Monday, March 6, 2017

Bottom Five, NIGGA!

There it sits, at the bottom of the movie queue, like a logger that refuses to get flushed down the commode. It smells worse than a logger, though. It worked its way all the way down to the bottom of the list…and it sits there. It’s the movie by Chris Rock, Top Five. “Oh, Man, it’s bad” is not enough of a warning.
The problem is, we kinda dedicated an hour of our lives to that stinking piece of shit disguised as a movie, as we let it keep playing long after we’d lost interest in it. There’s still 40-something odd minutes of nigger shit retardation left to sit through to honestly say we “watched” it. If we were movie reviewers, we would’ve had to do our job like Chris Rock did when he did anything he was supposed to do for this movie…
Is Chris Rock even a comedian? Was he EVER funny? Why did we like this guy again? Because he’s BLACK? Is THAT the only reason? How the fuck does that guy stay in business, smoking white cock? Where does his money come from? Surely it can’t be from being an entertainer, because the guy is the opposite of entertaining. His perpetual dope-ho snarl that’s supposed to be an ongoing angry nigger grimace is getting harder to look at…It’s like he wears his tiny racist thoughts on his face now, like a bad tattoo. He doesn’t even try to hide it…He proudly displays that shit, like smeared dukey on his face.
It’s like Chris Rock decided to write a movie, or got hired to do so, and then decided that he’s Black so he really doesn’t have to do his job and write the movie…Some scenes and words went on paper, granted. Then, Chris Rock is supposed to “act”? Okay. He must’ve directed himself, smoked a lot of crack between scenes, and refused to do his homework or even peek at the daily footage they shot for tweaking the next day. It just gets progressively worse.
Then, it’s like Whitey climbed into Chris Rock to portray a stereotypical racist retarded nigger…What? That’s NOT the character he was conveying? Well what, pray tell, WAS it, then? How do you get that many Blacks to serve whitey so thoroughly in one movie? It was like watching a bunch of Blacks all scurry to one giant white cock to take their turns at deep-throating it and worshiping its grand whiteness…That’s what it means whenever you hear someone Black spewing “nigga” (especially if they have a problem with white people saying it): That double standard is a huge blinking sign stating the fact that they worship and obey Whitey and they hates them decent hardworking Black people. It’s like publicly and openly sucking white cock, being Black and saying “nigga”. Chris Rock was supposed to be intelligent enough to know that. We thought.
Looks like there wasn’t one real Black PERSON available for hire on the set of Top Five. Blackness would’ve required putting those white devil serving coons in their places…Yep, if they’re Black and they’re racist against whites, or if they’re thugs or gangstas, or if they spew “nigga” out of their snarly lips, then they is COONS and UNCLE TOMS…Notice how those coons tried to attach their descriptive to GOOD Black people. But GOOD Black people hate niggers and rap and sports and civil rights leaders and anything else Black that makes us look bad. We REALLY hate what the mainstream portrays as “Black” (gangstas, thugs, rappers, dope dealers, racist niggers who refuse to work, feeble-minded welfare demographics popping out babies for dollars who think that they are somehow better than slave traders) because none of that is true BLACKness; it’s what WHITEY dictates that someone Black must be.
To know what TRUE Black POWER was, you must do away with fake history: First off: You owe whitey gratitude for commuting the death sentences of your headhunter ancestors, because good Black people in Africa paid them soft-hearted white devils to drown their asses and you never would’ve gotten born without Whitey’s collective combo of soft-heartedness and greed. No white devils went traipsing through someone else’s continent just snatching up Blacks, indiscriminately. That’s a fuckin’ LIE! Anyone on a slave ship was a PRISONER, because there were no “slave” ships, they were not designated as ships to transport slaves, Stupid-fucks. Usually, those prisoners were sentenced to DEATH for horrendous crimes that they’d committed. Accept the FACT of this and stop sucking that white cock!
NOW, you’re ready to do away with ANOTHER fake Black history: The “Civil Rights Movement”…Understand: They did not carry phones with cameras around back then. The Black neighborhoods were NOT ghettos. There were trimmed hedges and flower beds and manicured lawns in the Black neighborhoods before the “Civil Rights” Movement. There was “Coloreds ONLY” signs on most of the blind pigs, yet whites in the ‘hoods could still come in and spend their money. Blacks were smarter than whites like that back then…Blacks were already equal to whites if they wanted to be…Assembly lines were full of Black workers and Blacks owned businesses in the cities across America…Businesses that would later be burned down and taken from them by others with BLACK skin who were not their equals, under the tutelage of Black-Faced Caucasianists and bought nigger slave puppets like Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr (her pimp daddy).
Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr wanted something for nothing and they saw the Black race as their stepping stone to get it. They sold out to Whitey and helped to stage Psy-Ops and false flags to anger the unproductive Blacks to secure their support. Blacks killed Blacks and blamed the “lynchings” on whites. Rosa Parks was hired to perform her role and got on a bus that she normally would not even take…
There were other actors lined up, too. Not a lot of Blacks were on the buses back then because they drove cars. So there weren’t going to be a lot of Black witnesses to stoke the fire. They had to have a cameraman from one of their pseudo news agencies on the bus, ready to capture the moment when Rosa refused to get out of her seat, just like Whitey paid her to do. Blacks who worked had CARS and did not ride the bus. Nobody really enforced that “back of the bus” bullshit, ever. Not one white bus driver ever told any Blacks to get to the back of the bus. A few Black bus drivers liked to enforce that shit, though (go figure on THEM hidden facts, Baby). But we won’t even go into WHY that rule got made, in the first place, to keep your bubble intact a few seconds longer (the “why” tells you something about the lesser niggers than us hardworking Black people, because it had nothing to do with racism of WHITES…read between THEM lines, yo).
MLK Jr took advantage of the dumbest and the weakest of the Blacks. He led an army of thugs and welfare recipients who refused to work on destructive riots where they raped and pillaged and destroyed their own cities. TRUE Black POWER was on the assembly lines, working, refusing to drop to that nigger level. They endured a horrible backlash from the MLK Niggerthon as white supervisors started getting pissed at THEM for what the Black NIGGERS were doing to the world outside of the workplaces. Suddenly, the hardworking Black MAN had nowhere to turn…MLK’s Niggerthon was making them into pariahs among both races. The Black NIGGERS (who caused the racism we still see today) regarded the hardworking Black MAN as “coons” and “Uncle Toms” for daring to rise up to be equal to white men. Whites were starting to see Blacks as MLK wanted them to be seen, as dangerous thugs and opportunistic NIGGERS you can’t turn your back on.
MLK added all kinds of factions to his Niggerthon, including the NAACP and the Black Panthers (neither of which has ever helped a decent Black person, ever). As it turns out, there were MILLIONS of niggers who didn’t want to work. They popped up out of thin air, ready to be “reverends” and “leaders” and Black Panthers. They were ready to portray the Black race as WEAK little niggers who just want a free ride. They marched up and down the streets, like terrorists, raising their empty weak fists that refused to work like the Black MEN that they could never be equal to. They burned down the businesses of the Black people who worked hard to build lives. MLK laughed and partied with his white masters, who gave him book deals and money and blow jobs, galore. MLK had a role in a Psy-Op that portrayed him being arrested. While that fine white fuckboy was doing ass to mouth repeatedly on MLK Jr in the jail, MLK Jr was writing a “lynch” letter to his thug and welfare recipient armies, instructing them to kill off the hardworking Blacks for not sympathizing with their plight to get something for nothing based on skin color and fake history.
THAT’s what happened, for REAL! Niggers, who would not be equal to hardworking Blacks (who ARE equal to whites who work), killed off all of the hardworking Blacks while multiplying and representing themselves as the Black race.
MLK Jr had an epiphany and was gonna snitch himself out to the people, that he was a bought nigger slave to Whitey contracted to transform the Black race into a bunch of hoodlums and niggers. But it was too late. Someone Black had already set their sights on getting revenge on MLK Jr for the rape and pillaging…Thugs raped and pillaged other Black folk who were better than them in their own homes! They killed off the Black MEN who had jobs! They took the daughters of those men as SLAVES, selling their bodies as product on the street! They took Whitey’s money and dealt his dope to their own color in their own neighborhoods! Just as MLK Jr ordered them to do…
The beautiful Black neighborhoods full of beautiful Black PEOPLE were transformed into war-torn graffiti stained jungles full of nigger-monsters where no decent entity, animal nor human, is safe. This is what happened. The “Tookie” demographic influence prevailed. Instead of killing off the Tookies of the race, they killed off what the Tookies could never be equal to, the hardworking Black PEOPLE.
On the bright side, the niggers will be time looped (when they die) as all victims of Black perpetuated violence (even that done to animals) and crime and then as the men who built what they burned down and vandalized, and then they’ll be time looped as SLAVES (so ironic) to repay this simulation mechanism for refusing to work and be productive while in it. And THEN their spirits get executed to never get born in the replay timeline after this timeline gets undone…So they do not exist, not even now. They never got born to be niggers who are inferior to all things, Black and White (as in NOT our equals, fools, keep up!).
That lame nigger shit of responding to constructive criticism with more mean-spirited nigger shit is backfiring in their faces as even Blacks are switching the channel when they come on…The latest SNL numbers say it all. Between expecting more Trump-bashing and America-hating brainwashing disguised as “comedy”, having a Black host guarantees that all of that lame shit will be topped off with a healthy dose of niggerism, to boot…”Oh, it’s Black, change the channel before it can make us stupid like them”…or “Oh, it’s pro baby rape and Christian kill in America via hatred for Trump, switch the channel, before we, too, can be permeated with mind-numbing retardation and insatiable desire for unnecessary violence and young flesh!”
Chris Rock…Still chugging that white cock, we see. Refunds are in order, Nigga…You LIKE that word, huh? Little niggerererer, you…Well, when you die, you’ll get to hear it a lot while you pick that cotton from within the bodies of slaves who were grateful for having their death sentences commuted (you retarded nigger FOOL!).


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