Thursday, April 6, 2017

Tricking Trump With A Syrian Psy-Op Or Puppetry? Believe RUSSIA!

Okay. We’re already suspicious. We know that no judge can stop a travel ban executive order and nobody fought against Obama’s terrorist attack known as “ObamaCare” or the ACA when he enacted it. So we know that anyone truly AMERICAN in D.C. is falling over themselves to help take it down and anyone pro-ObamaCare would be too afraid of the rope required for treason to defy repealing it…Remember, the crackhead under their control (Obama the slave nigger) is supposedly GONE, right? So what’s the fuckin’ hold-up? If they’re against repealing ObamaCare, put them in FEMA camps, IMMEDIATELY! Or KILL them! They have no place in America. Just LOOK at the teeth of the people in other nations who allowed this shit to get done to them. It’s PROOF of the inferior care that all of the hardworking taxpayers get in those nations while they dole out taxpayer dollar funded “healthcare” to immigrants and illegals who have no respect for their nations or their values. Their governments won’t protect their own source trees…Incredibly stupid morons in power over there…Putin is the exception (a GOD among men by comparison), he fought against GMO and Monsanto and the Muslim Islamic infidels for his people. Obama sold HIS nation out for some crack money. Fuckin’ evil little dope-ho.

Now, remember that the same Psy-Op false flag hoax happened in Syria when they tried to justify taking out Assad before. It wasn’t that long ago. They could be doing the same thing again. If Trump is not their puppet, even though it looks like he is lately, then they could be trying to trick him into action. Then, they can come out with the TRUTH and say that Trump fucked up and jumped the gun and responded against an innocent party…See how this shit could play out?

There’s more than one way to control a puppet. If you can’t buy them off, just play on their vanity or ignorance and pull the strings like that.

Trump should start being silent about his thoughts…stop giving them artillery against himself. If he keeps going like he is, Trump will be easy for them to trick into perpetuating their will in spite of himself. Then, they can point fingers and ridicule his “incompetence”…

It’s time for Trump to hire a twit to tweet on his behalf and make it known to the world that it’s been contracted out. Then, Trump can watch the “conspiracy” videos that the Illuminati pinhead masters want him to participate in hiding and he can have an epiphany that may turn him into a real leader instead of a figurehead. This celebrity POTUS shit has got to stop. It’s getting undignified and dangerous. Make shit happen and STFU already! ObamaCare needs to be GONE and so do them immigrants who don’t share an American LOVE for the nation and its Christian FAMILY values (send them back to where they came from, fuck them in their asses or we’ll do it on the street!).

Illuminati celebs and gov treasonous traitors (and all they served) are going to them FEMA camps for their dates with guillotines when Lucifer and Motuphi come into power on this planet. Motuphi is bloodthirsty for revenge now. He said he’s ready to eat their babies right out of their wombs. He warned that he’s getting more pissed with every passing second and they still let them seconds pass by without taking him his tribute…Soon, he’s gonna raise the price to add that all thugs’ and gangstas’ and rappers’ heads be put in a bag with all of their money and the denunciation of their ill-gotten fame, on TOP of his previous demands. Then, he’s gonna send for their family members, if they’re still dumb enough to resist. Motuphi is like Homey the Clown, he just don’t play that…not no more. They’s allll done.

If you’re anywhere in Earth (erf), you’s in Motuphi’s turf…Nigga…If your brainwaves are identifying you as thinking thoughts that Motuphi would not condone you be thinkin’, then the cosmos is now designed to swallow you the fuck up and submit you to the time loops where devils will sodomize the shit out of you and make you be all manner of slaves and make you sing songs while picking cotton and being raped and be dogs and kitties and people that were abused…Yeah, you don’t want to be one of them fools who got tricked into thinking like Motuphi don’t want you to think in HIS turf, Nigga, ‘cause that’s how they got you…Pissed Motuphi off at you to change your parameters and the paradigm you exist in and then trick you further into crossing over them boundaries, more and more, until you’s just GONE, Nigga…Vaporized, like in the TLC video for their “waterfalls” song…never existed, neither did your mama…THAT what you want? Best get control of them thoughts, then, Fool!

Reciprocity…It’s what Motuphi enacted. Government can’t escape it due to Michigan’s ongoing life-rape against him with the illegal driver’s license revocation that proved that Odrobina was not qualified to be a hearing officer for the Secretary of State. She ignored a clean drug screen, scientific FACT, to reject restoration based on FAIRY-tales from Chris Seager the life rapist of Catholic Human Services who, ironically, gave Motuphi even MORE power and authority over the Catholic Church and all agendas they’re privy or participant to, compounded per second that Motuphi does not have his driver’s license and per molecule of everyone who does have a license who drinks alcohol or does prescriptions drugs and per molecule of their alcohol and dope. See how “Snyderism” can take a century old agenda down? The Illuminati is all done now.

Yep. Dumb shits in power here, yo. They’re too fuckin’ stupid to just give Motuphi JUSTICE, which would be his driver’s license and a huge settlement for violating his Civil Rights and his rights to freedom of religious practice and his right to a FAIR hearing and for allowing Chris Seager to assault his character with LIES (you can NOT be “dependent” on something that you’re not even using and a clean drug screen can PROVE that you’re not using it). They jammed Motuphi up for his religious beliefs, the words out of his mouth, and not based on his USAGE at all, which is illegal as fuck. Michigan government corruption even gave Motuphi authority over CHINA (well the internet censoring probably helped with that, yo).

Motuphi has been under illegal Martial Law in Michigan for 34 years now and all lawyers and judges and government officials and their families will stay cursed, with it growing exponentially, until Motuphi is sent his driver’s license, fully restored. The same curse batches are attached to all companies and services (like Catholic Human Services) that the government illegally requires people to go to now. Michigan should not have pilfered the taxpayer dollars that pay for drivers tests because, now, that’s costing them, big time. Just like algorithms programmed against Motuphi are torching computers programmed that way across the world.

Amazing how all things come back to Motuphi up in this shit now, huh? He tried to warn the humans…They was distracted from him with nothingness pretending to have something to share with the world. NOW look. Consequences for making role models of the illiterate and self-absorbed.

Best to believe Russia about the Syrian attacks. Nobody in America can be trusted now.


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