Monday, June 25, 2018

The Problem With RoseAnne’s ‘Racist’ Tweet

The problem with RoseAnne’s “racist” tweet is that it was not racist, at all, which exposed how many lying, dis-informative propaganda machines disguised as “news” agencies we have out there who’d flat-out lie and even change definitions and parameters to favor their one-sided narratives. Then, the propagandists are joined by even more pedophiles who censor those who share voices of reason defying their insane madness.
Those propagandists have been cursed, as well as anyone stupid enough to regard RoseAnne’s “racist” tweet as “racist”…They'll die to be time looped as all victims of real racism and then be spiritually executed to never get born to be used as minions against reality. They violently assaulted the truth and now violence will befall them…Their brainwaves will identify them as contaminants that need to be culled from the cosmos and attract all manner of tragedies and disease and poverty to them now, and those zombie brainwaves will also transform all things that they ingest into poison as they ingest them…
There you go, you nasty little welfare phantoms…You don’t exist, not even now, to spread your propaganda and misinformation. The next timeline and the real world have been protected from you and your retarded inbred mentality.

While on the subject, you should probably be aware that, not only did the curses go forth upon anyone who had a problem with RoseAnee’s tweet, but they also include anyone who has a problem with someone else being racist…Because, when all is said and done, you have the RIGHT to be racist and anyone who says differently is a Nazi trying to control your thoughts.

The propagandists are done controlling the narrative…They need to run and hide now….Bad shit’s coming for them and will happen to them, soon.


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