Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Playing In The Blood Of Victims Due To Whack Inferior Influence

Anyone heard Lebron James makes his ignorant jiggaboo comments about Trump that actually really apply to Obama, Bush, Clinton and every white devil president that Lebron would show support to? Yeah. That's one dumb SOB who needs to STFU. Lebron means NOTHING to any youth who really exist beyond this temporary timeline that gets undone, right along with Lebron and every stupid thing he ever did or said. Lebron was just another welfare phantom, controlled by whitey, who'll die to be time looped as slaves to repay the money he made...Other timelines dictated that, since sports figures are so pathetically ignorant and compliant to whitey, all sports figures must be time looped as slaves (when they die here) to repay all money that they made more than teachers and educators, who were supposed to be paid (and revered) more than any retarded pansy playing with balls always spewing his ignorance about the world. Lebron obviously listens to Rap/Hip-Hop...
Lebron's mind is on 3rd grade level and it's comforting to know that he and his demographic are being weeded out from among the existent with their failures here in preexistence. So, every penny that Lebron James made more than a teacher just for playing with balls will be paid back by Lebron when he dies and gets time looped as slaves. The standard rate is $900,000 per PENNY. That's picking a whole lotta' cotton and suckin' a whole lotta’ cock (as sex slaves) and building a whole lotta’ slave made gadgets for stupid Americans...Then, Lebron gets spiritually executed so that he does not get born in the replay of this timeline...Fuckin' mouthy little phantom ass bitch with no reason for breathing the air here gonna misinform his fans just because HE don’t like Trump (kinda like Oprah misinforming Blacks with the “Selma” movie debacle she funded that depicts the OPPOSITE of the facts). Lebron’s gonna get schooled by Motuphi when he dies and Motuphi makes him suck his own mama's asshole and time loops his mama (and daddy and then HIM) as any white hoes he fucked.
On a side note, everyone complicit in sports figures making higher salaries than educators will be time looped as slaves to repay that ill-gotten gain...You don't give illiterate fuckin' zombies like Lebron millions of dollars while teachers are starving or you WILL PAY for that shit....Nigga (put that on there so the feeble-minded will accept it, after bobbing their heads to an imaginary beat for a second or two). Motuphi gonna time loop Lebron as them Vick-esque dogs, too, with his mama in the opponent dogs. Motuphi HATES stupid phantoms who had too much money and intends to time loop the managers and team owners and sponsors and all others who played that sick game of paying the undesirable retards more than the desirable...
There's a million teachers whose lives matter more than Lebron James and his zombie fans who'll never do a good goddamned thing under Lebron's tutelage ('cuz he's so fuckin' STUPID!). Some of those teachers make it to the next timeline and the real world. Lebron was such a fuckin' loser that he even got his ancestors time looped and phantomized to prevent him and his whack assed mama from ever getting born. She has much to be time looped for, Lebron James' mama do. How-come Lebron joined them Black-faced Caucasianists against the good hard-working Black people who had hits put out on them by MLK Jr when they refused to quit their jobs to become welfare recipients and thugs like the Blacks who marched on Washington with him? How can he even claim to be "Black" now? MLK Jr and Malcolm x and Rosa Parks were never "Black"; they was "niggas", there's a difference. Black people worked and kept their neighborhoods, homes and schools nice. MLK Jr led a bunch of "niggas" to snuff them good Black people out for daring to be so civilized and equal to the white man (they even had hedges and manicured lawns and swimming pools back then, before the perpetuation of the welfare and thug enabler movement erroneously dubbed the "civil rights" movement).
Ya'll won't hear from Lebron James how there used to be "Colored Only" signs back then, too. He'll let you get poisoned with fake history (like HE was) to believe that racism has always been one-sided and Blacks can't be racist (which is a LIE because niggers posing as Blacks are the most racist pieces of shit on the planet and they mark themselves as niggers with their own racism...a racist Black is nothing more than a ridiculous nigger who'll die to endure all slavery and every lynching ever perpetuated for his whack mentality during preexistence, which is now).
Keep the above facts in mind. No famous Black is ever gonna share that truth with you because whitey bought them nice houses and gave them money and lotsa’ white hoes. They won't ever tell you that there never was any slavery in America, that the “slaves” were actually murderous headhunters who were sentenced to death for their crimes (by other Black Africans) and were handed over to white contractors to be executed at sea (to protect the land from their evil). But the white contractors commuted those death sentences to life hard labor and sold them murderous headhunters as slaves with warnings to never let them loose from their chains nor to regard them as "equal" to the hardworking or they'll turn the whole world into a ghetto (which is exactly what they did, they ghettofied entertainment which ghettofied the minds of kids and thus, the entire world around us; just so some ghetto-fabulous ignorant niggers could have some fame, money and white hoes, we all gotsta suffer for that). Now, they all gotsta be undone and the ghettos and the stuff that happened in them never ever happens...never...never. Never was a gangsta. Never was a thug. Never was a rapper (except for Motuphi, of course, who was anti-thug even when he was a thug, himself).
Now, with "role models" like Lebron James dumbing down (with his ignorance and anti-knowledge) the fans that he should be trying to empower (with truth and knowledge), it's easy for whitey to perpetuate a false flag and then to get the demographic who should be against them to join them....Perfect example: The Florida shooting. Kids supposedly died and other kids got lured to play in the blood of the victims by pushing an anti-gun agenda on the back of the story of their deaths, which is like desecrating the memory and the victimization of the victims and belittles the kids' deaths as planned pawns in whitey’s "game" to make of America what they already made of the other places where they disarmed the people.
Look overseas at the murder and rape killing fields that were made of the countries where the citizens were disarmed and see the examples of why you should NEVER let them take your guns. The lawless rule their regions and the police can't protect the good people from the criminals. That scenario is what they intend to make of the USA! They already tested it with the disarming of the taxpayers after Katrina in the flooded regions which left the taxpayers vulnerable to rape, pillaging and murder by those who had illegal guns. The military swooped in after the flood and took the registered guns from the taxpayers so that they could not protect themselves and then the thugs ran amok, raping their women and murdering them right in their own homes (this is hidden TRUE history).
More hidden true history is how many rapes occurred when the people were packed into the Superdome with thugs and ghetto minded self-entitled rap and sports fans who victimized and robbed them right in front of their children and often took their food from them. Yeah, the facts got hidden away. But the "men" created by the influence of retards like Snoop, Dre, Eminem, Rick Ross, Kanye, Jay-z and Lebron raped the female victims of the hurricane instead of helping them...Those rapes do get avenged in the time loops and all who influenced those rapists get to endure them rapes, too...So do their mamas.
Non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory is a beautiful thing, yo. It even records thoughts and omissions (what you FAIL to do), too. So, those rappers and sports figures get to be time looped as the Katrina rape victims in addition to all other time loops that they committed themselves to with their preexistence here. Such is the penalty for being a poser. If you can't be Motuphi's equal and influence your fans to make the world a better place around them, then you're a poser who has no reason for being famous (other than to accrue a debt to the mechanism).
That’s why you never glamorize stupidity or dare capitalize from it. If your fans are stupid enough to be entertained by 3rd grade level lyrics put to sound effects or by sports, then they're more likely to be entertained by violence upon people and animals and it's just a matter of public safety to ensure that you nor your stupid sleeper cell fans ever get a chance to really exist in the long-term (in a realm where it can't be undone)...Plus, all that you did and all of the suffering that you caused (or failed to relieve) will be undone and you still get time looped to get punished for it and then you get executed to never get born to perpetuate it in the first place...Just as the Bible clearly conveys.
Now, Motuphi said during a recent lesson (jokingly, but he probably really did mean it) that he personally cursed Emma Gonzalez (or whatever her name is) and he explained why. She's an obvious paid mis-informer who sets that mentally ill "gender neutral" example for her white devil masters. She wants to protest against guns to serve the people who masterminded the attack that got students like her killed (assuming that it really happened). She should wisen-up and defy them and demand MORE guns to protect kids like her from the mind controlled zombies that whitey will arm and send on a "mission" in childish attempts to get what whitey wants. I don't feel sorry for Emma. She's attractive and should be of consenting age soon enough to grow her hair out, become pretty and feminine again, and submit herself to Motuphi's bed chamber for 6 months to get the curses neutralized (it's the only way to buy your way out of curses once Motuphi hits you with them, so I guess males in that position are just fucked unless they're hot shemales, huh?).
The kids, like Emma, are spitting on the blood of the victims by allowing a gun control agenda to be associated to their deaths, because it's giving whitey what it wants from the attack that whitey is responsible for...It's like rewarding Hitler (all over again) by believing that his false flag was really perpetuated by the scapegoats (the Jews). This is old shit that they keep doing. It seems like people could see through it by now. That's why there never was any charges brought against the kidnappers of the music programmers who got that mind-puke known as "gangsta rap" put on the radio while simultaneously sabotaging Motuphi's music career. It serves whitey's purpose for people to be so dumbed down. Why do you think they allow it? There's no statute of limitations on kidnapping! Why do you think they elevate gladiators like they do? People who get into sports are stupid, that's why. Intelligent people can't be entertained by sports or rap or reality shows, yo (it's like torture to them)...So the intelligent are the true minority now, being bullied by the phantoms who (for sure, for real) don't even exist and will be undone to not even exist right now, very very soon.
Who will YOU believe? Those who've been snuffed out, like Motuphi, because he'll tell you how to graduate the fuck up out of here and really exist; or a buncha' bought off phantoms who'll die to be time looped and spiritually executed to never exist? Do they know that they don't exist? Are they just trying to trick YOU into not existing now, like them? Or are they ignorant of the facts? Either way, it's dangerous to follow them or to be influenced by them, right? Whether or not they're intentionally doing it is irrelevant. Whitey is playing a game and he's trying to see how few are hip to his maneuvers...Lebron is helping whitey win, like most famous Blacks like to do. Now, we got kids who're too stupid to avoid playing in the blood of their classmates...So fuckin' sad.


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