Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Most UNfit Calls Trump “Unfit”

Well, if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle “black”, huh? Obama, the most unfit and unqualified president ever to breathe the air here calling someone else “unfit”…Terrorists can not “see” themselves”, yo.
Remember that anyone questioning the mental health of Trump needs their OWN mental health investigated for not wondering those things about those who are obviously mentally ill, like Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes, Jarrett, Lynch, and the rest of the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as “government” in America right now.
Propaganda (and hiding atrocities) will backfire and get you KILLED up in here! Just look at China…dying like a MOTHerfucker!
Obama won’t get to exist now, the real world is protected from him and the restore point does not include him (so he’s not here even NOW), so it does not matter what he says or thinks, or fails to, as the case may be.

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