Thursday, June 7, 2018

Is Trump Anti-American & Anti-White?

Is Trump anti-American and anti-White? Is that what he's proving with his actions? We see him pretending to fight against the Opioid crisis by making it harder for law-abiding taxpayers to get their medications while leaving the illegal heroine on the streets and failing to back the Constitution regarding the legality of Marijuana, even after it's been proven that Marijuana can cure the Opioid crisis and wean people off of heroine. Blatant puppetry. Meanwhile, the propaganda machine known as the mainstream "news" will distract from this with fake stories of fake "racism" to trigger the feeble-minded to reacting to their fake narrative of distraction.
How about how Trump won't help a white American who paid taxes as a young teen who's been under illegal Martial Law for 35 YEARS via an illegal driver's license revocation, but Trump will run to the aide of some scummy Black dope dealer? Oh, yeah, that’s right. Almost forgot: Trump's part of a dope-dealing government, as we ascertained above already. The people Trump helped are not white and criminals. The person Trump won't acknowledge looks white and was law-abiding, so...The white dude did a video begging Trump for the justice that he can't get from the corrupt treasonous terrorists posing as "government" in Michigan. Kim Kardashian ran to the rescue of the dope dealer, who probably never paid taxes in her life. Nobody speaks for Motuphi in this temporary timeline.
Well, they're in the "be careful what you wish for" stage now. Motuphi was so angry about Trump being anti-white and anti-American that he enacted even more cartoonish curse batches upon Kim Kardashian and Trump and the entire American government and all of Hollywood at a standard rate of 500-quadrillion curses per molecule of the dope dealers, compounded per molecule of the dope they dealt, compounded per second that passed since the dope was dealt. Those curses will effect their fame, fortune, health, safety, agendas, lives, families and collective economies, as well as tax their spirits to protect the next timeline and the real world from them. We see that the curses upon all the rich fucks who think to create self-driving vehicles while Motuphi is not allowed to drive (and upon all immigrants allowed to drive and their governmental enablers while he's not allowed to drive) are knocking the dog-fuck out of those demographics and crushing their agendas into nothingness. There's no safe lawyers or judges as long as Motuphi can't get justice here. It seems lime there'd be someone white in power with an IQ over 13 points so that they'd be able to see that there is a direct connection to their demises and Motuphi's ongoing unnecessary demise (they're as safe as his driver's license is in their hands...not too safe, yo).
For those who think that this is harsh, understand that Motuphi lost his license at 18 years old for offenses that occurred while he was a TEENAGER. He was busted for drinking and driving one too many times within a seven year period and an evil white devil judge used an antiquated illegal white devil law to permanently revoke Motuphi's driver's license. Understand that the offenses were the fault of the treasonous terrorists posing as "government" who allowed alcohol to be legal and available while flexing their terrorist muscles by keeping Marijuana illegally illegal to continue to serve their corporate masters who went into pharmaceuticals and make people ill for profit (Marijuana fights the illnesses and lessons their profits, so they made it illegal so white devils can give you diseases easier).
Now, per molecule touched by the tires of any vehicle driven by artificial intelligence or an illegal immigrant nets curses upon them, their entire demographic (even their little babies). It became unsafe to be rich and white and especially to be white in "government"...It was white devils who subjected Motuphi to illegal Martial Law in Michigan all of this time. So God elevated Motuphi to the position of the only recognizable government and law enforcement in the world (except for maybe Putin) to all other (permanent) timelines. Now, Motuphi is above the law. If they ever cross the line and arrest him again, the same thing will happen as occurred when they illegally arrested him in June of 2001...He warned them from his jail cell that they wouldn't still be laughing in just a few short months, that the other timelines would reciprocate their terrorism that they perpetuated on him by locking him up for child support for kids that weren't even his and depriving him of medication and his special diet while he was locked-up, which negatively effected his health for years afterwards. If you can't properly take care of Motuphi and can’t supply him with 2 grams of high grade medical Marijuana each day, then you may want to refrain from arresting him, unless you like causing international incidents (the entities avenging and backing Motuphi ain’t playing around with those white devils no more, as you can plainly see).
So, Trump had no appreciation for the suffering of Motuphi that caused other timelines to defuse the HRC rigged election to miraculously overthrow her for the offenses of two feeble-minded women who had power over Motuphi's life in 2014 (Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services and "hearing officer" Odrobina of the Livonia Secretary of State proved to be too weak-minded and life-rapey and man-hatey to provide Motuphi with justice after 32 YEARS of illegal Martial Law due to the "government" illegally making Marijuana illegal in the first place, meaning that his offenses were never his own, they were manipulated and orchestrated by the terrorist regime "government" that made Marijuana illegal, illegally, mind you). Other timelines now make no bones about marking those who're anti-Marijuana as treasonous terrorists, because that's what they are. Nobody who's anti-Marijuana has any business in government or in any leadership position or any place else where their weak-minded influence may effect the psyche of others.
So curses flow forth upon them at cartoonish rates and make spectacles of them for the reality show that they've become to other timelines. The government and the Trump-hating Hollywood are the villains who outnumber the hero, Motuphi. They all league against the existent and the other timelines who now smack the dog-fuck out of those pedophiles and rapists who never had no business in music, media, sports, entertainment, news or government. Motuphi reps those of us who'll be in the next timeline. He writes books about those phantoms because they die to get time looped and spiritually executed to never exist. This timeline and all that they did here gets undone and no memory of them ever gets created in any mind or spirit memory...So the "fiction" novels about the undone phantoms are our only reference to the heroism (in this temporary timeline) of Motuphi and the few Elect who rolled with him against the rich and famous welfare phantoms who quantum leaped to steal his fortune and fame...They couldn't win without cheating, see?
The reality you think you see here, where all of the feeble-minded illiterate self-serving retards with no talent are famous, is not reality, yo. It's a manipulated (fake) "reality" where they made the likes of Madonna famous to make thugs famous to strike against all the lives that really matter (the existent, who're hard-working taxpayers, for the most part, not thugs). In the real timeline here, Al Sharpton was never hired by white devils to infiltrate the music business and frame all of the gate-keepers with drug crimes to remove them from the scene. So Madonna never got famous. Thugs never kidnapped music programmers to get their mind-puke put to anti-music put on the radio. Tupac never got turned into a fake little gangsta bitch. He got known for his REAL music, what he did before the thugs threatened to butt-fuck his little Black ass if he didn't do the clown-shoes dance with them in this fake reality. Tupac called up Motuphi and they did lotsa shit together and the psyche of the youth never got destroyed to this level of human-shaped wreckage.
Dre, Snoop, Eminem, Big E Smalls, Diddy, Jay-Z, nor any other gangsta rapper nor any entity empowered by them ever got famous, yo. Their influence never made life harder for taxpayers, women, children and animals because it never got broadcast on any airwaves. White devils helped them to force a fake reality into place where they could be famous without any talent and poison the minds of their fans with their self-absorption, lack of values, lack of morals and illiteracy. The same white devils who hate Motuphi. The same white devils who hate Trump...That’s why Motuphi used Trump-hate as a conduit to smite them and their agendas.
Other timelines are gonna set this shit right, any means necessary...How many rich white devils does it take being undone to get to the center of Utopia? We're finding out....and they're completely oblivious, too. Yet their numbers are dwindling.
Be careful what you wish for...Motuphi gonna make you regret it of you ain't supposed to get it.


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