Friday, April 24, 2020

Seeking Attorney To Sue Bill Gates

The video reads something like this:

My name is Vincent Ciofani and I'm seeking an attorney to sue Bill Gates and patent holders of COVID19 for emotional trauma, reckless endangerment, deprivation of trustworthy healthcare and violations of my American rights and liberties as well as for participating, via all of the aforementioned, in causing a decline in my health which will result in my premature death.
I'm in need of medical attention. I have a stent in my heart from a recent heart attack. But I'm too afraid to enter a medical facility now, nor will I ever do so again, for fear of being infected with his weaponized "VIRUS" or being misdiagnosed as having contracted it.
Call me at 989-915-7295 if you can take my case and represent me in a court of law.
Thank You.


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