Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Lamar Proves Rap Is Hate Speech Molesting White Girl Over ‘Nigga’

You know that the new way to molest white people is for inferior little welfare phantoms like Kendrick Lamar  to set them up for what he set that little white girl up for at his "show". Back when gangsta rap first got put on the radio via kidnappings of music programmers (early 1990s), "rappers" used to fuck little 12 and 13 year old white girls who attended their concerts right on stage, often pissing on them and making them drink their piss. Nobody said shit because they were viewed as too “monkey minded” to be expected to adhere to the same standards as any white dudes in that same situation (who would’ve been incarcerated for pedophilia and their CDs would’ve been burned in the streets...IF they’d been white...and therefore expected to be civilized and what a MAN should be when you look at him). Gangsta Rap assaulted Black family values for their white devil masters, lowering the bar of expectation of what a man should be. What the white devils started with their bought nigger slaves in the 1950s had finally come to fruition.
Kendrick Lamar's mama didn't posses that basic human quality to instill into her son to motivate shame for how he acted. What Lamar did is what all Blacks who are racist and spew "nigga" from their snarly lips do every time they say the word "nigga", he sucked the white man's cock and committed himself to more time loops picking cotton and being sex slaves when he dies. The standard rate for being Black and saying "nigga" (or "cracka") is pick a bale of cotton and be time looped sucking the white man's dicks from within little white (and Asian) girls for a quadrillion millennia (per molecule of everyone who heard you say it). Now, if you know that that's the standard rate and you still say "nigga", then you must want to suck that white cock and pick bales of cotton, right? Yeah, Kendrick's mama was just a ghetto-fabulous nigger whore who'll be time looped with Kendrick as all victims of Black perpetuated violence (which includes MILLIONS of animals) when she dies, stupid nigger bitch, spawning her illiterate nigger caricature who can't string 2 paragraphs together without racial epithets. Can't wait to see that nigger cunt get time looped, yo. She made good Black people look bad, like every other self-entitled nigger does.
Well, let that be a lesson to white people. Rap/Hip-Hop is Hate Speech. Even those who write it admit it! Just ask Kendrick Lamar and Ice Cube. They’ll tell you!
Now, Kendrick exhibited what so many unsuspecting white girls have endured at the hands of racist niggers, being taken somewhere to be gang-banged or beat-down by gangs of niggers for the horrible sin of being white...
While educated Black people LOVE them for it, feeble-minded niggers hate whites for commuting the death sentences of their headhunter ancestors to life hard labor. That's how bad niggers hate to work: They'd rather die than work and they hate the white man for liberating their ancestors, who were actually grateful for the sentence commutations (unlike their retarded descendants). Kendrick and his demographic of future slaves and lynch victims (they better not EVER die, yo) identify themselves as contaminants that we came to Earth to sift out from among us with their tendency to bite the hands that feed them, namely the whites who liberated their deadbeat ancestors who murdered good hard-working Black people in Africa before being sentenced to death. White devils should've did their jobs back then and just killed those nasty murderous niggers and then we wouldn't have the plague race of inferior feeble-minded self-entitled niggers, like Lamar, to assault our frequency resonance every single day in obedience to their white devil masters...Nigga.
When a racist nigger says "nigga", it's really saying "I love that white cock and want to suck it some more. That's why I'm so controlled by the white man and think how he programmed me and my inferior mama to think." That's what's really being said when ever a racist (prejudiced) Black face spews "nigga"...They know that the meaning got changed when Ice Cube displayed how inferior HIS mama was and why that nigger whore is committed to time loops and spiritual execution to never spawn her illiterate nigger son who named himself after frozen water (dumb shit). If you spawn an ignorant nigger and it grows up to afflict even one other entity (human or animal), then your nigger whore ass is a welfare phantom who does not exist and you WILL be undone to never spawn your ignorant tiny minded nigger AFTER being time looped as all victims of your illiterate nigger monster and all other victims of racism (against all colors)...
Picture being lynched, repeatedly, when you die for the offense of being self-entitled due to someone else's life (yeah, they's stupid as fuck, yo).
Wait 'till Kendrick gets time looped as his little teenage molestation-by-nigger-ambush victim. Wait 'till his nasty vile mama gets time looped as that little white girl who now knows better than to be a fan of feeble-minded niggers who put the word "nigga" (aka "I want more white cock in my mouth”) in their lyrics. Wait 'till every one of Kendrick's cursed little nigger fans gets time looped as her...Yeah. Then those weak-minded niggers gonna SEE themselves for how tiny they really was and how no real world world could be Heaven if their ignorant Black asses was allowed to really exist beyond this temporary timeline.
More curses go forth upon the prejudiced niggers of the Black race (and their white devil masters/owners) every time a nigger says "nigga" or "cracka" or exhibits the racism (being prejudiced) that no Black is allowed to feel no more. If they was REALLY "Black", they'd evolve and control their thoughts so that they can't be triggered to racism against their ancestors' rescuers. They'd protect the Black race from their own inferiority. Motuphi and Lucifer set the parameters like that so you could understand who hates Black people more than any other demographic on the world, which is niggers with Black skin (that's who hates us worse than any white devils ever did, they hide in our color, yo, spewing “nigga” all the time to burn bread on our race).
As an educated Black person, I just want to say (again) that it doesn't bother me to hear someone white saying "nigger" to describe the nasty niggers who make us Black people look bad. It does bother me to hear someone who's supposed to be "Black" use the word "nigga" in an endearing fashion, however, especially if that "nigga" has fame or influence over other Blacks. That’s betrayal of our race, yo, plain and simple.
Kendrick Lamar can't see the problem with his latest molestation of a white child as a "show". Try to picture what happened to that kid after the show. She was probably taken and gang-banged by a group of niggers to "prove" to them that she's "not racist". Or she could even be in a torture dungeon, where feeble-minded niggers who're dumb enough to listen to Rap/Hip-Hop and therefore be entertained by violence are entertaining their feeble little nigger minds by checking in “racial reparations” from her. What's sad is that niggers molested her psyche, publicly, and she'll probably spend the rest of her life with her legs open for inferior nigger cock (not educated hard-working taxpaying tithe-paying Black men, like me) just to prove to the world that she was not racist when she sang with her lame-minded zhero nigger, Kendrick Lamar, the hate speechist.
Motuphi set the example: If you're white, you NEVER let a racist tiny minded nigger who spews "nigga" from his snarly racist lips put you on a stage...NEVER...It’s a set-up, yo. They wanna Tupac your white ass, okay?
Well, the white devil Psy-Op that Rap/Hip-Hop is has done it's damage to the Black race. The average Black doesn't even know that Rap/Hip-Hop was created by WHITE devils who wanted to steal comprehension skills (abilities) from the Black race. Those who listen to Rap/Hip-Hop can no longer appreciate nor comprehend sophisticated compositions of songs that were written before Rap/Hip-Hop destroyed their minds, like the songs played by the Funk Brothers, for example. Now, their minds can only process short little loops of those former compositions accompanied with the most mindless anti-Black mentalities being spewed over the short little repetitive music loops that could even, eventually, drive an ape insane. The white devils didn't want anyone Black to be smart enough to comprehend or write legislation, so they created this tool known as Rap/Hip-Hop where short little loops of music are repeated while an illiterate deadbeat nigger "raps" 3rd grade level mind-puke over the loops. Nobody truly Black who's about Black "Power" would subject another Black person to Rap/Hip-Hop, that’s a nigger thing, yo, and niggers are tools of the white devils who even deal dope to their own people for profit.
Priority one of this temporary timeline is protecting the next timeline and the real world from white devils and their (slaves) tiny minded niggers like those who have a problem with white people singing with their rap zheroes who wrote the word "nigga" into their songs because they can't write good and they wanted to molest the Black minds of their fans for the white devils (their masters) some more. That's why God and Lucifer (who's turf you's in, Niggas) had Motuphi (gang lord and master of all gangstas) enact parameters to this paradigm that attach curses to all tiny minded niggers who dare be racist against the white gods who commuted the death sentences of their headhunter ancestors or touch them or talk bad about them or even think against them. Those curses even tax the spirits of the racist tiny minded niggers to commit them to time loops as everyone and everything that ever suffered at the hands of a racist tiny minded nigger before their spiritual executions to never get born to be used by white devils as tiny minded niggers.
If you’re a racist (prejudiced) tiny minded “nigga” spewing nigger, then you’s a tool of the white devils and owned, outright, by them...That’s who you obey when you say “nigga”, Niggas.
The tiny minded niggers who were triggered to be angry about the white girl singing the word "nigga" with tiny minded nigger-boy, Kendrick Lamar, all had their brainwaves targeted by other timelines for curses to attach to them. Now, when those tiny minded niggers eat or drink anything, their own brainwaves will transform that shit into poison. Their own tiny minded brainwaves will also attract poverty, disease, violence, pestilence and tragedies to them while they're here on Earth failing their preexistence.
So, Ice Cube, Kendrick Lamar and their white fans have proven that all Rap/Hip-Hop that has the word "nigga" in it is Hate Speech to such an extreme degree that it even offends and triggers those who wrote the Hate Speech, themselves...Ice Cube and Kendrick Lamar have such inferior values that they'd actually enter the entertainment arena and taint it with that level of feeble-mindedness...That's how tainted their mamas and their papas and their "role models" (those that they're fans of) were...A race of taint for mentality, that's anyone Black who listens to Rap/Hip-Hop tainted with the word "nigga" that now qualifies it as Hate Speech.
Gotta love Motuphi's mentality: He tweeted how he's not feeble-minded nor controlled by the white devils like Kendrick Lamar, so it's safe to be his fan. He won't try to get you hated for liking his shit. He doesn't write hate speech, so you never hafta worry about no inferior lyrical content in his music. You won't get triggered to get cursed, neither...Kendrick Lamar knows that there's curses out there waiting to attach to anyone Black who says "nigga" or exhibits racist (prejudiced) behavior towards other races and yet his vile nigger ass still sold his own fans into those curses instead of leading them away from the curses to the liberty of freedom. For some more unearned money and unwarranted fame, Kendrick Lamar chained up (himself and) some more of his fans to even more curses reserved for anyone fake "Black" enough to serve the white devils with racism (being prejudiced) against whites.
Kendrick Lamar knows that the thought police are here and they're watching. Kendrick Lamar knows that those thought police show no mercy and will attach spirit taxation and curses upon you for daring to allow the white devils to control your thoughts to think like their controlled little nigger slaves (anyone famous, Black and racist against whites is a slave nigger to the white devils, yo, word). Yet Kendrick still enslaves his fans to the curse parameters for his white devil masters, as commanded.
If you want to get cursed while you're here, be a fan of an ignorant illiterate slave to the white devils (any racist famous Black and any rappers who writes "nigga" who has a problem with white people singing it) or act like them. If you want to get cursed AND time looped as all victims of Black perpetuated violence, then touch someone white that you're not willing to die for or cause (influence) some other Black to do so...That's a sure fire way to get time looped as those white victims of Black ignorance and violence before being spiritually executed to never get born to be that fuckin' retarded, yo...for realz....
Kendrick is a bitch, a little white devil dick-chugging bitch. To be racist against whites when you know better is to be the worst bitch who hates Black people the most, even more than any racist white devil ever did.
Kendrick Lamar hates Black people...That's why he won't be Black. He insists upon being a little nigger bitch, instead, as his white devil masters demand of him.


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