Saturday, March 11, 2017

Loretta Lynch (the Constitution) Causes More Time Loops For Obamamites & Racist Blacks

Loretta Lynch (the Constitution) proved that she was a treasonous traitor terrorist when she was AG and never backed the Constitution regarding the legality of Marijuana and how the Constitution protects its legality in the States. She chugged that white cock who commanded her obedient Black ass to defy the Constitution for the duration of her term, becoming more and more cum-drunk by the second. She deserves her upcoming time loops as slaves when she dies, stupid nigger whore. She accrued a debt to the mechanism, like rappers and sports figures and reality show stars and Trump-hating terrorist-supporting celebs and Soros and Obama (his butt-buddy) and all of the black mayors of Detroit and the pilferer of the maintenance fund for the levy in Orleans (who was stereotypically BLACK).
It’s their “Black thing” to be inferior with any responsibility or power to make Blacks look like inferior little chimpanzee minded niggers (like R Kelly and OJ and all rappers, and Black female music artists and celebs, and sports figures and their fans) who can’t abide by the same parameters as their white peers and counterparts. Obama proved that with his terrorist attack, ObamaCare, to compete with the Bush-era terrorist attack of the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile, which (ironically) exposed how many rich passive terrorists there are who’d take advantage of an illegal tax break that would devalue their own money, enacted by a drunken coke-head puppet of the Illuminati posing as POTUS (there was never a Bush president, for real; just puppets who had to be time looped and phantomized to never exist when they died). Remember that 911 was a controlled demolition perpetuated by Bush and his fake Jew buddies to collect on insurance while using it as a false flag Psy-Op to engage in an illegal war for oil…No coolant (oil) thieves really exist beyond this temporary timeline, yo. Any news agency that refuses to tell it to you just like that (how it is) is a controlled by the government propaganda outlet posing as “news”. Saudis had NOTHING to do with 911. FACT. 
Loretta Lynch (the Constitution) proved how inferior a Black AG could be, right along with Holder. Neither would back the Constitution against Obama’s inferior mama Care (the ACA = A Crackhead’s Assault or Assault by a Crackhead on America). The Constitution clearly defines anyone who would enact such a thing on Americans as treasonous traitors and terrorists, same as it defines Bush and his administration as terrorists for enacting the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile. They identify themselves as such when they defy the Constitution for their dope (and child butt) supplying white devil masters who put them in power as obedient little puppets.
Now, Loretta Lynch (the Constitution) calls for MORE death, like her rap and sports zeroes disguised as heroes and bought nigger slaves to Soros (BLM, protesters, sports figures, rappers, Black female music “artists”/prostitutes with record deals, anti-Trump celebs, and anyone Black who’s racist against whites after their good turn to their headhunter ancestors by commuting their death sentences to life hard labor, making it possible for them to be born as free people in this generation, ungrateful morons).
That’s alright, Loretta. Motuphi and his inter-dimensional timeline traversing spirit warrior clones have your nasty nigger ass (and anyone motivated by your whack nigger whore treasonous traitor terrorist influence) tagged for time loopage as ALL victims of violence…Yes, Bitch, that includes the animals abused and neglected by the sleeper cell fans of rap and sports and niggerism-elevating media and influence. You will join all famous Blacks (except for Cosby, who gets a pass due to the witch hunt) in the time loops. Your spirit will be placed in all manner of slaves to repay this mechanism in addition to being time looped as all victims of violence. Your nigger whore ass just added more debt to all who will be time looped who fit the above descriptions. Wouldn’t wanna be a rapper or a sports figure or anyone Black who’s famous or a reverend or anyone regarded as a Black “leader” right about now…That would mean that I’m a phantom in derelict preexistence stage, just like them…
After Lynch (the Constitution) fulfills her time loops, her spirit will be executed to not get born in the replay timeline after this timeline is undone and all things that happened in it…So, Loretta Lynch (the Constitution) does not exist, even now…It’s just a matter of manipulation of time. Motuphi told the story of how she and the others beg for mercy in the time loops in the future, mercy they were not prepared to offer others while they were here during their preexistence (life probation, where they violated terms for existence viability).
Stupid cocky phantoms make such great fiction novels in the next timeline, where there’s no rap, nor rappers, nor rap fans, nor sports, nor sports figures, nor sports fans (who’re stupid sleeper cells, good for nothing), nor mainstream music, nor mainstream music “artists”, nor mainstream music fans (sleeper cells, good for nothing), nor video games, nor video gamers (good for nothing), nor computers, nor tech giants, nor gasoline engines (all Tesla free energy), nor thugs, nor gangstas, nor dope, nor dope dealers, nor junkies, nor welfare, nor welfare recipients, nor vandals, nor vandalism, nor unproductive people, nor bullies, nor trolls, nor bankers, nor pharmaceutical company owners, nor insurance company owners, nor owners of any company that benefited from the terrorist attack of illegally making Marijuana illegal so they could force market their products and sorceries of man, nor corrupt governments, nor corrupt government officials who failed to live up to the responsibility of their offices to the PEOPLE, nor tyrants, nor dictators, nor Chinese royalty (no honor, like Mao, who had nor honor, like those in power in China now), nor Royal family (vultures who disarmed their own taxpayers), nor anyone who’d disarm taxpayers, nor Muslim Islamic infidels (infidels deny the deity of Christ, ironic, huh?), nor rapists, nor murderers, nor violence, nor dictatorships, nor greedy fucktards, nor any passive terrorists who took advantage of the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile, nor terrorists, nor terrorism, nor treasonous traitors, nor treason, nor charlatans who posed as preachers who failed to share the truth of the Bible science that Motuphi shared with people in this timeline, nor any Christians who refused to live up to their responsibility to nature (the homeless animals) and the fight against the Illuminati, nor any women who ignored him and/or promoted Motuphi’s mainstream cock-blockers while he was in obscurity trying to rescue the homeless animals victimized by mainstream influence, nor any record label execs who signed the squatters in the mainstream who desecrated Lucifer’s craft of music for profit and fame (which caused mass zombification of humans who were then entertained by violence), nor propaganda, nor propaganda news agencies or agents, nor slavery (it gets undone and never happens and all who were twisted into reactions to it here will now be time looped and phantomized, fuck them), nor anyone who capitalized on slavery and racism and the feeble-mindedness of racist Blacks in this temp timeline (like Malcolm x, Rosa Parks, MLK Jr, Sharpton, Jackson, Jones, etc), nor self-absorption, nor the self-absorbed…
Well, you get the picture. If it failed to cause the generation of Positive Frequency Resonance (cosmic currency of God, Christ and Lucifer), then it does not get past this temporary timeline. It’s stuck here, like a roach in a roach motel that ate all of the poison bait…Yep, such is their fate…They’re too enslaved to have a proper sense of self-preservation….They truly were not equal to Motuphi, who writes fiction novels about them in the next timeline…And he’s also a famous musician because there’s no stupid people beyond here to reject real talent (like him) for the untalented (like what’s famous in this temp timeline)…
It’s all good…once the phantoms have paid up and get undone…as it was meant to be.


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