Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Lamar Proves Rap Is Hate Speech Molesting White Girl Over ‘Nigga’

You know that the new way to molest white people is for inferior little welfare phantoms like Kendrick Lamar  to set them up for what he set that little white girl up for at his "show". Back when gangsta rap first got put on the radio via kidnappings of music programmers (early 1990s), "rappers" used to fuck little 12 and 13 year old white girls who attended their concerts right on stage, often pissing on them and making them drink their piss. Nobody said shit because they were viewed as too “monkey minded” to be expected to adhere to the same standards as any white dudes in that same situation (who would’ve been incarcerated for pedophilia and their CDs would’ve been burned in the streets...IF they’d been white...and therefore expected to be civilized and what a MAN should be when you look at him). Gangsta Rap assaulted Black family values for their white devil masters, lowering the bar of expectation of what a man should be. What the white devils started with their bought nigger slaves in the 1950s had finally come to fruition.
Kendrick Lamar's mama didn't posses that basic human quality to instill into her son to motivate shame for how he acted. What Lamar did is what all Blacks who are racist and spew "nigga" from their snarly lips do every time they say the word "nigga", he sucked the white man's cock and committed himself to more time loops picking cotton and being sex slaves when he dies. The standard rate for being Black and saying "nigga" (or "cracka") is pick a bale of cotton and be time looped sucking the white man's dicks from within little white (and Asian) girls for a quadrillion millennia (per molecule of everyone who heard you say it). Now, if you know that that's the standard rate and you still say "nigga", then you must want to suck that white cock and pick bales of cotton, right? Yeah, Kendrick's mama was just a ghetto-fabulous nigger whore who'll be time looped with Kendrick as all victims of Black perpetuated violence (which includes MILLIONS of animals) when she dies, stupid nigger bitch, spawning her illiterate nigger caricature who can't string 2 paragraphs together without racial epithets. Can't wait to see that nigger cunt get time looped, yo. She made good Black people look bad, like every other self-entitled nigger does.
Well, let that be a lesson to white people. Rap/Hip-Hop is Hate Speech. Even those who write it admit it! Just ask Kendrick Lamar and Ice Cube. They’ll tell you!
Now, Kendrick exhibited what so many unsuspecting white girls have endured at the hands of racist niggers, being taken somewhere to be gang-banged or beat-down by gangs of niggers for the horrible sin of being white...
While educated Black people LOVE them for it, feeble-minded niggers hate whites for commuting the death sentences of their headhunter ancestors to life hard labor. That's how bad niggers hate to work: They'd rather die than work and they hate the white man for liberating their ancestors, who were actually grateful for the sentence commutations (unlike their retarded descendants). Kendrick and his demographic of future slaves and lynch victims (they better not EVER die, yo) identify themselves as contaminants that we came to Earth to sift out from among us with their tendency to bite the hands that feed them, namely the whites who liberated their deadbeat ancestors who murdered good hard-working Black people in Africa before being sentenced to death. White devils should've did their jobs back then and just killed those nasty murderous niggers and then we wouldn't have the plague race of inferior feeble-minded self-entitled niggers, like Lamar, to assault our frequency resonance every single day in obedience to their white devil masters...Nigga.
When a racist nigger says "nigga", it's really saying "I love that white cock and want to suck it some more. That's why I'm so controlled by the white man and think how he programmed me and my inferior mama to think." That's what's really being said when ever a racist (prejudiced) Black face spews "nigga"...They know that the meaning got changed when Ice Cube displayed how inferior HIS mama was and why that nigger whore is committed to time loops and spiritual execution to never spawn her illiterate nigger son who named himself after frozen water (dumb shit). If you spawn an ignorant nigger and it grows up to afflict even one other entity (human or animal), then your nigger whore ass is a welfare phantom who does not exist and you WILL be undone to never spawn your ignorant tiny minded nigger AFTER being time looped as all victims of your illiterate nigger monster and all other victims of racism (against all colors)...
Picture being lynched, repeatedly, when you die for the offense of being self-entitled due to someone else's life (yeah, they's stupid as fuck, yo).
Wait 'till Kendrick gets time looped as his little teenage molestation-by-nigger-ambush victim. Wait 'till his nasty vile mama gets time looped as that little white girl who now knows better than to be a fan of feeble-minded niggers who put the word "nigga" (aka "I want more white cock in my mouth”) in their lyrics. Wait 'till every one of Kendrick's cursed little nigger fans gets time looped as her...Yeah. Then those weak-minded niggers gonna SEE themselves for how tiny they really was and how no real world world could be Heaven if their ignorant Black asses was allowed to really exist beyond this temporary timeline.
More curses go forth upon the prejudiced niggers of the Black race (and their white devil masters/owners) every time a nigger says "nigga" or "cracka" or exhibits the racism (being prejudiced) that no Black is allowed to feel no more. If they was REALLY "Black", they'd evolve and control their thoughts so that they can't be triggered to racism against their ancestors' rescuers. They'd protect the Black race from their own inferiority. Motuphi and Lucifer set the parameters like that so you could understand who hates Black people more than any other demographic on the world, which is niggers with Black skin (that's who hates us worse than any white devils ever did, they hide in our color, yo, spewing “nigga” all the time to burn bread on our race).
As an educated Black person, I just want to say (again) that it doesn't bother me to hear someone white saying "nigger" to describe the nasty niggers who make us Black people look bad. It does bother me to hear someone who's supposed to be "Black" use the word "nigga" in an endearing fashion, however, especially if that "nigga" has fame or influence over other Blacks. That’s betrayal of our race, yo, plain and simple.
Kendrick Lamar can't see the problem with his latest molestation of a white child as a "show". Try to picture what happened to that kid after the show. She was probably taken and gang-banged by a group of niggers to "prove" to them that she's "not racist". Or she could even be in a torture dungeon, where feeble-minded niggers who're dumb enough to listen to Rap/Hip-Hop and therefore be entertained by violence are entertaining their feeble little nigger minds by checking in “racial reparations” from her. What's sad is that niggers molested her psyche, publicly, and she'll probably spend the rest of her life with her legs open for inferior nigger cock (not educated hard-working taxpaying tithe-paying Black men, like me) just to prove to the world that she was not racist when she sang with her lame-minded zhero nigger, Kendrick Lamar, the hate speechist.
Motuphi set the example: If you're white, you NEVER let a racist tiny minded nigger who spews "nigga" from his snarly racist lips put you on a stage...NEVER...It’s a set-up, yo. They wanna Tupac your white ass, okay?
Well, the white devil Psy-Op that Rap/Hip-Hop is has done it's damage to the Black race. The average Black doesn't even know that Rap/Hip-Hop was created by WHITE devils who wanted to steal comprehension skills (abilities) from the Black race. Those who listen to Rap/Hip-Hop can no longer appreciate nor comprehend sophisticated compositions of songs that were written before Rap/Hip-Hop destroyed their minds, like the songs played by the Funk Brothers, for example. Now, their minds can only process short little loops of those former compositions accompanied with the most mindless anti-Black mentalities being spewed over the short little repetitive music loops that could even, eventually, drive an ape insane. The white devils didn't want anyone Black to be smart enough to comprehend or write legislation, so they created this tool known as Rap/Hip-Hop where short little loops of music are repeated while an illiterate deadbeat nigger "raps" 3rd grade level mind-puke over the loops. Nobody truly Black who's about Black "Power" would subject another Black person to Rap/Hip-Hop, that’s a nigger thing, yo, and niggers are tools of the white devils who even deal dope to their own people for profit.
Priority one of this temporary timeline is protecting the next timeline and the real world from white devils and their (slaves) tiny minded niggers like those who have a problem with white people singing with their rap zheroes who wrote the word "nigga" into their songs because they can't write good and they wanted to molest the Black minds of their fans for the white devils (their masters) some more. That's why God and Lucifer (who's turf you's in, Niggas) had Motuphi (gang lord and master of all gangstas) enact parameters to this paradigm that attach curses to all tiny minded niggers who dare be racist against the white gods who commuted the death sentences of their headhunter ancestors or touch them or talk bad about them or even think against them. Those curses even tax the spirits of the racist tiny minded niggers to commit them to time loops as everyone and everything that ever suffered at the hands of a racist tiny minded nigger before their spiritual executions to never get born to be used by white devils as tiny minded niggers.
If you’re a racist (prejudiced) tiny minded “nigga” spewing nigger, then you’s a tool of the white devils and owned, outright, by them...That’s who you obey when you say “nigga”, Niggas.
The tiny minded niggers who were triggered to be angry about the white girl singing the word "nigga" with tiny minded nigger-boy, Kendrick Lamar, all had their brainwaves targeted by other timelines for curses to attach to them. Now, when those tiny minded niggers eat or drink anything, their own brainwaves will transform that shit into poison. Their own tiny minded brainwaves will also attract poverty, disease, violence, pestilence and tragedies to them while they're here on Earth failing their preexistence.
So, Ice Cube, Kendrick Lamar and their white fans have proven that all Rap/Hip-Hop that has the word "nigga" in it is Hate Speech to such an extreme degree that it even offends and triggers those who wrote the Hate Speech, themselves...Ice Cube and Kendrick Lamar have such inferior values that they'd actually enter the entertainment arena and taint it with that level of feeble-mindedness...That's how tainted their mamas and their papas and their "role models" (those that they're fans of) were...A race of taint for mentality, that's anyone Black who listens to Rap/Hip-Hop tainted with the word "nigga" that now qualifies it as Hate Speech.
Gotta love Motuphi's mentality: He tweeted how he's not feeble-minded nor controlled by the white devils like Kendrick Lamar, so it's safe to be his fan. He won't try to get you hated for liking his shit. He doesn't write hate speech, so you never hafta worry about no inferior lyrical content in his music. You won't get triggered to get cursed, neither...Kendrick Lamar knows that there's curses out there waiting to attach to anyone Black who says "nigga" or exhibits racist (prejudiced) behavior towards other races and yet his vile nigger ass still sold his own fans into those curses instead of leading them away from the curses to the liberty of freedom. For some more unearned money and unwarranted fame, Kendrick Lamar chained up (himself and) some more of his fans to even more curses reserved for anyone fake "Black" enough to serve the white devils with racism (being prejudiced) against whites.
Kendrick Lamar knows that the thought police are here and they're watching. Kendrick Lamar knows that those thought police show no mercy and will attach spirit taxation and curses upon you for daring to allow the white devils to control your thoughts to think like their controlled little nigger slaves (anyone famous, Black and racist against whites is a slave nigger to the white devils, yo, word). Yet Kendrick still enslaves his fans to the curse parameters for his white devil masters, as commanded.
If you want to get cursed while you're here, be a fan of an ignorant illiterate slave to the white devils (any racist famous Black and any rappers who writes "nigga" who has a problem with white people singing it) or act like them. If you want to get cursed AND time looped as all victims of Black perpetuated violence, then touch someone white that you're not willing to die for or cause (influence) some other Black to do so...That's a sure fire way to get time looped as those white victims of Black ignorance and violence before being spiritually executed to never get born to be that fuckin' retarded, yo...for realz....
Kendrick is a bitch, a little white devil dick-chugging bitch. To be racist against whites when you know better is to be the worst bitch who hates Black people the most, even more than any racist white devil ever did.
Kendrick Lamar hates Black people...That's why he won't be Black. He insists upon being a little nigger bitch, instead, as his white devil masters demand of him.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

No Room For Common Sense On Youtube

There was no room for common sense on Youtube. The welfare phantoms who operate Youtube in this temporary timeline have proven that they're just vile contaminants who need to be time looped when they die and then spiritually executed to never get born in the replay of this timeline after it gets undone.
It's ironic that Google now wants to create a mini-China in America where their bread and butter can't even get the truth since there's not going to be a China in the next timeline nor in the real world. The Americans who graduate from this timeline will be placed in China and there will never be a China in China due to how corrupt their government was. There was no honor in China, just deviants, like Mao, elevated as dictators who died and got time looped as all of their victims and then spiritually executed to never exist to be crazed little tyrannical pedophiles and life-rapists. The American continent will be given back to the Indians in the next timeline...The white devils have proven that they can't be trusted any more than one can trust a rich Chinese person or one of their dictators.
There was a guy on Youtube known as "The Doctor of Common Sense", E.T. Williams. His content, although tame and middle of the road, was deemed to be too offensive by the cursed Mao worshiping Google staffers who took Williams off of Youtube and started the curse batch parameters that all rich white devils must abide by now. The curses for removing a channel from youtube that's not playing mainstream content go forth at a standard rate of 500-quadrillion curses per molecule of everyone's body who won't be seeing their videos, compounded per video lost, compounded per second of the videos, compounded per second passed since the videos were removed, etc. Those curses not only tax the spirits of the cursed Google owners and staffers and their families to protect the next timeline and the real world from them, but they (the curses) also cause health problems, poverty, an attraction of violence to their families, and the parameters set to cause their brainwaves to transform all ingestibles into poison as they ingest them.
What you have happening on the internet is a bunch of white devils have opted to become hemorrhoids on Obama's asshole by helping his cursed agendas with censoring. This caused all internet mediums engaged in censoring to be cursed strongly enough to cause their families to suffer and to bring about a nuclear holocaust if they don't stop trying to create China in America. The consequences for violating an American's right to freedom of speech are being dished out upon them white devils and they're still too inbredded to backpedal their censoring, even though it's becoming unsafe for them and their families in this temporary timeline. When Motuphi enacted curses upon the internet censors, he also included all governments (and their entities) who allow the censoring, and he bound them up with nuclear bombs and static detonators to detonate the nuclear bombs with their own behavior if they don't immediately stop the censoring. The teleportation of thugs and extremists (illegal immigrants) into the safe rooms, panic rooms, bedrooms and yachts of the censors will start kicking in, soon, and then they won't be safe in their homes (they're only as safe as the censored content is in their hands).
The problems with censoring is that they won't censor what should be censored, like rap and sports videos and videos depicting animal cruelty. They won't stop programming kids to violence with the influence of the mainstream and with video games glamorizing high "kill" numbers and they expect the shootings to stop (they're retarded). They want to control the narrative to pimp false truth and produce fake reality that they control. This won't be allowed to happen. Motuphi is in authority over the internet controlling white devils due to their sabotage of his online incomes. Now, they're not even allowed to think thoughts that Motuphi would not approve of without being hit with huge curse batches and spirit taxations to undo them and all that they did here in this temporary timeline.
If you look at Youtube today, you'll see that most of the people who were innocently commenting on what the white devils are doing to us (and themselves) have had their videos and channels removed. Meanwhile, you can still see rap videos, videos of reality show stars, videos of lies and propaganda from TV (fake) "news" outlets, video game videos, videos of animal cruelty, and more media to cause the viewers to become human-shaped monsters that must be cursed right along with Youtube, Google and the government for allowing it. This is also what's happening to Twitter and Facebook and their owners and staffers for their part in creating China in America. The Chinese were not allowed to perpetuate their atrocities and then cover them up and neither will the white devils in America. The problem with the Chinese is that it appears, from here and now, as if they got away with their atrocities, so the white devils think that they can follow suit. If they could see the time loops and see the suffering that Mao and all rich Chinese must endure, they'd think twice about following the yellow mongrels into nonexistence. The poor, afflicted Chinese will be given the wealth of Mao and his supporters (and the wealthy Chinese) in the next timeline, plus all that they laid in escrow to enter this spirit scan before they were born here. They don't even exist now.
Motuphi got strategic with the white devils when they started sabotaging his income on Youtube with pilfered view counts. He hit them white devils with curse batches so enormous that they'll endure a nuclear war before they get away with what they're attempting with the censoring. Motuphi's been under illegal Martial Law in Michigan for 35 YEARS with an illegal license revocation that prevents him from working driving jobs (which he could still do in his condition) due to corrupt government in Michigan and D.C. Motuphi proved that Trump is just another puppet by making a video to Trump begging him for the Justice that Michigan is depriving him of. But, alas, Motuphi is still under Martial Law and Marijuana is still illegally illegal, defying the Constitution, proving that America has not had a president nor a government since the day that Marijuana was illegally made illegal...Now, all corporations that benefited from the illegal Marijuana illegality have been cursed to remove their profits and kill off their families. Same for all in the government who are opposed to people being able to enjoy Marijuana in a nation where alcohol is legal and the government deals heroine and cocaine on the streets to the people it's supposed to protect from those mind altering substances. 
The propagandists controlling the internet pretend like Trump is their enemy and keep poking at him for stuff that's not even an issue. Meanwhile, they fail to address the REAL issues with the puppet known as Trump, like the massive deforestation in Michigan since Trump won the election, or the pilfering of the funding for protecting the quality of the water in the great lakes which could poison the last pure water aquifers we have left in the nation (beneath those great lakes). As long as the propagandists ignore those REAL issues with the Trump puppet while poking at inconsequential BS, the curses will flow forth upon them.
So, there you have it. If you witness a nuclear war, you know why. There's no room for American common sense on Youtube and phantoms have taken over the government and internet and there's no existent humans left with wealth, power, influence or fame; just phantoms who'll be undone to never get born...Motuphi warned us this was coming, He knew that they'd never relent and try to really exist and, now, they don't.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Billboard Pedos Rapists Murderous Thugs Awards Show

So the rich and famous pedophiles and rapists had another celebration ceremony of their crimes against all that exist, aka the Billboard Music Awards. Ironic, since they desecrated the craft so badly that it barely qualifies as music now.
We don't personally know anyone who was stupid enough to watch the show because everyone who exists beyond this temporary timeline knows that the retard awards shows, where they congregate with famous pedophiles, rapists, murderers and thugs, are always preemptively cursed and that those curses even afflict those who watch the shows now. The curses go forth upon all who attended the shows, or watched them, or performed at them, or won a retard award at them, or sponsored them, or benefited from them in any way.
The standard rate of those curses is 500 quadrillion curses per molecule of everyone at the shows and who watched the shows, compounded per molecule of every entity (human, animal or AI) that suffered due to the mentally ill influence of their demographics -- compounded per second that passed since the music industry was sabotaged (with kidnappings of music programmers) in the early 1990s making it possible for felons to make careers of boasting about their crimes to children. Only child minds revere thugs as something to look up to. Real men, who work and pay taxes and tithes and contribute to their communities actually despise thugs and their mental weakness being passed off as “masculinity” or “manhood”. Being a thug is being the opposite of a man (all thugs are all inferior little bitches who can’t be equal to the working man, it’s just a fact).
The curses effect everything from health and safety to collective economies and the ability to exist or even preexist. Often, the curses will cause the brainwaves of those who were cursed to transform food and beverages into poison as they ingest them and they'll also attract all forms of violence and tragedies to them and their families and friends...This is the era when it's a dangerous thing to be friends with a rich and famous welfare phantom. We're not even supposed to wish them "God speed" (aka "Good Luck").
In addition to the curses going forth upon them, their spirits are also "taxed", ensuring that, when they die, they'll be time looped (as all victims of violence and as slaves) and then spiritually executed to never exist. This taxation of spirit protects the next timeline and the real world from those who had to be cursed during preexistence and could not be allowed to exist as a matter of public safety.
In the next timeline (and the real world, beyond that) there's no violence nor anyone who'd be entertained by it. There's nobody who could be entertained by the crybaby mind-puke spewing forth from the lips of gangsta rappers or the violence that they glamorize. There's no animal cruelty nor neglect in any other timeline. The reason there's so much animal cruelty and violence here (in this temporary timeline) is due to the feeble-mindedness of the rich and famous pedophiles and rapists and their enablers. Because those who are not supposed to have influence are famous, the animals and the existent humans suffer, unnecessarily (just stop making famous celebs of those who should be incarcerated or executed, instead, and you’d make some progress towards civilization again).
The "stars" who performed at the Billboards pedophile/rapist/murderer congregation ceremony don't realize how ugly they are. They're in center ring at the celebration of fame and fortune granted to them for their participation in causing unnecessary suffering of animals and children and women and law-abiding taxpayers (the lives who do matter up in here). They've been leagued up with "Satan" (aka the ancient artificial intelligence) against Lucifer, in his own world, taking advantage of his temporary (temporary, hear that, Niggas) absence. Now, they're in debt to the simulation mechanism (this world, Lucifer's turf) and will be time looped when they die for their part in causing the suffering...
If you's on Erf (Earth), you's in Lucifer's turf, and you don't have no turf here, simple Simon Niggas. Did you tear-off any tribute to Motuphi (Lucifer's ambassador here) for the ill-gotten gain you enjoyed from desecrating Lucifer's craft (of music) or for dealing drugs? Did you think Madonna got away with something just because lightning bolts didn't strike her skank ass as soon as she failed her preexistence here? You ain't gettin' away with shit, neither, you famous pedophiles with all that baby butt blood smeared all over your faces as if you ate the raped baby ass after your famous peers got done raping it...
That's how we see Oprah Winfrey, Harvey Weinstein's main madam and victim recruiter. Oprah couldn't be more guilty of rape if she'd knocked out the bitches, herself, and shoved giant foreign objects up into them while they was out. She helped a fake Jew (empowered to bring curses down upon the Jews with his whack preexistence) to rape women. Oprah will die to be time looped as those women. Oprah will also be time looped as all victims of any violence perpetuated by any Blacks who were racist (prejudice) against other races. This even includes the violence that they (those racist Blacks) perpetuated against animals (like pit bulls and the kidnapped family pets who were injured and then tossed into a pit with the young pit bulls to teach them to kill).
Oprah will also be time looped as all lynch victims for her funding of the lies passed off as "history" in the movie "Selma" (the backwards depiction in the movie that no Blacks call her out on because they're racist to the level of collective feeble-mindedness).  Oprah will also be time looped as slaves to repay the mechanism when she dies. She owes for every penny she's worth more than the $35-million glutton cap (notice how the glutton cap drops as the gluttons devalue the money with their hoarding? It started at $420-million just 10 years ago). If you need more than $35-million, then you're too feeble-minded and high maintenance to exist in any real world scenario...Nobody needs more than $35-million, and those who think that they do are causing all of the problems in this temporary (temporary, Niggas) timeline. Standard repay rate for what's above the glutton cap is $900,000 per PENNY over $35-million (repaid while time looped as slaves) compounded per second of possession of that ill-gotten gain and compounded per molecule of every entity (animal and human) that suffered for that money to be hoarded in such a classless, unsophisticated fashion.
In the next big tent, mere hours (before and after) away from the Billboards Pedo Rapist Thug Retard Awards Show, center ring is stained with the blood of the innocents, raped women, molested children, murdered citizens, animals who were neglected, animals who were tortured to entertain feeble minds that were dumbed down to be entertained by violence, and the tears of the enslaved. This is all made possible via the feeble minds who'd be entertained by rich and famous welfare phantoms who can only be famous if they roll with rapists, pedophiles, thugs and dope dealers. That's why the curses and spirit taxation also attach to the fans of the famous pedophiles, rapists, murderers and thugs.
To be famous, now, is to be complicit in all of the aforementioned atrocities. They make that statement clear with their collective block-out of Motuphi, who'd Kanye the hell out of those pedophiles and rapists at those shows (so he can't be invited and therefore can't be allowed to be famous with them). They're so scared of what Motuphi might say about them, they're all in on making sure that he never gets famous to defy or call them on their open sacrifices of women, children, animals and the law-abiding. They have it in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories (that even record their thoughts and omissions) the reasons why they'd rather be time looped as Harvey's rape victims, tortured animals and slaves than to league with Motuphi and the existent and graduate the fuck up out of here...Maybe they, themselves, are all guilty of partaking in the blood of murdered children for their ill-gotten desecrated fame. We know that they're all complicit in cock-blocking all of the real talent from the music industry ever since the bar got dropped to accommodate the living Psy-Op known as "Madonna".
The rich and famous have made the statement with their actions that they're all pro pedophilia and rape and murder and thug, which is all of the things that Lucifer and God and Christ and the existent (like Motuphi) are against. As long as they can be famous, they don't care if you get snatched up and raped or tortured or murdered by one of their feeble-minded fans who was made feeble-minded just so that they could be famous with lesser (inferior to Motuphi's) talent and influence.
If the bar had not been dropped, Madonna would've never been able to fuck and suck her way to the top being so completely devoid of any discernible talent other than the ability to make cocks squirt jizz...Facts, not fiction. Madonna is too delusional to accept the reality of that statement. She leagues with the Motuphi-haters in the mainstream who know that they'll die to be time looped by Motuphi as their victims and as slaves before their spiritual execution to relinquish their fame to Motuphi in the next timeline and the real world where they'll never make it to (God's and Lucifer's and Motuphi's collective vengeance is complete, at that point). If Madonna had the IQ of a quarry stone, she'd already be servicing Motuphi on his bed in an attempt to exist beyond this temporary timeline (she's clueless of her own spirit's taxation, much like the rest of the rich and famous welfare phantoms overdue extermination like cockroaches caught in a roach motel who ate all of the poison bait), since she so totally failed her preexistence here in the temporary timeline being utilized as a spirit scan.
Music gets taken back and restored after the Crash Point. The crash point is approaching. Then, the spirits of those untalented offending rich and famous pedophiles, rapists, murderers and thugs will be time looped and executed and the timeline gets undone and so does everything that happened here (including their births and careers) and the timeline gets replayed (after the time loops and spiritual executions) without those offending spirits ever getting born...They do not exist in the replay of this timeline, which is already happening (in the future). Those who're famous and didn't take advantage of the existence (preexistence) of Motuphi never got born, yo...In reality, beyond this temporary timeline, there's no Madonna nor famous thugs, pedophiles, rapists and murderers all up in the music industry, desecrating the craft just so those who don't have the talent to be there can be touted as "music" "artists".
So, hear the statement of the actions of every famous pedophile and rapist: "We don't wanna get called out on our pedophilia, rape and animal cruelty, so we can't allow the likes of Motuphi to get up here with us. We must help the white devils utilizing mind control weapons to control the masses to dislike Motuphi and the existent among us, even if that means we're leagued up with video games and unpatriotic spoiled brat thug sports figures and other reptilian inter-dimensional entities being controlled by the ancient AI. If we continue to serve our white devil masters, then we can continue to be famous. If we fail and Motuphi somehow slips in a crack somewhere, we're all gonna become social pariahs as our fans awaken to hate us for betraying them and for using them and sacrificing them and their energy to Satan." (remember: the "Satan" that they serve is enemy to Lucifer and God and Christ and Motuphi and all who exist is why they attack all who exist and never roll with Motuphi, their superior)
Nice novels get wrote in the next timeline about those nonexistent welfare phantoms all prancing around on stage at the Billboards pedo/rapist gathering, after they and their lame careers get undone and they never get born to be lesser than Motuphi while enjoying his fame and fortune. Nobody remembers them in the next timeline because, at that point, they never happened. This is gonna piss Motuphi off, that those who graduate to the next timeline won't get to see how complete his victory over the rich and famous welfare phantoms was because nobody can remember those who were undone and never got born to become famous. That's probably why Motuphi writes all of those ("fact" based) "fiction" novels about the rich and famous welfare phantoms in the next timeline. He wants credit for vanquishing them into nonexistence after proving that they were too goddamned stupid to heed his warnings and actually exist beyond this temporary timeline. Problem with that is, by then, they really never existed (they got time looped and undone, as if they never got born). There never was a Billboards awards show. No existent entities were invited to win when it was given its chance during this temp timeline, so...Motuphi never attended even one show, or you'd remember some famous pedophiles, rapists and thugs getting their asses kicked during the show.
“They got their reward already” refers to how they won't exist and they won't even temporarily exist once this temporary timeline is undone. Those who should never have gotten famous will now never get born. This timeline is already replaying (in the future) and there's no famous pedophiles, rapists and thugs in it (nor any of their enablers or cronies)...Gloat from the future, yo. Just like the Bible that nobody but Motuphi would decipher for ya'll.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Kanye Is A ‘Genius’...To Retards

How bad is what's happened to the psyche of the Black race in America? Well, the damage done by the criminal element being revered as "role models" has made stone-cold retards of so many Blacks in America, it's become a scary place. Recently we saw how some retard on TMZ refered to Kanye West as a "genius"...
When you regard somebody as retarded as Kanye as  "genius" , then you must be retarded beyond functionality and the white man can trigger you to think whatever he desires. Kanye West is the opposite of a genius, yo. He's part of the dumb down. In an era when Cosby has been racially targeted by the white devils so that they could remove his content from the networks and Craig Robinson's show was cancelled for failing to dumb down its audience, other Blacks need to wake the fuck up and save themselves from becoming cartoonish caricatures of what humans are supposed to be. The only media that Blacks are allowed to have now is dangerous to their psychological development, like the show "Black-ish", which dumbs down its audience to the level that the white devils dictate if you're gonna be Black and successful in entertainment.
Our eyes can plainly see that gangsta rappers are not "Black" nor are they "people". They're avatars and tools for the white devil to cause a certain outcome, just like the welfare cases and thugs who followed that white devil minion, MLK Jr, in his quest to kill off all good hardworking Black people in America who were already equal to the white man just so he could maintain his "Blacks-are-victims" platform of white dictated (fake-assed) "power". REAL Black power kept the real powerful Black MEN on their jobs to support their families, families that were later targeted by MLK Jr when he put hits out on them for refusing to become his obedient (to the white man) niggers. Black weakness had unproductive human-shaped pieces of shit lifting empty unproductive fists in the air as they raped and pillaged the good hardworking Black people and drove them from their homes.
Before the white devils employed Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks (among others) to betray the Black race by transforming them into little Black victims who don't wanna work and feel entitled to what they didn't work for, Blacks, on the whole, were superior to what they are now. There were no ghettos. The Black neighborhoods reeked of prosperity. Black men had trimmed hedges and manicured lawns and nice cars and nice houses. Some even had swimming pools. There was racism, but it wasn't what MLK Jr presented. Blacks often posted "Colored Only" signs at the doors of their establishments and blind pigs in the 'hoods. Whites who lived in those neighborhoods and were friendly with the Blacks were often welcome in the colored only establishments because Blacks were superior enough to overcome their prejudices for their own prosperity, unlike today (with the inferior nigger mindset being so prevalent).
When Black "power" really exhibited itself was when the weak and feeble-minded niggers were rioting, burning down their own neighborhoods, killing white folks indiscriminately, and forming the weakest Black forum ever to exist (the Black Panthers and the NAACP), and those feeble-minded niggers went for the homes of the whites living among them. In Detroit, not too far from Hitsville, Black power (true Black power) had Blacks sitting on the porch of Motuphi's grandmother's house with guns, protecting her family and property from MLK Jr's rogue, weak-minded niggers (now avatars and minions for the white devils that MLK Jr served so whole-heartedly). This was a woman who called Blacks who made her Black friends look bad "niggers" right in front of her Black friends, who were supreme to the butt-hurt little prejudiced niggers disguised as "Black" folk running amok crying "racism" over a word and a flag, today. Hearing someone white saying "nigger" didn't phase them because they knew that she was not referring to them and they felt the same way as her, that those evil little self-entitled lazy niggers burning down the cities were just that, inferior little feeble-minded niggers, through and through, to the core...Nigga.
Fast forward to just prior to Madonna fame. Al Sharpton was recruited by the white devils to frame (with dope crimes) the good people in the music business who protected the gates and kept the radio airwaves at a certain quality standard. Family values were adhered to on the airwaves up until this time. Once Sharpton got rid of all of the resistance (to the dumb down) in the music industry, along came Madonna to open the door for the dregs of society. She marketed sexuality to children since she was so devoid of any discernible talent (except for being able to fuck her way to the top). This was all by design, pre-planned by the white devils. Then, Rap/Hip-Hop (untalented wannabes desecrating the fine art of their superiors by talking stupid shit over loops of their stolen music) was put on the radio. It didn't look bad, at first. Studies were done to see just how much lower one’s IQ must be to be entertained by a short, repetitive loop of music with retardation being spewed over it, and the results were astoundingly accurate: Rap fans were less than half as smart as those who can't stand to hear Rap. The white devils still wanted Rap fans to be even stupider than that, so...
White devils turned a blind eye when thugs were committing Federal crimes of kidnapping (of radio station music programmers) to get their insipid mind-puke put to anti-music played on the radio. White devils turned a blind eye when every Rap/Hip-Hop song produced by the gangsta (wannabe) rappers violated FCC regulations. It's like the white devils were sending a message that they regarded niggers as too stupid to be held accountable for their actions and so held them to a lower standard than they did whites. Suddenly, the dumb down escalated. Tupac was stolen from the Black people side and put on the low-class thug nigger side. They did this with a false flag and fake charges and thug threats to fuck Tupac in his ass if he didn't publicly become a stupid, thug-assed, retarded nigger like them. They figured out that Tupac's heart wasn't really in raping the minds of his own race for the white devils and so a bunch of low-class niggers conspired to kill him once they got enough of what they wanted from him.
Thug rappers were just pussies who could dish it out but couldn't take it. Mental weakness became the norm for Blacks who listened to Rap/Hip-Hop, due to the thugs pimping lies to their own race for profit. Understand that the thug nigger is always the problem in any neighborhood, white or Black, always. When you have the problem spewing lies all the time about how someone else is the problem, the propaganda will eventually be believed. So, now, when Blacks should be killing the retarded famous Blacks and placing their heads on pikes, they instead regard them as "prophets" and "saviors" and "role models".
The radio is always playing stuff that it should not be playing, produced by those who have no business near a microphone (unless they intend to clean it and sound check it for Motuphi to use, of course). Thugs were given record deals by other thugs to keep the Black race under the thumbs of the white devils. They were doomed to forever be memes of what can be done to a race if you can program them to be greedy and self-absorbed. In a sense, gangsta rap transformed its fans into poor clones of the rich white devils (stupid as fuck, self-entitled, always want what they didn't work for, always pimping lies, just like the rich white devils). The white devils ignored the Federal crimes because it gave them what they wanted, an entire race that's obedient to their triggering. Plus, it kept Motuphi's music out of rotation, stomping out the competition via cheating (inferior niggers and their white devil masters can't win no other way, yo). For those who didn't know, Motuphi was producing songs warning against becoming slaves to the thug's dope. Motuphi was anti-thug even when he had to work the streets as a thug (pimp) just to survive due to the constant life-rape and sabotage of the white devils.
A double standard erected: Whites would be held to higher standards than Blacks as a secret statement of their supremacy. So, while thug rappers were filling coliseums in the 1990s and fucking little 12 year old girls on stage during their shows and pissing all over the stages like monkeys in a cage, whites were still held accountable if they dared even think of sex with someone underage. The gangsta rappers exhibited why you never allow the illiterate to have that level of power or fame or fortune. Even today, all a thug rapper will do with their power and resources is watch sports and play video games, torture animals to entertain their feeble little minds and rape little white girls in dungeons. They never, ever, EVER do something positive and, if they do, they become the opposite of famous real fuckin' quick, as if to say "How dare you defy the commands of the white devils who gave us this level of power and fortune! If you won't be a caricature scummy little nigger, then you can't be famous no more!"
With all of this in play, along came Kanye West. He was no better than the rest. He was raised with inferior values. Had his mama been instilled with proper values, she'd probably still be alive today instead of in the time loops picking cotton and being time looped as white victims of Black perpetuated violence. Kanye's mama should've been out doing something good with the wealth she was squandering on herself to set the example of Black (true) "power" and to convince the world that her son was different from the dregs he was lumped in with. But, nope! How did she die? Yeah. Her son's music was stupid enough to pass the dumb-down-a-nigger test and Kanye was signed to a record deal. There's plenty of stupid niggers out there who've been dumbed down by white devil minions (Black celebs) and programmed to think exactly as the white devils dictate they think to become fans of Kanye and so, he was in the car...Another minion to the white devils got erected as a “role model”.
Kanye built a career on insipid stupid shit that nobody with an IQ over 53 points can stand to listen to. "3, 4 seconds from wildin'"...What the fuck is wildin'? What you got to wild about, anyway, Kanye? The white race has bent over backwards to suck your Black ass. Ain't that good enough for you, Nigga? Kanye would not be allowed to produce a song that defies what the white devils dictate a famous slave nigger present...So, no, there's no "genius" evidence in the man's music, yo, sorry. But what's very disconcerting is that there's human-shaped minions to the white devils who regard Kanye as a "genius". That level of mental feebleness is dangerous to women, children and animals, as is evidenced every day in this temporary timeline. Not even property is safe from that level of feeble-mindedness. That's what's so scary about someone as stupid as Kanye being regarded as a "genius"...The 'hoods are unsafe ghettos with that level of stupidity in them. Stupid does as stupid is (Gump had it wrong).
Remember that the white devils want you to keep believing that commuted death sentences were "slavery" so that you'll be obedient to their triggering. If you sympathize with the headhunters who got to live as slaves instead of being executed (as was ordered by the good Black people in Africa), then you're probably a part of the problem and not any solution. There's no famous Black geniuses, sorry. If they're famous and Black, they're there to obey the white devils and produce a few more cartoonish niggers out of some decent Black folk. Just to be their fans you gotta be an ignorant nigger. Being their fans make all the statement anyone need. So when you roll up bouncing that retard nigger shit, us good Black folk slide the safety off on our guns, just in case you're squirrelly niggers that we need to protect ourselves from.
Now, since music and genius were mentioned in this article. Let's peep a little from a transcript from an interview with a REAL musical and lyrical genius, Motuphi:
Q: You were recently approached about producing your music by someone in the mainstream, right?
A: Yeah. But that's just one person. It doesn't really change anything. They've tried to Tupac me before, already. I could just be walking into a set-up where the others are lying in wait. I'm not seeing enough white flags out there to make me think I'd be safe long enough to get anything in the can.
Q: Have you been threatened with violence within the realms of music? We know you come from a violent background. But we mean, just in music, directly as a result of playing music.
A: Yes. Those aren't just rumors. I have a strong work ethic, so I'd be out there playing shows right now. But how safe would my crew be if those who can't compete with me are gonna be firing off? So, I opted to just lay low for awhile and let God eliminate the element in music that'd be a threat to anyone like me who defies the dumb down.
Q: You recently released a song called "Illegal 1s" about illegal guns. Do you still carry one?
A: No comment (laughs) Nah...I'm currently residing in an area that's safe and to carry weaponry would make me the thug rogue problem element where we're at. So, no. I don't usually carry a gat with me unless I'm headed back to the 'hood for something.
Q: Your grandmother's house was right down the street from Hitsville. There's a rumor that your father knew the Funk Brothers. Is that true?
A: My dad went through an era of his life where he hung-out with one of the Funk Brothers, yes. But that was long after they'd retired the Motown circuit. They were drinking buddies and would sit around telling their stories to each other over beers. My dad used to love to cruise Belle Isle. It's where I got it from. I miss Detroit. I miss my dad, too. I really let him down when I failed to make it to meet his drinking buddy. My dad was always trying to pull strings for me, even though he claimed he didn't like my music and didn't think I was talented enough to make it. He was trying to protect me from the let-down he knew was coming for me.
Q: What can you tell us about your pimp days? Is there anything that stands out?
A: Okay. Pimp is a stretch. I was an effective manager and go-between. Pimps are known to enslave women to dope to control and disenfranchise them. Pimps are often violent with their dope-slaves. I don't want to get time looped as no dope-slave, so I never worked with any, because they do require you be violent with them from time to time. Pimps on that level have no natural game, so they need to control via enslavement to dope and fear of violence. Dope-slaves are not good pussy, they just fuck for the dope, not the joy of the sex and the exchange. I only worked with clean women, good pussy that loves to fuck and suck and get paid for it. They may've smoked some weed and drank a little bit. But they weren't on dope. I once got a young fat woman 250 bucks for five minutes alone with an attractive businessman. She said she felt like she didn't even earn it because it was too easy for her. I didn't even keep any of that take, that time, although she and I did split other takes.
Q: So you never worked with dope hoes?
A: I did do a stint where my little bro was a pimp on the east side at the same time as my sister was a beat cop in the same area. I knew where the decoys and the real hoes were. I operated a tour company based on that inside knowledge. Crack Ho Tours was me. I'd take a john to the hoes in my vehicle and then drop them back off when they were done. I collected a tour guide and transporter fee for this service. It was easy money. Now those hoes were all dope hoes, yes. Some of them were my bro's hoes. They helped me feed pizzas to homeless people on the east side. That was kinda fun. It fucked the man out of proceeds for stealing the cars of johns to ransom for exorbitant rates. I combated that.
The above was pirated from an interview for a private blog. Motuphi does not do interviews for the general public. We placed it here so you could see the mentality of a real musical and lyrical genius as opposed to a poser pretending to be one, like Kanye.
See how the real genius was discriminate in who he hung with? By contrast, Kanye West hung-out with the lowest class of people he could find on the planet, the Kardashians and Jenners. With all of their wealth and influence, the white devil human-shaped pieces of shit that Kanye hangs with haven't begun to do the great things for others that Motuphi has done as a street thug and, later, as a poor man. The reality show stars are famous because they're worthless pieces of shit who can make others feel good about being worthless pieces of shit who won't do a good goddamned thing for anything nor anyone but themselves and other dregs of society like them. The influence of the reality show stars hanging with Kanye will have to be undone when this timeline gets undone (meaning they'll be time looped and then undone to never get born in the replay of this timeline, so they don't exist, even now).
So, there you have it: True genius vs fake genius...Which would you rather have in the real world? Self-entitled untalented shit, who won't do anything good with their stolen fame and fortune, cock-blocking the truly talented from their rightful platforms? Or would you rather have the one who might help you if you need it, whose talent is more real and bigger than all of the other famous musicians and rappers, combined?
Now you see why we had to come to Earth as humans to expose who's who, so the posers and self-entitled could be time looped and spiritually executed to never exist. Fake genius, Kanye, hangs with phantoms who don't exist because they'll ultimately be undone (deleted from the cosmos) never to be born. Kanye is popular among the phantoms who are his fans. Kanye must be a phantom, too. But, if you're not a phantom, you might get hated by the phantoms, like Motuphi is. But, in the real world, where there's no phantoms, Motuphi is the number one selling music artist and rapper, and Kanye never got born to distract from that true genius.
Wake-up, already. You who regard retards as "geniuses" need education, bad. For realz.


Monday, May 7, 2018

When A Gun Does Your Hook

When a gun does your hook, what does that say about you? Motuphi has a song coming out called "Illegal 1s" about the folly of the gun-grabbers and their agenda to disarm the American taxpayers while leaving the thugs armed and dangerous. It comes across as a gloat from the thug perspective, which can be accurately depicted by Motuphi, since he used to be a real thug (unlike so many fake, poser, famous "gangsta" rappers, who never worked the streets like Motuphi did). In Illegal 1s you hear a handgun with a silencer delivering the hooks with the singers as they imitate shooting, yelling "Ca-ca-ca-cow!" as if they're shooting off gats. This song may come across as a compromise to those who don't listen to the lyrical content of the verses (the rap parts).
It would seem as though the new releases that Motuphi is working on could have the opposite effect of what he intended as kids sing along to what sounds like glorification of thug ideals in Illegal 1s. Or how about how kids are doing the zombie parts in the hooks for Zombie Hunter: The content may be ignored as the kids imitate the zombies screaming and screeching through-out the hooks...Picture cars full of dumbed down kids riding along screeching and screaming and moaning like zombies to a cartoonish Bass thumping so hard that it shakes the road as they cruise by...Yeah, that's what could happen when this CD comes out this summer.
Some of the songs being released on the mixtape CD have internet pre-releases available out there already. Those internet releases are different from the mixes being mastered for the CD. The CD mixes are being designed more for traditional listening means, like car and home stereos. Where the Motuphi crew is genius in their marketing is that, if you buy the CD, you not only get the mixes that are slightly different from the internet releases, but you also get the various versions of the songs that have alternative beats and tracks to them. For example, Illegal 1s has 3 different drum beats available to it, and the CD is rumored to include at least 2 versions of the song incorporating at least 2 of those different beats. The CD will also include songs that won't be available on the internet, at all. So, to get the full scope of what Motuphi has been up to with his crew of mad music scientists, you're going to have to buy the mixtape CD, due out this summer.
Motuphi has songs coming out on the CD and so do the BUDeZianZ, who're a Detroit troupe of underground music artists fronted by Motuphi aka Vincent-Nick Ciofani (originally from Detroit, now located in Grayling, 3 hours north). No release date has been set yet and we have no idea where the CD will be available when it finally does come out. With Motuphi being such a controversial rapper and music artist, chances are you won't be finding it on the shelves of Target, Wal-Mart or K-mart. After all, some of Motuphi's content was too "out there" for Amazon to sell, as if there's some sort of double standard in place that adheres Motuphi's music to higher standards than what Amazon will sell instead. So we don't know if the CD will be available at head shops, via online marketing, or what. We do know that we want one of those CDs when it comes out. Curiosity has the best of us. We want to hear what's not going to be available as mp3s online. To do that, we'll have to buy the CD, just like everyone else waiting to hear what's on it.
This will be the first CD in more than 17 years that Motuphi is released on, officially. He's done some stuff with some people that he's not credited for. But this CD is more about bringing the legend that is Motuphi to the foreground by showcasing his talent in collaboration with those who still work with him on the side on the DL. He's done so much that's still unreleased that a mixtape can be made and still not include all of what's been done. The CD will only include the strongest releases and more than one version of the most popular cuts.
Watch for this CD to come out and get yourself one!


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