These 3 white devil bullies were molested as children, as ALL bullies are, no exception (which explains why they molest the minds of others and molest them of their peace with their bullying).
Now, these 3 cock-craving, daddy-dick-sucking white devils will get all of the big black cock they’ve been secretly dreaming of (as all white bullies do) when they get to jail and, later, to prison (where they belong, slurping and bouncing on that big black cock they craved so bad it turned them into little bullies). Plus Motuphi already attached (and magnetized) them and their families to curses and their nasty bully-spawning mamas will probably endure some horrendous punishment for not aborting their little white devil, vaginal-turd mistaken for humans bullies. Plus the girlfriends, or any other women who rewarded these 3 bullies with sex will be cursed until they go suck a REAL man’s dick and get Motuphi’s cum in them to neutralize the curses (the only way to neutralize a Motuphi-enacted curse on Earth is to get a lot of his semen inside of you and, even then, it’s a long-shot).
These white devil bullies’ mamas better hope they’re “MILF”s and that they can find Motuphi or they’re just fucked for spawning those horrible little subhumans…
Plus the AFTER Earth time loops of judgement the bullies and their mamas and their bloodlines will endure AS their victims (100,000 loops per victim per offense, each)…..
Read-on of the inferiority of these white devils and know that they listen to Eminem, Li’l Wayne, Jay-Z, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Chris Brown, Snoop-eat-white-girl-poop, Dre, Kanye West, Rihanna, Beyonce, Nicky Minaj and Lady GaGa (at least 5 of these artists are in the bullies’ heads, programming them to sub-humanism, transforming them from just your average ugly, smelly, good-for-nothing white devils into mainstream-created “sleeper cells”).
We need less people like the bullies and more like the hero who rose against them. We need Motuphi in the mainstream to create more opposing “hero cells” to the American mainstream-created “sleeper cells”.
Wen Jones was brutally beaten saving a 14-year-old and his father from three men harassing them
Arrests have been made months after a brutal beating of a former Marine who stepped in to save a 14-year-old boy and his father being bullied by three men.
Wen Jones, a 43-year-old father of two, was leaving Juno Beach Park in Florida on May 19 when he noticed a pack of 20-year-old men harassing a boy and his father, the Sun Sentinel reported. Sensing the men were about to attack, Jones got involved.
"I couldn’t stand there and watch this older guy and kid get beaten up," Jones said.
The three men, all athletically built, allegedly turned their attention to Jones, who was urging them to calm down. Jones described being knocked unconscious by one of the men.
"When I came to, I was being beaten in the face," he said.
Jones suffered a concussion that he said still makes him feel foggy months later, along with fractured bones and an eye swollen shut. The former Marine required surgery after the attack.
Tyler Dylan Carswell, Eric Michael Deiter and Cody Moore Roon are now facing aggravated battery charges, upgraded to felonies because of the severity of Jones’ injuries, according to ABC News.
From left to right: Suspects Tyler Carswell, Cody Roon, Eric Deiter
The initial victim of the men, police say, was a 14-year-old boy named Zion. The trio allegedly kicked sand in his face and called him names. While Zion waited for his father to pick him up, the men continued their harrassment. That’s when Zion’s father, 55-year-old Leroy Wright, got involved, asking the men to leave the beach.
"I see that these guys were not backing down, and I literally had to keep them at bay, and I looked up and here was Mr. Jones," Wright said in an interview with WPBF.
Roon, Carswell and Deiter ran away after the beating, but thanks to witnesses taking cell phone footage of the incident, along with getting their license plates numbers, police tracked them down.
On Wednesday, authorities arrested the last suspect in the beating after arresting the other two suspects just last week.
Wright, who has not had a chance to see Jones since the incident, expressed his appreciation.
"I feel like this man literally risked his life, because he saw a situation that was bad, that he stepped up for, when you got your average people standing around videotaping and nobody stepped in," Jones said. "I am so appreciative that out of all the people that was standing around on the beach that day, that he was the only one that stood up against these guys."
Jones said despite his injuries, stepping in and helping the boy and his father was worth it.
"I’m not happy to have been injured pretty severely, but at the same time, I ask myself, would I do it again? You know, it was the right thing to do, so I probably would," Jones said.