Wednesday, March 22, 2017

​Another Travel Ban Hater Time-Loop Awaits

All who were against the travel ban have it in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories that they defied this 14-year old girl's AMERICAN right to go to school without being gang-raped in the bathroom by immigrants will now die and be time looped as this girl, in addition to all other time loops being created for them to endure with every passing second of every day. This applies to media and protesters and celebs and sports figures and website staffers and anyone else who was against the travel ban and protecting the borders (and their families/bloodlines).
Consequences for the "Do unto others" clause violations. Would you want to be this girl who was raped because of your treasonous defiance against American values? Obama would and his actions have stated as much...Brain parasite having phantoms fail to have a proper sense of self-preservation for their spirits once they get here. It's hilariously sad to witness.




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