowed on their airwaves…fact.
The bugs who caused this shit can’t see themselves for what they are: You can’t tell ‘em they’re bugs, they’ll just deny it: Try it: Tell Eminem, Dre, Snoop (eat white girl poop), Li’l Wayne, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Sean Diddy (sucks the devil’s titty) Combs, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj, Beyonce (cursed bloodline havin’) Knowles, Jay-Z (sucks devil cocks from a to z), Miley Cyrus, Lady GaGa, Chris Brown, Drake, Kanye (doesn’t know East from) West, or any of those UNtalented American mainstream freaks that they’re just materialistic “bugs” who never should’ve gotten famous and that their cock-blocking of real talent like Motuphi is stinking the world up and causing unnecessary suffering which is causing curses to flow forth upon them, their fans and all of their families, collectively. They won’t care. They’re too “humanized” to see 2 hours into the future when they’re not in their human bodies anymore and they hafta answer to God, Jesus, Lucifer and those they caused to suffer (with their “empty” fame) for cock-blocking Motuphi and failing to use their positions of power to empower him (which would be the only justifiable reason for any of those UNtalented freaks to be involved in music in any capacity).
Motuphi promised he’d make the offenders perform incestuous sex “shows” for God and Lucifer when we’re all done with this spirit scan. I personally can’t wait to see Eminem and his daughter get it on (hey, he wanted to be famous, be careful what you wish for, white devil), or Dre or Snoop and their mamas doin’ the mcnasty together (plus they’re gettin’ time looped as everything that suffered, 100,000 loops per victim per offense, EACH, even their mamas, due to their empty fame and empowerment).
Moving to Detroit didn’t make Eminem a Detroiter. His cock-blocking of Motuphi is a constant act of shitting and pissing on the city he claims to be so attached to…We ask in response to this bullshit article “Oh, yeah? Well, then, where the fuck is Motuphi?” Pulled Eminem’s blankies off and displayed his “ho card”…yet again.
The house where Eminem lived as a teenager — at 19946 Dresden in northeastern Detroit, a couple of blocks south of 8 Mile Road — is for sale.
Well, not really for “sale,” exactly. It’s essentially free to any folks who can make a good case for how they’d take care of it. There’s no minimum bid, which means you could have it for $1 via an online application to the public Michigan Land Bank (parcel number 21034756). Or, as Curbed Detroit bluntly words it: “Because they’re the saddest properties imaginable, MLB listings are open to bids of any dollar amount.”
This is the home pictured on rapper Eminem’s third studio album, “The Marshall Mathers LP,” and he revealed last weekend that the same home is also the cover of the upcoming “Marshall Mathers LP 2,” due out Nov. 5.
The Detroit Free Press reports that his mother bought the house in 1987. From 1994 to 2001, “the property changed hands about 10 times,” the newspaper says, and then the county foreclosed because of unpaid taxes. It was offered at auction for $500 but had no takers, so it was turned over to the Michigan Land Bank.
“In a case like this, if the property is blighted, or the whole neighborhood is blighted, it would be unusual to get a buyer,” Michigan Land Bank Executive Director Kim Homan told the paper. “Nobody knew it was Eminem’s home, either.”
[Click here to go to a slideshow of Detroit’s hard times, assembled from Flickr to accompany this post.]
Eminem moved a lot with his mother before he left home, so this is just one of many places in theDetroit area where he lived. But judging from the album covers, it’s the house that he considers the closest thing to the home of his youth.
Interested in buying it? Caveat emptor: As Curbed Detroit notes with some understatement, “the neighborhood doesn’t seem to be doing that well.”