Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Youtube/Google Submit Yet Another Billion $$ + Today For Offending Other Timelines

Ya’ll know that Youtube lost a billion dollars already for offenses against Motuphi (said like “modify”). They censored his content, de-monteized his videos and allowed cyber stalking bullies to bully him in comments on his videos and then PARTICIPATED with the cyber thugs by removing videos and putting a strike against one of his channels. The other timelines did not like it that youtube/Google are nasty vile hypocrites who allow hate speech from mainstream rappers and celebrities to be uploaded while removing videos of underground rappers like Motuphi, which proved to them that the staffers and owners are complicit in fostering the violent mentality that causes people to become time looped and phantomized to never exist when they die…They’re “phantom makers”…

We know that Youtube got hit. We know why. Even if youtube is in denial…They owe Motuphi, and other timelines collect the interest on cartoonish levels from phantoms who don’t exist, like youtube/Google staffers. They WILL pay Motuphi or go out of business…It’s just a fact of the cosmos. There’s no Youtube nor Google in any other timeline, anyway, which tells you that they are, indeed, nonexistent phantoms who refuse to exist.

Instead of paying Motuphi what they owe him, Google/Youtube commit even MORE offenses against him for other timelines to collect over.

What’s cartoonish is that youtube did not remove the same video from any other channel, just the bullied channel. That’s evidence of fostering and participating in cyber bullying, right there. So the curse batches extend towards the Google/Youtube organization yet again. Will they be smart enough to restore the video that’s NOT in violation of TOS? Or will they be hard-headed and allow other timelines to provide another example of Motuphi’s supernatural authority over bums who won’t give him his money?

How many years has Motuphi been a youtube partner? He has viral monetized videos, yet he has not made a dime with them! YEARS of being a good partner who supplies interesting unique content, most of it family safe, and youtube kills their own source trees by allowing cyber bullies to attack them.

Youtube’s saying: “Because this cyber bully (who shouldn’t have an account, anyway) does not like you, oh youtube content provider, we give that rapist of your online life and good vibes the right to remove your content to make us participants to your Google fostered and facilitated online life-rape. And watch us not blush or have the basic comprehension to be embarrassed about it, almost as if our brains have been replaced with artificial intelligence that deprives us of the emotion of basic empathy required when dealing with humans as other humans who provide a service”…Now THAT’s youtube’s and Google’s statement with their actions that speak louder than words. It’s like a big “Fuck YOU!” to those who fed them and their babies and, now, other timelines have had enough of that shit. You ungrateful little bastards and bitches, be thou as Motuphi and work for 10 YEARS and not make a dime! Let YOUR families starve and YOUR agendas get attacked and go dead! Youtube and Google, other timelines tell you and your families who don’t exist anyway “No…Fuck YOU!”

Now watch the implosion. Computers used against Motuphi will malfunction. Youtube/Google valuable content and files will vanish into nothingness. The cosmos will become as trustworthy with them and theirs as they were with Motuphi’s content and monetary ventures on their whack, fucked-up anti-site.

Peep the vids done in response to the participation in bullying perpetuated by Google’s owned Youtube. You’ll see that they’re targeting Motuphi via the bullies…Makes us wonder if youtube/Google didn’t hire the bullies, themselves, to target Motuphi and his content.

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