Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Giving Them “BullsEye” Cell Phones

Someone can really do the world a favor when they start doing drone attacks based on cell phone locations. Then, to rid the nation/world of a treasonous terrorist traitor (like all of those in D.C. who enacted those tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile that destroyed the world economy or who voted for ObamaCare which refuses to allow it to recover), all we’d have to do is get them a “bullseye” phone and they’ll be killed off by the corrupt American government’s drones…ha-ha; you know they never thought of that: Programming wrong numbers into their phones and setting drones to seek them out. Sometimes, a corrupt entity or party can literally outsmart themselves. It’s only a small part of the “diminished capacity” curse that was prophesied all would endure who dare think against God’s end time Elect. What they do to the American people is afflicting the end time Elect in their nation, thus: the diminished capacity (and more) that all of their government staffers are afflicted with.

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