Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Paradigm Protectors Videogame concept


Paradigm Protectors 

The targets are humans who are cruel to animals and those who like to see it . The game uses frequency resonance and IPs to find the targets. Where-ever there's someone who'll hurt an animal or watch it online, the frequency resonance and vibration levels are lower than those who like normal stuff like hearing women moaning in pleasure. The players gain points by finding the perpetrators (targets) and killing them. They get more points if they torture the targets to death and video record it and post it online for entertainment to prove their prowess as hunters and killers. Burning down the houses of targets gains even more points. Players also gain points for finding the platform employees who allow animal torture videos to be posted to their websites and the advertisers who fund it with ads on the sites. The game legitimizes the sport of hunting down animal abusers and executing justice and revenge for the animals, making the paradigm safer for the animals. 

Remember: It's a thin line between animal abuse and pedophilia. What they'll do to animals they'll do to our children! Let's eliminate them!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Vickie Tuck Thieving Conservator - Amber's Law

 In March of 2021 Vickie Tuck (2250 N Manistee River RD Grayling, MI 49738), Amber's conservator at the time, received a $5,717.50 check for Amber Ciofani for her repayment of erroneous overpayments. But Amber never received the money. With this caliber of thieves handling cases for mentally disabled people, it's like proclaiming open season on retarded people on Social Security. What should happen is Vickie Tuck should be charged with a Federal crime for her extortion of Amber and other clients she handles, who she's probably stolen from in the same manner. Vickie never told Amber that she received the check nor asked her how she wanted to spend it. She claims she spent $2500 buying Amber a burial plot to keep her Medicaid, which is bullshit, Medicare never requires you to buy a funeral to retain benefits. So Vickie exploited Amber, never asking her if she wanted to buy a funeral or be buried or cremated. And Amber has never been given any information about this mysterious funeral she supposedly paid for. This is why people who have conservators should be given more power to monitor conservators, in case they end up with a ghetto white trash thieving conservator like Vickie Tuck, but they're not even allowed to know their bank balances, which makes it easy for low-lifes like Vickie Tuck to steal from them. Anyone who knows Vickie Tuck in Grayling will tell you she steals from her clients who she's supposed to protect.

Vickie Tuck will say that she settled up with Amber in 2022 when she was terminated as conservator by the court. But Amber's former conservator, Janice Chapel, who was on the up and up, can testify that Amber had $1800 in her bank account from 2 stimulus checks she never touched in hopes of raising enough money for the down payment for a house, because in 2021 Vini's credit was golden and he could've gotten a loan for a house. So the $1800 she gave Amber in 2022 was money Amber had saved. In excess of $3200 is missing. But typical of trashy white devil alcoholic dope-fiends, Vickie Tuck thought that her white privilege entitled her to withhold from Amber that she received the small windfall and that she should spend it how she sees fit. So she didn't tell Amber that she received the check and spent $2500 of Amber's money on a funeral that she claimed she needed to keep her medicare benefits from being cancelled, which is bullshit (Medicare never requires you to buy a funeral for when you die to maintain benefits). So Vickie Tuck fucked Amber and Vini out of the money they needed to buy a house. Vickie treated Amber like a 2nd class citizen who doesn't have the right to her own money simply because she's retarded. Amber and Vini are still living in the senior apartments they were hoping to move out of. So Vini prayed that Vickie Tuck's house will burn down. It's only right: Vickie fucked the couple out of buying their own house, so she shouldn't have one either.

Either way, Vickie Tuck and her family have been cursed and bound up with self replicating curses. Curses of devastation, poverty, lack, disease, sadness, loneliness, death causing events, constant endurance of violence, pain, bombings, being burned alive, raped, tortured, genitally mutilated, beheaded, time looped and spiritually executed (after those punishments) to never get born to perpetuate her crimes against the feeble minded. May these curses wipe out her family right in front of her. God does not like this criminal behavior against the helpless.

When asked about overpayments sent to Amber, Vickie Tuck claims she doesn't remember, after stealing $5,717.50 from Amber. Vicki conveniently bought her thieving assed white devil daughter a new truck with the proceeds she stole from Amber in 2021. May she have a fatal accident in that truck, cursed white trash bitch.
Law enforcement has all the proof they need right here in this post if they want to stop being incompetent and prosecute Vickie Tuck, which is the only way she'll get any relief from the spiritual onslaught in response to this theft. That or return the money to Amber.
Amber has w-2s that show that they paid the money to Vickie Tuck, and the old letter (pictured above, taken from Amber's online document photo album) states that they distributed it. Help bring Vickie Tuck to justice, SHARE this post about her with everyone you know and submit it to law enforcement.
So if a retarded person who's on Social Security gets a financial windfall due to them due to wrong doing, and they have a dope-fiend white trash white devil conservator like Vickie Tuck, they may not ever be told they received it nor will it be forwarded to them. This is why we need legislation to create a law to protect people like Amber Ciofani from thievin' assed rogue low-lifes like Vickie Tuck. Contact your local legislator about creating a law to protect them. We should call it "Amber's Law" to forever reference the exploitation of Amber by Vickie Tuck.
If you want to help Amber and Vini raise and recoup the money stolen by Vickie Tuck you can donate to them at (you'll see Primevi there which is an underground music act founded by Vini years ago, long since abandoned). Or donate to this site and the money will be forwarded to Amber.
Don't forget to share this post with your senator and local legislators to try to create Amber's Law to protect retarded people from predators like Vickie Tuck.
This why white people will never be as strong as us. They're too greedy and the only thing that matters to them is themselves.
Amber went to Sorenson-Lockwood Funeral Home to try and recover $2500 of the stolen money and was refused a refund! They said that dope-fiend alcoholic thieving Vickie Tuck made the transaction "irrevocable" which should be illegal. No 3rd party should be able to perform such a transaction on behalf of someone else. This opens the door for thieving lowlifes like Vickie Tuck to exploit mentally challenged people that they're SUPPOSED to be protecting from exploitation. We need legislation for laws to protect people like Amber from thieving lowlifes like Vickie Tuck! We need funeral services closely monitored to ensure that this form of theft is not allowed to happen. At this point, Sorenson-Lockwood Funeral services in Grayling is aiding and abetting in this crime against a protected vulnerable adult! 

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