Friday, July 8, 2016

Protester Curse Expands - Dead Cops Stalk Them & Beyonce & Jay-z & Thug Luvers

Knowing that all who funded and attended that protest are cursed is comforting. Knowing that they do not exist is awesome.
Knowing that the spirits of all dead cops are hunting famous human flesh like Jay-Z, Beyonce, Sharpton, all rappers and all other famous inferiors (and their fans) is super cool.
Knowing that they’ll die and be time looped as all victims of violence and as slaves and then be spiritually executed to never exist is peace inducing.
Knowing that Beyonce and Jay-Z will be time looped as every cop ever killed by thugs is cause for celebration. Knowing that the spirits of their parents will endure their same fates is great.
The real world is protected from them. The replay of this timeline is protected from them.
Nobody who’s not our equal will exist: If they want police to coddle thugs, then they are not equal to us. If they refuse to comply with law enforcement, then they are not equal to us. If they want dead cops instead of dead thugs and rappers, then they are not equal to us.
For every cop death, God and Lucifer will kill ten thousand thugs and 2 famous thugs…Watch it play out…If cops are on a death list, then those who influence it are on the list…
For every dead cop we see, we wanna see a thousand dead rappers and mainstream “artists” until they no longer spew their lame influence. Anyone famous who dares call for coddling thugs needs to be locked in a room with a serial raping murderer for a week…They’ll suddenly wish they could find a cop…
Such is the parameters for them…If it doesn’t happen to ‘em here, in this timeline before they expire. Then, after they die, they will be time looped as (have their spirits placed inside of) all victims of violent crime (even the animals) that were not rescued by a cop…
Then, they’ll never exist to perpetuate their unequality to the rest of us.
Slaves to whitey can’t see that it’s his will for Black PEOPLE to get victimized by Black niggers…They’re too feeble-minded to resist.
America needs more mothers like Lila and Eve, real women who’ll KILL the thugs who killed their babies…Then the police wouldn’t have to do it for them mamas who lost their babies to thugs who don’t exist anyway because they get time looped as victims and slaves and then get phantomized to never exist, not even now.

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