Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Fake News Fake Polls The Wall & Trump

The fake news, you know: the news you see on TV, is back at telling their lies about American people. They say that Americans don’t want the wall built if they have to pay for it. That’s a LIE!

The polls that they showed you on TV were REVERSED! They LIED! You see, Trump does something that no other administration has done, he emails his supporters and sends them questionnaires…AND, here’s the kicker, people respond to those emails like they’d never do for a treasonous traitor who’d impose terrorist attacks on Americans like ObamaCare or the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile…Uh-OH! Yep. The LIES can be PROVEN as LIES!

Trump has emails from Americans full of demands that he live up to his promises to repeal ObamaCare, deport immigrants, build a wall, etc. Every day, Trump sends emails out that get read. Something Obama could never do, because nobody will read lies from a crackhead who thought he could get away with mass mugging an entire nation. Trump asks Americans, every week, what’s on THEIR agenda…Trump is trying to defeat the mind control drugs that they’re hitting him with…We know that Trump wants to exist so that Ivanka can get born…As it stands now, the only way she’ll make it to the next timeline is to pirate Motuphi’s non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory via sitting on his face repeatedly.

Trump needs to get those treasonous bought judges executed. That should be the immediate punishment for treason on the level of fighting against AMERICAN values…Repealing ObamaCare is AMERICAN values. Killing immigrants if the government tries to force us to live with them is AMERICAN values…Immigrants are one step away from being murdered in their homes in America…Fighting against Trump’s attempt to rid America of them without violence and civil war is only serving to foster that mentality…Americans are gunning up, yo! Ask them why and they’ll point at thugs and immigrants…

Fake government causes civil war and social unrest…That’s why the only government other timelines will acknowledge here now is Motuphi…and, maybe, Putin (he protected his people from GMOs, Monstanto, Muslim Islamic infidels/immigrants, etc, like a real LEADER)…America needs more leaders than just Motuphi, yo…

If you’re too scared to make the hard calls, employ Motuphi and he’ll do it FOR you (like he does here for God, Christ, Lucifer and trillions of spirits in other timelines he protects from our temporary timeline). Then, when a judge sticks its head out to be a treasonous traitor, his ruling will be nullified and his judgments will be scrutinized and his corpse will be fucked by Motuphi’s minions (they’ll DO it, too, as they’ve proven). When people protest against American values for terrorists like Soros, they’ll be placed in FEMA camps and released only to rebuild the cities they destroyed. People like Soros would come up missing and their money would be commandeered by the government to be distributed to the poor…Fake news propagandists would be swinging from telephone poles up and down the freeways…TRUTH would spew forth across the airwaves and NO LIES! Thugs and gangstas would be killed where they dealt their dope. And, if their mamas cry about it, those ghetto whores would be executed, too…Yep, Americans need hard leadership now that will kill everything that does not belong in America (that’d be anyone who does not share the values of the nation).

Yeah. 85 of every 100 Americans who voted voted for TRUMP. So he DID win the popular vote…Propagandists still won’t tell the truth about that (like 911). So they won’t tell you that ALL of those Americans who voted Trump STILL back everything that made them vote for him, ESPECIALLY the stuff that treasonous traitors and terrorist supporters want left in place, like ObamaCare, thugs and illegal immigrants. Because of the treasonous traitor terrorists posing as “judges”, those who voted for Trump now want those blocked travel bans and the wall and ObamaCare REPEALED even MORE…That’s the American spirit…You’ll see it manifest in mass death, soon, if immigrants don’t exit the nation, post haste. Motuphi has backed that prediction. He’ll hit the fake government and their families with humongous parameter changing curse batches and executive orders from other timelines until they comply.

Compliance to what Motuphi demands is the ONLY option that American fake government and those who control them have…The other option is DIE and Motuphi’s demands STILL get met (just by different, smarter, less insane entities).

They’re on the plank, being pushed to the end, and the sharks are circling…Will they be smart enough to kill the traitors and hire Motuphi or will they be replaced? Motuphi’s demands get met here, by any means necessary…If they could really see the future, they’d already have Motuphi subdued with their wholehearted compliance.


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