Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Aliens Attack Inbred California Township Over Murdered Puppy

 Vini flew the craft in cloaked mode over the inbred community in California. He found the low vibrational energy signature of the molested inbred who adopted a puppy and kicked it to death the next day. Vini had the subhuman beamed up and taken to the loop room. Vini set the device to time loop the spirit of the subhuman in the body of the puppy for the duration of the atrocity to be replayed 1000 times over.

About an hour later, the device powered down and the spirit of the subhuman was returned to his contact plasma energy laced body. Vini said "That was just a small taste of what you're in for. When you and your mama and everyone you're a fan of dies, you'll all be time looped as that puppy being abused by you for 40 quadrillion millennia, and then as all animals abused by other fans of those you're a fan of, and then as slaves to repay the high vibrational energy your gank ass mamas stole when they spawned yous. Then ya'll will be spiritually executed, phantomized, made to never get born, never exist to graduate to the next timeline. You failed your preexistence, but the puppy is in the next timeline already, being cared for by gods compared to you, your mama and everyone you're a fan of. You don't even exist, bitch!"

Vini had the subhuman returned to Earth. Then, he hit the local water supply with selective toxic energy that'd be harmless to the animals and flew away into the sky away from the subhuman energy. The crew was smiling.

PETITION TARGET: Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie A. Bridgett

Just one day after being adopted, an innocent puppy in Redding, California, was allegedly killed by the very person who was supposed to provide them with love and careaccording to local news.

The man accused of killing the puppy reportedly posted a chilling video to social media which appeared to show him kicking the Golden Retriever puppy’s corpse. When officers arrived on the scene, they found the tiny animal’s lifeless body on the floor in the kitchen, with no hope of revival.

The man has since been charged with one count of felony animal cruelty.

This tiny, defenseless puppy should have been cherished and protected — not subjected to senseless violence. We must send a strong message that this apparent disregard for a conscious, sensitive being’s life will not be tolerated.

Sign our petition urging the Shasta County District Attorney to prosecute this man to the fullest extent of the law — including mandating intensive psychological intervention and a lifelong ban on having animals. 


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