Friday, June 8, 2018

The Bussing & NFL Kneeler Reciprocity In Real Time

For some, we're already at the "be careful what you wish for" stage, as they're enduring the consequences of getting what they wished for that they never should've wished for.
Those who were responsible for “bussing” (school children) in cities like Detroit (years ago) are being time looped as all victims of that social debacle...Picture families who moved to nice areas of the city to send their kids to a better school only to have their kids "bussed" to a ghetto school where they were victimized, mugged, raped, and even murdered. Yep. Those responsible for it get in those time loops and wish they'd never made those decisions. Then, their spirits get executed to protect the next timeline and the real world from them and they never even get born in THIS timeline...They become nonexistent after they get punished for what they did here during their preexistence.
You think that's cool and so do we. We can top that with the story about the EMT who was called to the scene of an injured NFL kneeler who took advantage of the opportunity to exercise HIS right to peacefully protest on the job (just like the NFL kneeler did on TV). So the EMT knelt to the ground for the amount of time that the National Anthem lasts and then proceeded to provide emergency service to the NFL kneeler, who later died as a result of that peaceful protest...It was a nasty example of what could happen if everyone decided to be as feeble-minded as the NFL players and opted to "peacefully protest" while on the job during critical moments. If we quietly tolerate the wrongs done by the weak-minds with fame and influence, then we're as wrong as they are. The EMT is a hero who started a silent revolution: Whenever presented with the opportunity to provide service to an NFL kneeler or its family, take that moment to kneel in peaceful protest for the length of time that the anthem lasts and give them a nice dose of their own medicine.
Imagine the hold-ups in lines, as service providers peacefully protest while on the job whenever an NFL kneeler is supposed to get service...You'll see how quickly that whack NFL protesting while on the job bullshit can backfire and how quickly NFL kneelers will demean themselves as they demand to not be treated as they treated us...Fuckin' loser pigs. Got millions, yet they wanna desecrate the sporting event with illiterate thug mentalities...We're already letting their thug asses make millions instead of serving their prison sentences...Maybe we should show up at the games and beat their punk little faggot asses for not doing their fuckin' JOBS, yo!
Can't wait for an NFL kneeler or one of their family members to expect service from ME...I'm dropping straight to my knees for 1 minute and 22 seconds, the LONG version of the anthem....THEN I'll do my job for the NFL kneeler or its fucked-up overly pampered family member. But only AFTER my protest has been made on company time...If they have a problem with it, then they're fuckin' racist...
They started it...Now, it's never gonna end.


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