Thursday, July 9, 2015

Now They're As Safe As That Flag Was On That Pole

The false flag about the confederate flag gave Motuphi the power to enact curse batches and taxations of spirit upon all who had a problem with that flag…
“Now they’re as safe on Earth as that flag was on the pole. Nobody that stupid will be allowed to exist.”
He was referring to how retarded everyone is who had a problem with the confederate flag or saw it as a symbol of hatred and how they can’t still be here when Lucifer returns because “they’re just too stupid and self-serving to fuck and Satan must be protected from them”.
They perpetuated an act of terrorism against all who regard that flag as a historical symbol. That gave authority to loose terrorism upon them…
Be careful what you wish for: Now, that flag precedent will be used to take away guns and loose ISIS on you and even more terrorists (you refer to as “gangstas”), just like they did to them fools overseas. Even more importantly, it marked you for death and time loops and eternal execution, as well as being cursed while you’re here in this simulation mechanism…
Good riddance! Those people should’ve been protesting the TPP or the NDAA or animal cruelty or outsourcing to Chinese slaves or sports franchises not paying taxes or the sexualizing of children by untalented people in the music and other media industries…Nope, they protested a flag and now must be time looped as all demographics they ignored, just like those who benefit from the flag being witch hunted (flags don’t kill people, sub spirit-controlled people kill people). So now they’ll be time looped those animals and those children (500-quadrillion millenia per victim per offense) and those slaves when they die here.
Looks like it wasn’t a victory for them, after all.

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