Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lucifer Avenges God & I Avenge Him - MY 1st Curse Killed An Immigrant Now It’s Masses

Parameters and paradigm that I'm in authority over now due to crossed lines. Lessons in Frequency Resonance.
Broken bones, fingers and thumbs for anyone who could be so dumb as to make a negative comment or thumbs down or flag someone else's content online as a warning of their upcoming untimely demises.
Amazing how many people have broken hands, fingers and thumbs due to these parameters. You can tell a troll when you see one now because their fingers are being broken, as well as their internet gadgets, for their evil online.
Lucifer avenges God and has submitted his simulation mechanism to be used as a spirit scan for God.
My 1st curse killed an immigrant store owner who refused my returnables that I bought from his store. I cursed him on my way out of the store and he was fatally shot in a robbery within a month.
Now, I kill off masses of nonexistent phantoms via the Negative Frequency Resonance that they attach to themselves with their zombie behavior.
Who God regards as infidels.
How to tell if you have brain parasites.
Top secret eye camera technology experiments.
Scar by my eye. Scars on my head.
Time/mind manipulation on targeted individuals.
Superman's cape did not make me fly.
Prophetic dreams from other timelines.
Debt owed to Lucifer by Illuminati that I collect for him and God.
Losses of time.
What God REALLY told all popular online ministers.

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