Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Snoop Solidifies Rap Is Hate Speech & Must Be Banned To Protect Lives That Matter

If I could get the job of director of the F.C.C., I will protect society from the dangers of mean-spirited manipulative media which is directed at the most impressionable audiences out there, our kids/future. I will charge and incarcerate all famous people whose influence causes violence upon the innocent and I will take their wealth as fines to rebuild the torn down cities and to deprogram their sleeper cell fans to make them productive again with the potential to be our equals. I will charge and incarcerate all gangsta rappers and gangs complicit in the kidnappings of music programmers that got gangsta Rap played on the radio in the first place. There’s no statute of limitations on such crimes, nor on inciting violence upon public officials; so Beyonce and Ice-T would be doing time and the taxpayers would have the benefit of their ill-gotten wealth that they accrued with drops of blood of those that they could never be equal to.
We need to see these gangstas, thugs and rappers as the terrorist threat that they’ve become, just as dangerous as any immigrants, and we need to ADDRESS this issue, immediately!
We’ve tolerated the ill effects of Rap/Hip-Hop for far too long. It is a hate genre that has even gotten Chinese immigrants victimized in their own homes. Cops are endangered. Kids are endangered. Women are endangered. Animals are endangered. Taxpayers are endangered. Property is endangered. Family values are endangered. And now, our awesome president is endangered…all by an anti genre that has allowed the illiterate and dregs of society to be uplifted as “role models” to retarded brain worm afflicted zombies who can be entertained by that lame mind-puke and anti-music.
Time to pay up, Rap. You owe the world.
Snoop makes pot smokers look bad. We do not associate ourselves to that inbred retard who was spawned by a flesh peddler for welfare dollars because she was too inferior and lazy to WORK!

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